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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-236829Cal-PASS Extract - Implement Sub-district Functionality

Report Name: Cal-PASS
Report Version: 1.6
The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for CALPADS submissions. Users who have not enabled sub-districts will see no change to the report behavior or layout.

PSSR-236826Class Size Reduction Report (Delimited) - Implement Subdistrict Functionality

Report name: Class Size Reduction (Delimited)
Report Version: 4.5
The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for CALPADS submissions. Users who have not enabled sub-districts will see no change to the report behavior or layout.

PSSR-236827Class Size Reduction Report (PDF) - Implement Subdistrict Functionality

Report name: Class Size Reduction Report (PDF)
Report Version: 4.5
The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for CALPADS submissions. Users who have not enabled sub-districts will see no change to the report behavior or layout.

PSSR-241638New Hire Forecast (District Info) - Incorrect Spelling for a Subject Area

When navigating to the District Office > District Info > New Hire Forecast > "New Hire Subject Area", the spelling of "Trade and Industial Arts" has been corrected to be: "Trade and Industrial Arts".

PSSR-232656Perkins E-1 Secondary Extract – Implement Sub-district Functionality

Report Name: Perkins E-1 Secondary Extract
Report Version: 1.5
The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality. Users who have not enabled sub-districts will see no change to the report behavior or layout.

PSSR-253770Report Parameter Authorizations Page - Fails to Load

The Report Parameter Authorizations page has been updated and will now load as expected. Navigation: Start Page > System Administrator > Report Parameter Authorizations

PSSR-254812Student Information Records Report (SINF) - Generates Records for the Wrong School when Sub-districts Are Enabled

Student Information Records: Version 5.6

When sub-districts are enabled and the report is run from the school level, the report output included students from all schools assigned to the first sub-district in alphabetical order. This is true even if the selected school did not belong to that sub-district.

The report is fixed so that when run at the school level, the output includes only students enrolled in the selected school during the reporting dates. Furthermore, the "School Group" parameter is updated to display only from the district office, and only when sub-districts are not enabled.

Customers who do not have sub-districts enabled should not see any change to the report's behavior.

PSSR-253235Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal - New Pref to Enable/Disable

A district-level pref is now available to enable the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry in the Public Portal. The pref is disabled by default.

This pref can be found on the following page for all states/provinces.
Path: Start Page> District Info > Miscellaneous.

PSSR-253137Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Public Portal - Security Update

A security update has been made to the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data collection functionality in the public portal and now records can only be seen and modified for the student tied to the guardian that is logged in.

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