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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-226713Attendance Audit Report Fails to Populate Parameters if School Uses Only Daily Attendance

Attendance Audit Report: Version 1.6

Several of the dynamic report parameters used to filter the output (Changed From Attendance Code Values, Changed To Attendance Code Values, Select IP Addresses, and Select Who Modified) failed to populate when the selected school used only daily attendance. If the school used a mix of daily and meeting attendance, the parameters were populated with only those values corresponding to meeting attendance audit records.
The parameters are updated to populate with all values present in the audit table for the selected school, regardless of whether the edited attendance record is meeting or daily.

PSSR-215411Generating Attendance Summary by Grade Report takes a long time

Attendance Summary by Grade Report Version: Version 6.6

The delay in generating the report is resolved. The report is now optimized for better overall performance.

PSSR-226091Immunization Compliance Update for Hep B (7th Grade Students)

The compliance calculations for Hep B are updated to only require two doses of the vaccine for 7th grade students instead of three.

PSSR-223682Monthly Student Attendance Exhibits Poor Runtime Performance

Monthly Student Attendance Report: Version 8.5

Numerous hosted customers were experiencing extremely poor performance when running the Monthly Student Attendance report, which sometimes prevented other reports from running concurrently.
The report is optimized to run successfully in a wider variety of customer environments.

PSSR-219692RepoSchema Update Failure Errors Related to PSSR-213620 & PSSR-205057_1.

Changes are made to prevent RepoSchemaUpdate errors related to PSSR-213620 & PSSR-205057_1.

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