Students with Disabilities (SWD)
The SPED Reporting (API) allows you to upload extracts to CALPADS for Students with Disabilities (SWD), as generated by PowerSchool Special Programs (PSSP). You can now upload the following CALPADS extracts via the new CALPADS SPED API.
Student Special Education Program File (FALL 1)
Student Services File (FALL 1)
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria are handled in the PowerSchool Special Programs application.
The following pages are accessible on the Student > State - CA > Special Education Information page when all of the following conditions have been met:
You have purchased both PowerSchool SIS and PowerSchool Special Programs.
The PowerSchool Special Programs plug-in is enabled. For more details, see PowerSchool Special Programs plug-in.
Page-level access has been granted to your security group or role.
The California Department of Education (CDE) has added a new grade level of ‘TK’ that districts must use when reporting Transitional Kindergarten students to CALPADS. This new grade level will be effective starting with the 2023-2024 school year.
To support this functionality, PowerSchool has updated all California state reporting pages and reports to honor the grade level mappings as defined by each district.
The grade level is reported as mapped in all CA-specific reports once you meet the following criteria:
You are on PS Version 23.1 or higher
LTK Pref is enabled
While running the report, the selected school year is 23-24 or higher.
LTK Grade Level Mapping - valid values:
Grade 0 = KN
Grades -1 and below = TK, PS, IN
Grades >12 = AD
Report Input
All extracts for Student With Disabilities (SWD) are generated from within the PowerSchool Special Programs application, and the file is then sent to PowerSchool SIS for uploading to CALPADS.
Field | Description |
Files Ready for Submission | Navigation: Start Page > Special Functions > CALPADS Submission Lists the updated extracts that have not been previously submitted to CALPADS. These reports are generated in PowerSchool Special Programs (PSSP) and delivered automatically to PowerSchool via direct integration between the two systems. From within the PowerSchool SIS, the files generated by PSSP can be uploaded to the state using the new CALPADS SPED API.
Student Services (SSRV) | Choose the relevant period for which you are submitting the data:
Student Special Education Program (SPED) | Choose the relevant period for which you are submitting the data:
All logic and validations for these reports are contained within the PowerSchool Special Programs application, and include - but are not limited to - the following
Report Submission Status
Once you submit the data, you can see the updated status over the API from CALPADS.
Upload Failed - the file did not pass the initial upload validations or rules processing
In Queue - the file passed the initial upload validations and rules processing and is waiting to be processed (Queue: the process waiting line for files)
In Process – the file is currently being processed by the system. Each record in the file is being processed by the Input Validation Rules.
Ready for Review - the file has completed the initial submission processing and is ready for an authorized to review the results after submission validations
In Review - the file has completed the initial submission processing and an authorized user has reviewed the results but has not made a selection on one or more sets of records in the file requiring user interaction
Post-Requested - the records within the file submitted for posting to the ODS are in a queue waiting to be posted. The file undergoes the third set of validations when a post is requested
Posting - the records within the file submitted for posting are currently being posted to the ODS.
Partial Post - the file with multiple schools that has one or more school(s) posted but not all school(s) are posted.
Once a file has been processed by CALPADS, and shows as "Ready to Review", any errors generated on the CALPADS side are available for review:
Click View Errors to preview all errors.
From the View window, click Download to save a local copy of the file.
