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Defining Graduation and UC/CSU Information

The California Education Code (EC) establishes a minimum set of requirements for graduation from California high schools. The requirements should be viewed as minimums and support regulations established by local governing boards.

The University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) systems have established a uniform minimum set of courses required for admission as a freshman. For details, see


Student Selection > State/Province – CA > Graduation and UC/CSU Information

Note: UC/CSU information entered on this page is simultaneously updated on the Transfer Info page.

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

UC/CSU Course Requirements

The page displays one of the following messages to indicate whether the student has satisfied the requirements for each UC/CSU subject area:

  • Not Set
  • Met
  • Not Met

Note: This field is automatically populated based on the results of the UC/CSU Qualifications report. If the student has not been included in the UC/CSU Qualifications report, or if the report is configured not to update this field, the field displays Not Set. See the UC/CSU Qualifications for more information about the UC/CSU report.

Required for CALPADS if the Student School Completion Status is 100 (Graduated).


SSID Enroll


Use UC/CSU Override

Select the checkbox to override the status populated by the UC/CSU Qualifications report.


SSID Enroll


UC/CSU Course Requirements Override

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No to manually indicate whether the student has satisfied the requirements for each UC/CSU subject area.


SSID Enroll


Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator

Select (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate whether this student has received the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma.

A graduating high school student earns a Golden State Seal Merit Diploma by completing all requirements for a regular diploma, and by demonstrating mastery of the curriculum in at least six subject matter areas, four of which were mathematics, English language arts, science, and United States history, with the remaining two subject matter areas selected by the student

Note: Ensure this field is populated before EOY.

Extracted only if the Student School Completion Status is 100 (Graduated).


SSID Enroll

Student Seal of Biliteracy Indicator

Select (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate whether this student has received the State Seal of Biliteracy.

A graduating high school student earns the Seal of Biliteracy by attaining a high level of proficiency in one or more languages (including American Sign Language), in addition to English, and has earned the State Seal of Biliteracy.

Note: Ensure this field is populated before EOY.

Extracted only if the Student School Completion Status is 100 (Graduated).

 [S_CA_STU_X]StateSealBiliteracySSID Enroll

Graduation Exemption Indicator

Select (Y) Yes or (N) No whether this student is applicable for Graduation Exemption Indicator

[S_CA_STU_X]GraduationExemptionSSID Enroll

Postsecondary/Transition Status Indicator

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate whether this student has received the Postsecondary/Transition Status.

This field indicates whether or not a student with disabilities who is at least 18 years old is participating in a program to assist in the student’s transition from school to adult life, including education and training, employment, and independent living.

[S_CA_STU_X]PostsecondaryTransitionSSID Enroll
Workforce Readiness (Strategic Skills) Certificate Program Completion Indicator

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate whether this student has received the completed a Workforce Readiness (Strategic Skills) Certificate Program.

This field indicates if the student successfully completed a certificate program that is recognized by business and/or industry at the local or state level, such as the National Career Readiness Certificate (i.e., Work Keys), Work Force Development Certificates, National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI), Precision, etc.

[S_CA_STU_X]WorkforceReadyCertSSID Enroll
Food Handler Certification Program Completion Indicator

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate whether this student has completed the Food Handler Certification Program.

This field indicates whether or not a student successfully completed a certificate program for entry-level professionals in the food service industry, such as servers, chefs, cooks, cashiers, and even convenience store clerks. The Food Handler Certificate requires the student to complete a brief 2-hour training course covering basic food safety principles.

[S_CA_STU_X]FoodHandlerCertSSID Enroll
Pre-Apprenticeship Certification Program Completion Indicator

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate whether this student completed a Pre-Apprenticeship Certification Program.

This field indicates whether or not a student successfully completed a program in which students earn industry certificates that are recognized and certified by business and/or industry at the local, state, or national level.

[S_CA_STU_X]PreApprenticeshipCertSSID Enroll
Pre-Apprenticeship Program (non-certified) Completion Indicator

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate whether this student completed a non-certified Pre-Apprenticeship Program.

This field indicates whether or not a student successfully completed a program in which students earn industry certificates that are recognized, but not certified, by business and/or industry at the local, state, or national level.

[S_CA_STU_X]PreApprenticeshipNonCertSSID Enroll
State or Federal Job Program Completion Indicator

Choose (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate whether this student completed a State or Federal Job Program.

This field indicates whether or not a student successfully completed any federal programs administered at schools such as Job Corps, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), YouthBuild; or state-level programs such as California Conservation Corps or Regional Occupational Center Programs.

[S_CA_STU_X]StateFederalJobSSID Enroll

Postsecondary Status Code

Choose the student’s full- or part-time postsecondary program.



Educational Institution Type

Choose the type of educational institution

  • Public
  • Private Nonprofit
  • For-Profit
Post-High School Credential

Choose the type of Post-High School Credential.

  • Industry-recognized credential: A credential or certification that is recognized by the industry. For example, Serv-Safe, National Institue of Metalworking Skills (NIMS), Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Certificate issued by a postsecondary institution: A certificate earned for the completion of a recognized certificate program offered by a California Community College or other postsecondary institution. 
  • Degree awarded by a postsecondary institution: A degree awarded by a post-secondary institution. For example, an Associate degree.
  • License issued by the State of California: A license awarded by the State of California. For example, Cosmetology, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).
  • Other measures of technical skill attainment: A third-party certification of technical skill attainment such as National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) certificate, Certiport, and so on.
CTE Related Program or Employment IndicatorChoose (Y) Yes or (N) No to indicate if the postsecondary education, employment, or training is related to the Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway that the student participated in prior to completing twelfth grade.[S_CA_STU_X]CTERelatedProgram

Diploma Type

Enter the student’s diploma type.



Graduation Program of Study

Enter the name of the student’s graduation program of study.



Student Counselor

Enter the name of the student’s counselor.



Expected High School Graduation Date

Enter the student’s expected date of graduation.


UC Direct



Transcript Notes

Enter comments to include in the transcript report for the student.


UC Direct


Parental authorization to submit transcripts

Select the checkbox to acknowledge that the student’s parent authorized the school to submit the student as a candidate for ELC.


UC Direct

Student is a Candidate for the ELC Program. Select the 11th grade school year.

Choose the appropriate school year from the pop-up menu during which the student was in the 11th grade.


UC Direct

Class Rank

Enter a class rank for the student to override the value calculated using a Class Rank Method.



Class Size

Enter the class size to override the value calculated using a Class Rank Method.



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