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Student Discipline Validations

Student Discipline validations verify that data for specific fields used in the Student Discipline extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules. To indicate which of the student's incidents are validated, the validations are associated with an incident number. This information is useful when the student has more than one incident during the report date range.

Error Message



Student Offense Code

Student Offense Code is invalid.

Ensure your setup of behavior codes is accurate per Discipline Incidents Setup. Only state codes should be marked state reportable and the State Report Aggregate and Details Code should match this setup.



Weapon Category Code cannot be [value] if Student Offense Code is [value].

Associate the behavior with a valid weapon codes for the behavior on the on the Edit incident page.

Valid behavior/weapon codes can be found in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document:




[Incident_LU_Code]State_Agregate_RPT_Code = 4.17 (Weapons)


Weapon Category Code

Weapon Category Code is invalid.

Ensure your setup of weapon codes is accurate per Discipline Incidents Setup. Only state codes should be marked state reportable and the State Report Aggregate and Details Code should match this setup.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Agregate_RPT_Code = 4.17 (Weapons)


Action Taken Code

Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code is invalid.

Ensure your setup of action codes is accurate per Discipline Incidents Setup. Only state codes should be marked state reportable and the State Report Aggregate and Details Code should match this setup.



If Disciplinary Action Modification Code is [value], then Incident Disciplinary Action Code must equal 200 (Expulsion).

Edit the Action Code to be a value of (200) Expulsion. If the Action should not be expulsion, blank out the Action Change Code on the action.



Action Authority Code

Action Authority Code is invalid.

Ensure your setup of action authority codes is accurate per Discipline Incidents Setup. Only state codes should be marked state reportable and the State Report Aggregate and Details Code should match this setup.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Agregate_RPT_Code = 4.19


Action Authority Code cannot be blank when the student has a 144 (Special Education) program and the Action Taken is not 300 (No Suspension or Expulsion).

The student has an active 144 program record on the date of the incident. Populate the Action Authority Code on the Action associated to the student’s incident.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Agregate_RPT_Code = 4.19


Action Duration Days

Action Duration Days cannot be blank when the Action Taken is not 300 (No Suspension or Expulsion).

The student has an active 144 program record on the date of the incident. Populate the Actual Duration field on the Action associated to the student’s incident.


If the student has a 144 (Special Education) program, and Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason is populated and not equal to No Interim Removal, then Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days must be less than or equal to 45.

If this field is populated and not equal to "No Removal," and the student has an overlapping 144 program, then Action Duration Days must not be greater than 45.


Instructional Support Indicator

Instructional Support Indicator cannot be blank when the student has a 144 (Special Education) program and the Action Taken is not 300 (No Suspension or Expulsion).

The student has an active 144 program record on the date of the incident. Populate the Instructional Support Indicator on the Action associated to the student’s incident.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 4.21


Student Instructional Support Indicator cannot be blank when Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days is greater than ten.

The Instructional Support Indicator field is required if Incident Disciplinary Action Duration is greater than ten days. Populate the Instructional Support Indicator on the Action assigned to the student's incident.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 4.21


Expulsion Modification Category Code

Expulsion Modification Category cannot be blank when Disciplinary Action is 200 (Expulsion).

Edit the Action Code to be a value of (200) Expulsion. If the Action should not be expulsion, blank out the Action Change Code on the action.


State Report Aggregate Code = 4.20


Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason

If the student has a 144 (Special Education) program, and Student Offense Code is in (100, 103, 105, 200, 400, 401, 500, 503, 505, 600), then Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason is required.

This field is required if the student has an overlapping 144 record and the Student Offense Code is among 100, 103, 105, 200, 400, 401, 500, 503, 505, 600.

If the student has a 144 (Special Education) program, and Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code = 300, then Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason must either not be populated or be equal to No Interim Removal.

This field must either not be populated, or equal to "No Interim Removal" if the student has an overlapping 144 program, and the Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code equals 300.

Gender Code

X is not a valid CALPADS gender code.

Populate the student's Legal Gender with a value of M or F on the student's General Demographics page.


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