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Student Special Education Program (SPED)
Operational Keys: Reporting LEA, SSID, Reporting SELPA, Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier
Processing Method: Transaction Processing
Field | Data Element | Description | Table field Name Processing | Max Length | Field Type | Operational Key | Required |
14.01 | Record Type Code | A category describing the type of record being submitted. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]RecordType
| 4 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.02 | Transaction Type Code | A category describing the action the system should take on the data record being submitted. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]TransactionType
| 1 | CS | n/a | N |
14.03 | Local Record ID | A local use field to provide the system record identifier for a submitted record in any California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) file format. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]LocalRecordID | 255 | CS | n/a | N |
14.04 | Reporting LEA | A unique identifier for the educational service institution responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student's Statewide Student Identifier by way of an enrollment record in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]ReportingLEA | 7 | CS | X | Y |
14.05 | School of Attendance | A unique identifier for the school that delivers a majority of educational instruction and services and is where the student attends. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SchoolOfAttendance | 7 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.06 | School of Attendance NPS | A unique identifier (school code) for the certified non-public non-sectarian school the student attends. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SchoolOfAttendanceNPS | 7 | CS | n/a | N |
14.07 | Academic Year ID | A unique identifier assigned to a specific Academic Year. An Academic Year is the period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction (175 days in California). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]AcademicYearId | 9 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.08 | SSID | The unique identifier for the student assigned to or by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards. This number follows the student from school to school throughout their association within the California educational system. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SSID | 10 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.09 | Local Student ID | A unique identifier assigned to the student by a local educational agency. This may not necessarily be the same as the identifier assigned to the student at the school level. This field will flow through CALPADS and be provided back to the Local Educational Agency (LEA) to help facilitate locating the original record in their local student information system (SIS) environment. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]LocalStudentId | 15 | CS | n/a | N |
14.10 | Local Special Education Student ID | A unique identifier assigned to a student by a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) or State Operated Program (SOP), the identifier may or may not be the same as the identifier in the local student information system. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]LocalSPEDStudID | 16 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.11 | Student Legal First Name | The Student Legal First Name of the student. The Student Legal First Name is the first name of the person which is given to a person after birth (e.g., birth, baptism, or other naming ceremony certificate; or birth verification document) or through legal action (e.g., marriage, divorce, adoption, or name change). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]StuLegalFirstName | 30 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.12 | Student Legal Last Name | The Student Legal Last Name of the student. The Student Legal Last Name is the name borne in common by members of a person’s family, or the last name recognized as the formal and consistent last name given to a person after birth (e.g., birth, baptism, or other naming ceremony certificate; or birth verification document) or through legal action (e.g., marriage, divorce, adoption, or name change). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]StuLegalLastName | 50 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.13 | Student Birth Date | The month, day, and year on which a person was born based on the Gregorian Calendar. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]StuBirthDate | 8 | DT | n/a | Y |
14.14 | Student Gender Code | A coded value representing the person's gender. Gender is a person's actual sex or perceived sex and includes a person's perceived identity, appearance or behavior, whether or not that identity, appearance, or behavior is different from that traditionally associated with a person's sex at birth. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]StuGender | 1 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.15 | Reporting SELPA | A unique identifier assigned by the California Department of Education Special Education Division to each Educational Service Institution serving as a Special Education Local Plan Area. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]ReportingSELPA | 4 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.16 | District of Special Education Accountability | A unique identifier (county-district code) for the district or charter school that is responsible for ensuring that special education services are provided for a student participating in special education (students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), also known as the District of Residence. For example, if a student is transferred to another district for services because their district of geographical residence does not provide those services, the district of geographical residence would be the District of Special Education Accountability, and NOT the district that was providing the services (District of Service). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SPEDAccountabilityDistrict | 7 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.17 | Special Education Referral Date | The date a child or student was referred to assess and determine eligibility for special education services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SPEDReferralDate | 8 | DT | n/a | If Special Education Initial Entry Start Date is greater than or equal to 07/01/2006, Then Y; Else N |
