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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-267391All States/Provinces: Office Visit Stats Health Report Update

Office Visit Stats Report: Version 1.1

The Office Visit Stats report is updated to include the Office Visit records that do not have an Outcome selected.

PSSR-277597Attendance Summary by Grade Report -  Attendance Mode and Conversion Fix

Attendance Summary by Grade: Version 1.1

Attendance Mode and Conversion pickers have been updated to display all valid values and combinations.

PSSR-276250Attendance Summary by Grade Report Fails When Run for a Selected Grade Level

Attendance Summary by Grade: Version 1.1

The report has been updated to complete successfully when run for 1 or more selected grade levels.

PSSR-275496Attendance Summary by Grade Report is Duplicating Grade Levels For Special Programs

Attendance Summary by Grade: Version 1.1

The report has been updated to prevent the duplication of grade level rows when the report is run for one or more selected special programs.

PSSR-277582Attendance Summary by Grade Report Fails when Report by District of Residence is set to Yes

Attendance Summary by Grade: Version 1.1

The report has been updated to prevent the report from failing when the option to "Report by District of Residence" is set to Yes. 

PSSR-277426CALPADS Course Section Records - 2021-22 Reporting Updates

The field ‘9.31 – Charter Non-Core Non-College Prep Indicator’ of the CALPADS Course Section Records Report has been updated to report as blank always, as per the new state requirements.

PSSR-277431CALPADS - Exit Code Updates For 2021-2022

The options available in the CALPADS Exit Code dropdown have been updated to include the following new values:

E156 - Grade 12 Cont Education
T168 - Alt or Ind Study Schl Discharge

PSSR-275198DTAP Compliance Not Evaluating For K-6 Students With No Doses

Students in grades K-6 with a school entry date on or after 6/30/2019 who have 0 doses for DTAP are now marked out-of-compliance, as expected.

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