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Entering Student and Guardian Information


Adding detailed student information involves entering information such as enrollment and birth location information, the student's race/ethnicity and ELA status, and detailed guardian information.

Student Information


Student Selection > State/Province - CA > Student Information

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Statewide Student Identifier (SSID)

Enter the SSID provided by the State of California for each student.

This number is the unique identifier assigned to the student by the first California district in which the student enrolled. This number follows the student to each school throughout their K-12 career.

Importing: SSIDs received from the CDE can be entered manually on the CALPADS Student Information page, or imported into PowerSchool using the Quick Import function. See Knowledgebase article 10038 on PowerSource for instructions on importing state student numbers into PowerSchool.

Note: After the SSID has been entered and saved, the field is read-only. For information on how to change the SSID, see Help > System Help > Student Field Value.

Required for CALPADS


SSID Enroll

Stu Info

Stu Program

Stu EL Acq

Stu Discipline

Stu Waiver

Stu Crs Sec








Pupil Perm Rec

Exclude Student from State Reporting

Choose No or Yes.

If you choose Yes, the student will be excluded from the reports listed in the Used in these Reports column.


SSID Enrollment

Stu Info

Stu Program

Stu EL Acq

Stu Discipline

Stu Waiver

Stu Crs Sec



Scholarship Fed

UC Direct







Update Mobility Script

CE Hourly Att

Adult Ed Enrollment

Perkins E-1

Pupil Perm Rec

Student Preferred Name (Last, First Middle Suffix

Enter the student’s first, middle, and last name. Choose the suffix.

This field can be populated on the Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS





All Reports

Student Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix)

This field overrides student names on state reports. This field is only required if the legal name does not match the preferred name.

If the student's legal name matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. If the student's legal name does not match the student's preferred name, enter the student's legal name.

This field can be populated on the Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS





All Reports

Also Known As (AKA) Name

If applicable, enter the alternate first, middle, and last name of the student.




SSID Enroll

Stu Info

Transfer Info Link

This information is read-only. To modify the School Entry Date, Current Enrollment dates, Grade Level, or District of Residence, click the Transfer Info Link. ( For information about the Transfer Information page, see Editing a Student's Enrollment Records.)



Enrollment Status Code

Choose the enrollment status.

Valid values:

  • (10) Primary Enrollment

  • (20) Secondary Enrollment

  • (30) Short Term Enrollment

  • (40) Receiving Specialized Services Only

Note: If the primary school of enrollment is on this PowerSchool server, choose Primary Enrollment and use the CALPADS Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollments page to indicate any supplemental enrollments within your LEA. Do not choose Primary Enrollment if this is the non-primary school of enrollment and the primary school of enrollment is not on this PowerSchool server.

Required for CALPADS



SSID Enroll

Crs Sec

Stu Crs Sec


School Transfer Code (Inter/Intra District Transfer Code)

Choose the inter- or intra-district transfer code that best describes the type of student transfer that occurs between two districts.

  • (1) Other Interdistrict Transfer Agreement

  • (2) NCLB Public School Choice - Program Improvement

  • (3) NCLB Public School Choice Transfer – Persistently Dangerous

  • (4) District of Choice Transfer

  • (5) Disciplinary COE School Transfer

  • (6) Other Transfer

Required for CALPADS if the District of Geographic Residence is not blank and does not equal Reporting LEA.


SSID Enroll

School of Attendance NPS

Enter the school of attendance NPS, a unique identifier school code for a certified non-public and non-sectarian school that the student attends. The seven-digit School (S) code must be submitted.

This field can also be populated on the Transfer Info page.

Required for CALPADS if the School of Attendance is 0000001.


SSID Enroll

All Pre-ID


Date of Birth

Enter the student's date of birth.

This field can also be populated on the Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS


SSID Enroll

Stu Info

Stu Program

Stu Discipline

Stu Waiver

Stu Crs Sec





UC Direct


All Pre-ID

Phys Fit

Blue Card

IS Stu Att Register

Adult Ed Enroll

Pupil Perm Rec

DOB Verification Method

Select the method used to verify the student's date of birth.

Required for CALPADS


Pupil Perm Rec

Preferred Gender

Choose the student's preferred gender:

  • (M) Male

  • (F) Female

  • (X) Non-Binary*

This field can also be populated on the Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS

Note: (X) Non-Binary is not available by default. The non-binary gender value must be enabled at Start Page > District > District Info > Gender Preferences.


SSID Enroll

Stu Info

Stu Program

Stu EL Acq

Stu Discipline

Stu Waiver

Stu Crs Sec


All Pre-ID

Phys Fit


Scholarship Fed





UC Direct


Blue Card

SI Monthly Att Aud


Adult Ed

Perkins E-1

Pupil Perm Rec

Legal Gender

This field overrides student gender on state reports. This field is only required if the legal gender does not match the preferred gender.

If the student's legal gender matches the student's preferred gender, click Copy to populate the legal gender field. If the student's legal gender does not match the student's preferred gender, choose the student's legal gender.

This field can also be populated on the Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS


Birth City

Enter the city where the student was born.