14.18 | Referring Party Code | A coded value representing the person initiating a child or student's referral for assessment and to determine eligibility for special education services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]ReferringPartyCode | 2 | CS | n/a | If Special Education Referral Date is populated, Then Y; Else N |
14.19 | Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date | The date the district/school received parental consent for initial evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]ParentConsentDate | 8 | DT | n/a | If Special Education Meeting Type Code = 10 (Part B Initial Evaluation) or 15 (Part C Initial Evaluation) |
14.20 | Special Education Meeting Type Code | A coded value representing the type of meeting being conducted for a child in the special education program. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SPEDMeetingType | 2 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.21 | Special Education Meeting Date | The date of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education Program (IEP), or Individual Service Plan (ISP) team meeting to review the initial evaluation, Annual Education or Service Plan Meeting, or triennial evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SPEDMeetingDate | 8 | DT | n/a | If Special Education Meeting Type Code does not = 30 |
14.22 | Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier | A unique identifier of a specific meeting or amendment for a child or student with disabilities. Suggested components that could uniquely identify a meeting or amendment could be: -Unique ID (non-SSID) -Special Education Meeting Type Code -Special Education Meeting Date -Education Plan Amendment Date | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SPEDMeetingAmmendId | 28 | CS | X | If Special Education Meeting Date is not null, Then Y; |
14.23 | Meeting Delay Code | A coded value representing the reason the meeting date exceeds the required timeline but should be considered timely. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]MeetingDelayCode | 2 | CS | n/a | If Special Education Meeting Type Code = 15 or 10 OR
14.24 | Education Plan Type Code | A coded value representing the type of plan by which the student is receiving special education services, Individualized Education Program (IEP), Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), or an Individual Service Plan (ISP), or other code as appropriate. | S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]EduPlanTypeCode | 3 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.25 | Education Plan Amendment Date | The date that a student's individualized program: Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education Program (IEP), or Individual Service Plan (ISP) was amended. This date may also reflect the date in which services change as defined in the Education Plan. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]EduPlanAmmendDate | 8 | DT | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100, 150, or 200 -Primary Residence Code -Special Education Program Setting Code -Preschool Program Setting Service Location Code -Preschool Program Ten Weekly Hours or Greater Indicator -General Education Participation Percentage Range Code -IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator -Postsecondary Goals Updated Annually Indicator -Postsecondary Goals Age -Appropriate Transition Assessment Indicator -Transition Services in IEP Indicator -Supportive Services Indicator -Transition Services Goals in IEP Indicator -Student IEP Participation Indicator -Agency Representative IEP Participation Code -Special Transportation Indicator Then Y; Else N |
14.26 | Primary Residence Code | A coded value representing the student's Primary Residence Category. A Primary Residence Category is a category describing the location where an individual lives most often, whether or not the location is considered “permanent.” | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]PrimaryResidenceCode | 3 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100, 150, or 200 |
14.27 | Special Education Initial Entry Start Date | The date when the student first entered special education. It is also defined as the date when the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team determined the student eligible for special education services and parental acceptance of the plan. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]SPEDEntryDate | 8 | DT | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100, 150, or 200 |
14.28 | Disability 1 Code | A coded value representing a Disability 1 Category. A disability means the student has qualified for services under one of the 13 eligibility categories in the IDEA and is in need of special education or related services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]DisabilityCode1 | 3 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100, 150, or 200 |
14.29 | Disability 2 Code | A coded value representing a Disability 2 Category. A disability means the student has qualified for services under one of the 13 eligibility categories in the IDEA and is in need of special education or related services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]DisabilityCode2 | 3 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100, 150, 200 |
14.30 | Infant Regional Center Services Eligibility Indicator | An indicator of whether or not the student is eligible for regional center services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]InfantRegEligInd | 1 | CS | n/a | If the student age is <36 months |
14.31 | Special Education Program Setting Code | A coded value representing the special education program setting in which the student is receiving or has received the majority of special education and related services according to the student's Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education Program (IEP), or Individual Service Plan (ISP). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]SPEDProgSettCode | 3 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100, 150, or 200, Then Y; |
14.32 | Preschool Program Setting Service Location Code | A coded value representing the location a preschool student with disabilities is receiving a majority of their special education services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]PreSchProgSettLocCode | 1 | CS | n/a | If student age is 3 through 5 (inclusive) |
