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Adding a Concurrent Enrollment


Add a concurrent enrollment record for each of the student's non-primary school of enrollments within your local education agency (LEA). Use CALPADS student concurrent enrollments when the student's primary school of enrollment is on the same PowerSchool server and therefore cannot be used to indicate the additional non-primary enrollment.

Conversely, if the primary school of enrollment is not on this PowerSchool server, use the enrollment status field on the Transfer Info or CALPADS Student Information page to indicate the student's non-primary enrollment. Do not use this page.

Create a New CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment Record

To create a new CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment record for a student:

  1. Select a student.

  2. Click the Functions from the Enrollment section in the left navigation panel.

  3. Click the Create New Concurrent Enrollment link. 

View All CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment Records

To view all CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment records for a student:

  1. Select a student

  2. Select Transfer Info from the Enrollment section in the left navigation panel.

    Existing CALPADS Concurrent enrollment records will be displayed in a new section at the bottom of the page. These records are displayed chronologically, with the newest record at the top of the list.

Note: The link "Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollments" has been deprecated from "Start Page > Student Selection > California State Information" and the existing records are only available on the "Transfer info" page.

Edit a CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment Record

  1. To edit an existing record, click any link in the desired record.

Data Element



Used in these Reports

School of Attendance

Choose the appropriate school from the pop-up menu.

Required for CALPADS


SSID Enroll

Stu Discipline

School of Attendance NPS

Enter the school of attendance NPS, a unique identifier school code for the certified non-public and non-sectarian school that the student attends. The seven-digit school (S) code must be submitted.

Required for CALPADS if the School of Attendance is 0000001.


SSID Enroll

School Entry Date

Enter the school entry date.

Enter the date from which the student has been continuously enrolled in the school, and has not been removed from the school’s enrollment for any reason.  This is also known as the School Start Date.

Required for CALPADS


SSID Enroll

Stu Discipline

Enrollment Status Code

Choose the enrollment status code from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • (20) Secondary enrollment

  • (30) Short term enrollment

  • (50) Non-ADA

This field can also be populated on the CALPADS Student Information page.

Required for CALPADS


SSID Enroll

Grade Level

Choose the student’s grade level from the pop-up menu.

Required for CALPADS

Note: The Translated Text value from the appropriate Grade Level Mapping is used, if present. 


SSID Enroll

District of Residence

Enter the student's district of residence.

School Transfer Code

Enter School Transfer Code if applicable. 


School Exit Date

Enter the first day of non-enrollment.

Required for CALPADS when the student exits the school.


SSID Enroll

Stu Discipline

Exit Reason Code

Choose the exit reason code from the pop-up menu.

Note: For concurrent enrollments, the exit code is E170 per CALPADS requirements.

Required for CALPADS when the student exits the school.


SSID Enroll

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