SSID Enroll

Stu Info


Blue Card

Pupil Perm Rec

Birth State/Province

Choose the birth state/province.


SSID Enroll

Stu Info


Blue Card

Pupil Perm Rec

Birth Country

Choose the birth country.

Required for CALPADS


SSID Enroll

Stu Info


Blue Card

Pupil Perm Rec

Race/Ethnicity Link

This information is read-only. To modify race or ethnicity information, click the Race/Ethnicity Link.



Primary Residence

Choose the student’s primary residence.

The primary residence represents the location where the student lives most often, whether or not it is considered permanent.

Required for CALPADS


No Longer Collected

Addresses Link

(Address 1, City, State, Zip)

Address reported to CALPADS

This information is read-only. To modify Address 1, City, State, or Zip, click Addresses Link.

The address should be entered using the US Postal standard. Copy and paste the following link into a browser to download the Postal Addressing Standards document:

Note: The mailing address is extracted in the Student Information extract if populated. Otherwise, the home address is extracted.









Stu Info



UC Direct

Blue Card

Pupil Perm Rec

Address 2

Enter the additional address where a student receives mail or resides.

Note: This line can be used as additional information from Address 1.


Stu Info

All Pre-ID

Primary Language

This information is read-only. To edit the student's Primary Language click the Update ELA Status History link.

The student’s primary language (native language). This is the language spoken by the student or the first language the student had exposure to. If the student is too young to speak, this is the language spoken most frequently by adults in the home.

Note: The student's current Primary Language is displayed, even if the current record is excluded from state reporting. If the current record is excluded, a warning appears on the page.

See the Appendix for Language codes.

Required for CALPADS


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


Stu EL Acq


All Pre-ID


Current ELA Status

This information is read-only. To edit the student's Current ELA Status, click the Update ELA Status History link.

The student's current ELA status

Valid values:

  • (EL) English Learner

  • (EO) English or American Sign Language Only

  • (IFEP) Initial Fluent English Proficient

  • (RFEP) Reclassified Fluent English Proficient

  • (TBD) To be Determined

Note: The student's current ELA status is displayed, even if the current record is excluded from state reporting. If the current record is excluded, a warning appears on the page.

Required for CALPADS if the grade level code is not AD (Adult).


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


Stu EL Acq






Perkins E-1

Pupil Perm Rec

Current ELA Status Start Date

This information is read-only. To edit the student's Current ELA Status start date, click the Update ELA Status History link.

The start date of the student's current ELA status

Note: The page displays the current ELA status start date, even if the record is excluded from state reporting. If the current record is excluded, a warning appears on the page.

Required for CALPADS if the English language acquisition status code is EL, RFEP, IFEP, or TBD (anything other than EO).


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


Stu EL Acq




Perkins E-1

Pupil Perm Rec

English Learners and Immigrants Link

To modify the student's English Learners and Immigrants information, click this link.



Initial US School Enrollment Date

If the student's Birth Country is not the U.S. or Puerto Rico, or if the ELA Status is 'EL', enter the initial US school enrollment date.

Note: Enter the date on which the student first enrolled in grade level K through 12 in a public or private school (or began any homeschooling in grades TK-12) in the U.S. or Puerto Rico. This field is not required for students in grade levels PS, TD, and IN.

This field can also be populated on the English Learners and Immigrants page.

Required for CALPADS if the student's Birth Country Code is not equal to U.S., Puerto Rico, or Washington, D.C., and/or if the student’s English Language Acquisition Status is EL.


Stu Info

All Pre-ID

Enrolled in US School less than Three Cumulative Years

Select this checkbox if the student is foreign-born and has been enrolled in one or more public or private schools in the U.S. or Puerto Rico for a cumulative period of less than or equal to three full academic years.

If the checkbox is selected it is stored in the database as a 1.

Required for CALPADS if the Student Birth Country Code is not equal to U.S., Puerto Rico, or Washington, D.C.


Stu Info

Parent/Guardian 1 Highest Education Level

Choose the applicable value.

Valid values:

  • (14) Not a High School Graduate

  • (13) High School Graduate

  • (12) Some College or Associates Degree

  • (11) College Graduate

  • (10) Graduate Degree or Higher

  • (15) Declined to State

This field can also be populated on the Guardian Information page.

Required for CALPADS


Stu Info

Phys Fit

Parent/Guardian 2 Highest Education Level

Choose the applicable value.

Valid values:

  • (14) Not a High School Graduate

  • (13) High School Graduate

  • (12) Some College or Associates Degree

  • (11) College Graduate

  • (10) Graduate Degree or Higher

  • (15) Declined to State

This field can also be populated on the Guardian Information page.

Required for CALPADS


Stu Info

Phys Fit

Parent/Guardian Highest Education Level

Choose the applicable value.

Valid values:

  • (14) Not a High School Graduate

  • (13) High School Graduate

  • (12) Some College or Associates Degree

  • (11) College Graduate

  • (10) Graduate Degree or Higher

  • (15) Declined to State

This field can also be populated on the Guardian Information page.

Required for CALPADS


Stu Info

Phys Fit

Parent/Guardian Link

To modify parent or guardian information, click this link.



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