14.33 | Ten or More Weekly Hours in Setting Indicator | An indication of whether or not a student with disabilities is enrolled in a regular early childhood program or kindergarten for a minimum of 10 hours per week. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]TenOrMoreWeeklyInd | 1 | CS | N/A | If student age is 3-5 (inclusive) |
14.34 | General Education Participation Percentage Range Code | A coded value representing a range of the percentage of time a student with disabilities participates in general education. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]GenEduPartPctRangeCode | 1 | CS | n/a | If student age is 6 through 23 (inclusive) |
14.35 | Special Education Program Type Code | A coded value representing the environment or location in which the student is receiving or has received the special education instruction and related services according to the student's Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]SPEDPrgTypeCode | 3 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 150 |
14.36 | IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator | An indicator of whether or not the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goal or goals that cover education or training, employment, and, as needed, independent living. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]PostSecGoalsAnualInd | 1 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100 |
14.37 | Postsecondary Goals Updated Annually Indicator | An indicator of whether or not the Postsecondary Goals are updated annually. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]PostSecGoalsTransAsmtInd | 1 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100 |
14.38 | Postsecondary Goals Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Indicator | An indicator of whether or not there is evidence that the measurable postsecondary goal(s) were based on age-appropriate transition assessment. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]IEPPostSecGoalInd | 1 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100 |
14.39 | Transition Services in IEP Indicator | An indicator of whether or not there are transition services in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goal(s). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]TransServiceIEPInd | 1 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100 |
14.40 | Supportive Services Indicator | An indicator of whether or not the transition services include courses of study that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goal(s). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]SupportServiceInd | 1 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100 |
14.41 | Transition Services Goals in IEP Indicator | An indicator of whether or not there is (are) annual Individualized Education Program (IEP) goal(s) related to the student’s transition service’s needs. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]TransServiceGoalsIEPInd | 1 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100 |
14.42 | Student IEP Participation Indicator | An indicator of whether or not there evidence that the student was invited to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team meeting where transition services were discussed. It is a document in the IEP or cumulative folder showing that an invitation was extended to the student to attend the IEP meeting where transition services were discussed. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]StuIEPPartInd | 1 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100 |
14.43 | Agency Representative IEP Participation Code | A coded value representing whether a representative of a participating agency was invited to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]AgencyRepIEPPartCode | 2 | CS | n/a | If Education Plan Type Code = 100 |
14.44 | Special Transportation Indicator | An indicator of whether or not the student needs special transportation arrangements to participate in special education services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]SpecialTransInd | 1 | CS | n/a | N |
14.45 | Parental Involvement Facilitation Code | A coded value representing the parent's response to the question, "Did the school district facilitate parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for your child?" | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]ParentInvFacilitationCode | 2 | CS | n/a | If student age = 3 through 23 years (inclusive) |
14.46 | Special Education Program Exit Date | This is the date the student exited the special education program and is no longer receiving services. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]SPEDProgExitdate | 8 | DT | n/a | N |
14.47 | Filler | Field no longer used. Fill with blank. | 1 | CS | n/a | n/a | |
14.48 | Filler | Field no longer used. Fill with blank. | N/A | 1 | CS | n/a | n/a |
14.49 | Special Education Program Exit Reason Code | A coded value representing the reason the student was exited from the special education program. | [ S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]SPEDProgExitReasonCode | 2 | CS | n/a | If Special Education Program Exit Date is not null, |
14.50 | Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator | An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him or herself as having an ethnicity (how a person identifies him/herself in the context of: heritage, culture (i.e., religion, language, customs, music, etc.), lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person's ancestors; and is not nationality or race) of Hispanic. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]StuHisEthInd | 1 | CS | n/a | N |
14.51 | Student Ethnicity Missing Indicator | An indication in the data submission to CALPADS of whether or not the student's reported Ethnicity indicator has intentionally been left blank. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]StuEthMissingInd | 1 | CS | n/a | N |
14.52 | Student Race 1 Code | A coded value representing a person's Race Category. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S]RaceCode1 | 3 | CS | N/A | N |
14.53 | Student Race 2 Code | A coded value representing a person's Race Category. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]RaceCode2 | 3 | CS | n/a | N |
14.54 | Student Race 3 Code | A coded value representing a person's Race Category. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]RaceCode3 | 3 | CS | n/a | N |
14.55 | Student Race 4 Code | A coded value representing a person's Race Category. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]RaceCode4 | 3 | CS | n/a | N |
