State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-259043 | All States/Provinces: Health & Attendance Report Names Displaying in html Update | The Health and Attendance report titles and descriptions are updated and will now display correctly. |
PSSR-285020 | CRDC English Learners and Single-Sex Sports Count Fixes | CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.2.1 The total count of single-sex sports reported in ATHL-2 was found to be adding the male count to itself, instead of adding male to female. The determination of a student’s participation in an English Learners program was still using the outdated “English Learner Program” field from the CALPADS English Learners and Immigrant Information page, and an update was desired to reflect the current method of data collection. ATHL-2 now correctly adds the male and female counts to find the total. English Learner program participation is now determined by enrollment in a CALPADS 300-306 program as of count date. |
PSSR-281588 | ELA Status/Program History Page is Blank when Accessed from the English Learners and Immigrant Information Page | Updates are made to ensure the expected values are displayed when navigating to the ELA Status/Program History from the CALPADS English Learners and Immigrant Information page. |
PSSR-281892 | Gains and Losses Audit - the 'End of Day' enrollment numbers are incorrect | Gains and Losses Audit - Version 1.9 The report is updated to consider Legal Gender when determining which gender a student should be counted for. First we will look for Legal Gender, when the legal gender field is either blank or ‘Non Binary(X)’ , then the logic checks the Students.Gender field. If both Legal Gender and Gender field are set to a value of X - Non Binary the student will not be counted for Male of Female in the report results. |
PSSR-284786 | Immunizations - Students showing incorrect compliance status for HepB | The logic for calculating a student’s compliance for HepB is updated to report the correct value in all cases. The compliance rules for all required vaccines are as follows: School entry date on or after 7/1/2019
School entry date before 7/1/2019
PSSR-279297 | Immunizations - Students showing incorrect compliance status for VAR (Chicken Pox) | The logic for calculating a student’s compliance for Varicella (Chicken Pox) is updated to report the correct value in all cases. |
PSSR-279379 | Student Enrollment Status Code Change | The Enrollment Status code of 40 is no longer a valid value and has been disabled in the option list as of 2019-2020 school year. |
PSSR-281728 | The Student Lunch Program Eligibility Page is Blank When Accessed via the Lunch Page | Updates are made to ensure the Lunch Program Eligibility Page displays the expected values when accessed via the student’s Lunch page |
PSSR-278098 | Update Course Code Validations for Course Sections and Student Course Sections Reports | In Course Section or the Student Course Section reports with Bypass Validations set to NO, the following course codes will no longer generate a validation error stating: 'State Course Code is invalid. The value must be a valid state course code'