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Download Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Test Scores

The following steps should be followed to download SBAC Test Scores in the correct format and layout needed for importing CA Student SBAC Test Scores via Start Page > Special Functions > Import Student SBAC Test Scores.

To download test scores:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Test Operations Management System (TOMS).
  3. Enter your email address and password.
  4. Click Online Reporting System (ORS).
  5. Click Retrieve Student Results.
  6. On the Retrieve Student Results & My Inbox page, select the following:
    • Report: Type: Student Data
    • Test: Smarter Summative
    • Administration: [Select a year]
    • Tested Grade: [All Grades] or [make a selection]
    • Downloaded Format: CSV (Comma Separated Values)
      The downloaded format may be changed to XLS as long as the file is saved as a CSV prior to being imported into PowerSchool.
    • Filter by: [select if needed]
  7. Click Download.
  8. Open the file and add the correct [Students]Student_Number to each row/record.
The correct [Students]Student_Number is required before importing SBAC test scores into PowerSchool.
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