14.56 | Student Race 5 Code | A coded value representing a person's Race Category. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]RaceCode5 | 3 | CS | n/a | N |
14.57 | Student Race Missing Indicator | An indication in the data submission to CALPADS of whether or not the student's reported Race Code fields have intentionally been left blank. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]StuRaceMissingInd | 1 | CS | n/a | N |
14.58 | Record Update Status | Indicates the record update status. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]RecUpdateStatus | 1 | CS | n/a | Y |
14.59 | Submission Status | Indicates the submission type. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SPED_REC_S ]SubmissionType | 1 | CS | n/a | Y |
Student Services (SSRV)
Operational Keys: School of Attendance, Academic Year ID
Processing Method: Replacement
Field | Data Element | Description | Table Field Name | Max Length | Field Type | Operational Key | Required |
15.01 | Record Type Code | A category describing the type of record being submitted. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]RecordType
| 4 | CS | n/a | Y |
15.02 | Transaction Type Code | A category describing the action the system should take on the data record being submitted. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]TransactionType
| 1 | CS | n/a | N |
15.03 | Local Record ID | A local use field to provide the system record identifier for a submitted record in any California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) file format. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]LocalRecordID | 255 | CS | n/a | N |
15.04 | Reporting LEA | A unique identifier for the educational service institution responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student's Statewide Student Identifier by way of an enrollment record in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]ReportingLEA | 7 | CS | X | Y |
15.05 | School of Attendance | A unique identifier for the school that delivers a majority of educational instruction and services and is where the student attends. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S] SchoolOfAttendance | 7 | CS | n/a | Y |
15.06 | School of Attendance NPS | A unique identifier (school code) for the certified non-public non-sectarian school the student attends. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S] SchoolOfAttendanceNPS | 7 | CS | n/a | N |
15.07 | Nonpublic Agency Identifier (NPA) | A unique identifier for the nonpublic, nonsectarian agency (NPA) the student attends. This may not necessarily be the school of residence or special education service. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]NPAIdentifier | 9 | CS | n/a | If Service Provider Code = 400 (NPA) |
15.08 | Academic Year ID | A unique identifier assigned to a specific Academic Year. An Academic Year is the period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction (175 days in California). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]AcademicYearId | 9 | CS | n/a | Y |
15.09 | SSID | The unique identifier for the student assigned to or by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards. This number follows the student from school to school throughout their association within the California educational system. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]SSID | 10 | CS | X | Y |
15.10 | Reporting SELPA | A unique identifier assigned by the California Department of Education Special Education Division to each Educational Service Institution serving as a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]ReportingSELPA | 4 | CS | X | Y |
15.11 | District of Special Education Accountability | The unique identifier for the district that is responsible for ensuring that special education services are provided for a student with an Individualized Education Plan [IEP]) whether or not the services are provided within this district. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]SPEDAccountabilityDistrict | 7 | CS | X | Y |
15.12 | Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier | A unique identifier of a specific evaluation or amendment for a child or student with disabilities. Suggested components that would uniquely identify an evaluation or amendment could be: - Unique ID (non-SSID) | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]SPEDMeetingAmmendId | 28 | CS | n/a | Y |
15.13 | Special Education Service Code | A coded value representing a special education service or related service received by the student, regardless of which agency pays for the service. This may be a service provided by the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) as well as by any other agency such as Mental Health as stated in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]SPEDServiceCode | 3 | CS | n/a | Y |
15.14 | Special Education Service Provider Code | A coded value representing the provider of the service in the Special Education Service Code field. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]SPEDProviderCode | 3 | CS | n/a | Y |
15.15 | Special Education Service Location Code | A coded value representing the location where the student receives the service entered in the Special Education Service Code field, for each service reported. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]SPEDLocationCode | 3 | CS | n/a | Y |
15.16 | Service Frequency Code | A coded value representing the frequency of receiving the service. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]ServiceFreqCode | 2 | CS | n/a | If the student age is < 36 months |
15.17 | Service Duration | Number of minutes per session (day/week/month/year), as per the Service Frequency Code field. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]ServiceDuration | 4 | NU | n/a | If the student age is < 36 months |
15.18 | Local Special Education Student ID | A unique identifier assigned to a student by a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) or State Operated Program (SOP), the identifier may or may not be the same as the identifier in the local student information system. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]LocalSPEDStuID | 16 | CS | n/a | N |
15.19 | Record Update Status | Indicates the record update status. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]RecUpdateStatus | 1 | CS | n/a | Y |
15.20 | Submission Status | Indicates the submission type. | [S_CA_CALPADS_SSRV_REC_S]SubmissionType | 1 | CS | n/a | Y |