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Creating Discipline Incidents


The following data elements are required for discipline incidents. Discipline incidents are created at the school or district level, rather than at the student level.

Note: To create incidents, security groups must be granted access to Incident Types.

Add Incident Detail


Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management > Create New Incident

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Incident ID

The ID is populated automatically when the incident is first submitted.

This data element is also known as Disciplinary Incident ID Local.


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This option is only available if the incident is created at the district.

Choose a school or the district from the pop-up menu.


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Incident Type

Choose CA State Reporting from the pop-up menu.

[Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category = CA State Reporting


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Incident Date

Enter the date and time on which the incident occurred.

This data element is also known as Disciplinary Incident Occurrence Date.


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Add Participants

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports


Click the plus sign to search for and add participants for the incident. Once the participant is selected, choose the appropriate role from the Select Role(s) pop-up menu.

To assign multiple roles to one participant, add the participant once and then edit the participant and click the plus sign to add additional roles.

Note: CASEMIS C includes incidents where a student is added as a participant and assigned the role of Offender.



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Add Action


Incident Elements > Add Action

Data Element

Description[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Action Code

Choose a disciplinary action code from the pop-up menu.

This data element is also known as the Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code for CALPADS.

This data element is also known as the Discipline Type (DSPL_TYPE) for CASEMIS C. To be included in CASEMIS C, this incident must have an action code of Suspension, In-School Suspension, or Expulsion assigned to a behavior.

Note: The code 300 (No Suspension or Expulsion) does not apply to CASEMIS C.



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Action Date Range (Begin Date, End Date)

Enter the dates that the discipline action was effective.



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Duration Code

Choose Days from pop-up menu.



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Actual Duration (Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days)

Enter the actual length of the disciplinary action.

This data element is also known as Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days for CALPADS.

This data element is also known as Discipline Days (DSPL_DAYS) for CASEMIS C. Enter a value between 1 and 365. Enter one full day for partial day suspensions.


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Action Change Code

Choose Expulsion Modification Category Code from the pop-up menu, if applicable.

Note: This field is required for action code 200 (Expulsion).




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Action Change Subcode

Choose the appropriate Expulsion Modification Category Code, if applicable.



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Action Authority Code

Choose the action authority code from the pop-up menu, if applicable, to indicate the agency that authorizes any disciplinary action against a student.

Note: This field is required for special education students.

For CASEMIS C, choose the authority responsible for assigning the discipline action. Choose value 10, 20, 30, or 31 from the pop-up menu. The value 40 does not apply to CASEMIS C.



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Action Authority Code Comment

Enter a comment if an action authority code is selected.

Note: This field is optional and not included in CALPADS reporting.




Instructional Support Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the student is receiving instructional support from the LEA during the disciplinary action.

Note: This field is required for special education students.



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Instructional Support Indicator Comment

Enter a comment if a value is chosen for instructional support indicator.

Note: This field is optional and not included in CALPADS reporting.




Removal to Interim Alternative Setting

Choose an option to indicate who removed the student to an interim alternative setting as a result of the discipline, or choose “(3) No Removal”.



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Discipline Status (CASEMIS)

Choose the status of the student as a result of the discipline action.

Note: The values for this field must be set up manually via Start Page > District Setup > Incident Management > Code & Subcode Setup. See the Appendix for valid values. See the PowerSchool Online Help or the Incident Management User Guide on PowerSource for assistance with setting up incident management codes.



[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 100


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Add Object


Incident Elements > Add Object

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Object Code

Choose Weapons from the pop-up menu.

If the Behavior Code is '100', '101', '102', '103', '104', or '105', a weapon is required to be added to the incident.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 4.17 (weapons)

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Object Subcode

Choose an object subcode from the pop-up menu.

This data element is also known as the Weapon Category Code.


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Enter a description of the object.




Enter the quantity of the object used in the incident.



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Add Behavior


Incident Elements > Add Object

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports


Choose a behavior code from the pop-up menu.

The behavior code is also known as the Student Offense Code for CALPADS.

The behavior code is also known as Reason1, Reason2, and Reason3 for CASEMIS C. To be included in CASEMIS C, this incident must have a behavior code assigned to a student with the role of Offender, and an action code assigned to the behavior.




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Primary Behavior (Most Severe Offense Code)

Select the checkbox to indicate that this is the Most Severe Offense. This indicator is required when there is more than one behavior in an incident.

Note: When a behavior is marked as primary, the behavior icon updates to reflect the change.

For CASEMIS C, the primary behavior is the behavior assigned an action code. If none of the behaviors are assigned an action, then the extract reports the behavior code marked “Primary Behavior.”



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