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Entering English Learner and Immigrant Information

Understand the Synching of ELA Records Between Tables

To ensure all ELA records are kept in sync between the S_CA_STU_ELA_C table and the S_CA_STU_X table, the application checks for changes to S_CA_STU_ELA_C table, including changes from an import, at intervals of 120 seconds and then updates the S_CA_STU_X table accordingly.

Only 1000 records are updated per interval; therefore, when running a large import, several minutes will pass before all table values are updated.

English Learners and Immigrant Information


State/Province - CA > English Learners and Immigrant Information

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Primary Language

The first language the student spoke.

This field can be populated on the Update ELA Status/Program History page (see below).

The page displays the student's current Primary Language, even if the record is excluded from CALPADS reporting. If the current record is excluded, a warning appears on the page.

Required for CALPADS


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


SSID Enroll

Stu Info

All Pre-ID


English Language Acquisition Status Code

The student’s current English language acquisition status

This field can be populated on the Update ELA Status/Program History page (see below)

The page displays the student's current ELA status, even if the record is excluded from CALPADS reporting. If the current record is excluded, a warning appears on the page.

Required for CALPADS if the Grade Level Code is not AD.


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


Stu EL Acq






Perkins E-1

Current ELA Status Start Date

The start date for the current English language acquisition status.

The page displays the current ELA status start date even if the record is excluded from CALPADS reporting. If the current record is excluded, a warning appears on the page.

This field can be populated on the Update ELA Status/Program History page (see below).

Required for CALPADS if English Language Acquisition Status State Code is EL, RFEP, IFEP, or TBD (anything other than EO).


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


Stu EL Acq




Perkins E-1

EL Date Enrolled

Enter the date the student enrolled.

This field may be left blank.



RFEP Date Reclassified

Enter the Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) start date.



Proficient or Advanced for ELA Code

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu.

Choosing Yes indicates that the student is reclassified or is fluent English proficient and scored proficient or advanced for three years, cumulative on the English language arts standard test.

Required for CALPADS if the English Language Acquisition Status Code is RFEP (Reclassified Fluent English Proficient).



English Learner Program

Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu.

Valid Values:

  • Primary language instruction and ELD instruction and/or SDAIE instruction

  • ELD instruction only

  • SDAIE instruction only

  • ELD instruction and SDAIE instruction but not primary language instruction

  • Other EL instructional services

  • None (EL only)


All Pre-ID


English Learner in US Schools Less than 12 Mos.

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.



Initial US School Enrollment Date

Enter the initial US school enrollment date.

Enter the date on which the student first enrolled in grade level K through 12 in a public, private, or home school in the U.S. or Puerto Rico. This field is not required for students in grade levels PS, TD, and IN.

This field can also be populated on the CALPADS Student Information page.

Required for CALPADS if the Student Birth Country Code is not equal to U.S., Puerto Rico, or Washington, D.C., or if the student’s English Language Acquisition Status is EL.


Stu Info

All Pre-ID

Enrolled in US School less than Three Cumulative Years

Select the checkbox if the student has been enrolled in a US school for less than three consecutive years.

If the checkbox is selected, it is stored as a 1.

This field can also be populated on the CALPADS Student Information page.


Stu Info

English Language Program Eligibility History


Student Selection > State/Province - CA > Update ELA Status/Program History

or Student Selection > State/Province - CA > English Learners and Immigrant Information > Update ELA Status/Program History link

Data Element



Used in these Reports

School of Attendance

Choose the student's school of attendance.


Stu Program

Education Program Code

Choose the student’s education program code.

Valid values:

  • 300 LIP - Developmental Bilingual Program

  • 301 LIP - Dual-Language Immersion Program

  • 302 LIP - Heritage or Indigenous Language

  • 303 LIP - Newcomer Program (Various Models)

  • 304 LIP - One-Way Immersion Program

  • 305 LIP - Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models

  • 306 LIP - Transitional Bilingual Program


Stu Program

Education Program Membership Code

Choose the student’s program membership code.

Valid values:

  • (1) Eligible

  • (3) Participating

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramMembershipCode

Stu Program

Education Program Membership Start Date

Enter the date the student started the program membership.


Stu Program

Education Program Membership End Date

Enter the date the student completed the program membership.


Stu Program


Enter up to 500 characters regarding the student’s English language program membership.


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