Defining a Student's Program Eligibility
A new program record must be created each time a student changes schools. Create program records while logged into a school, not logged into the district office. Program records can span multiple school years as long as the student does not change schools or primary disability values; for example, do not create a new record at the start of each school year.
Student Table Values
Student Selection > State/Province – CA > Program Eligibility
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
Uncheck to hide student table values | When this checkbox is selected, the page displays Student Table Values. The field values displayed are stored in the Students table, separate from the program record, to be easily accessible in the database for export. The fields are read-only on this page. Field values can be updated as CALPADS program records are updated, or by running the Update Student Programs Fields report. These fields are not reported to the state. | N/A |
(101) 504 Accommodation Plan | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current 504 Accommodation Plan (101) program record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]SpEd504 |
(108) Opportunity | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current Opportunity (108) program record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]Opportunity |
(122) Title I Targeted | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current Title I Targeted (122) program record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]TitleI_Targeted |
(127) GATE | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current GATE (122) program record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]GATE |
(135) Migrant | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current Migrant (135) program record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]MigrantEd |
(144) Special Ed Primary Disability | The Primary Disability code appears if the student has a current Special Ed (144) program record with an assigned primary disability. Otherwise, the value is blank. | [S_CA_STU_X]PrimaryDisability |
(190) Foster Program | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current Foster Program (190) record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]FosterProgram |
(191) Homeless Program | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current Homeless Program (191) record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]HomelessProgram |
(192) Armed Forces Family Member | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current Armed Forces Family Member (192) record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]ArmedForcesFamilyMember |
(193) Tribal Foster Youth | A value of Yes appears if the student has a current Tribal Foster Youth (193) record. Otherwise, a value of No appears. | [S_CA_STU_X]TribalFosterYouth |
Program Eligibility
Student Selection > State/Province – CA > Program Eligibility
Depending on the program selected the data entry page changes to include additional data entry fields specific to that program. Each field below notes which program code is relevant.
After a program eligibility record is edited and submitted, the Loading box is seen. Depending on the length of time the load takes another sentence may briefly display, such as for program code 101: Updating student 504 status.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Used in these Reports |
School of Attendance | Program Code: ALL Choose the student's school of attendance. When a student changes schools or primary disability values, a new program must be created for the student. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] SchoolID | Stu Program CRDC CALPADS Util |
Education Program Code | Program Code: ALL Choose the education program code. Depending on the program code chosen other fields may be displayed on the page.
| [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramCode | Stu Program All Pre-ID Phys Fit CASEMIS A CASEMIS C CASEMIS D Updt Stu Program Fields CALPADS Util CRDC Perkins E-1 |
Education Program Membership Code | Program Code: ALL Choose the program membership code. Default values may populate depending on the code entered in Education Program Code. Education Program Membership Code defaults to (1) Eligible when Education Program Code is any of the following values:
Education Program Membership Code defaults to (3) Participating when Education Program Code is any of the following values:
Required for CALPADS | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramMembershipCode | Stu Program CASEMIS A CASEMIS B CASEMIS C CASEMIS D All Pre-ID CALPADS Util CRDC |
Education Program Membership Start Date | Program Code: ALL Enter the program start date. A new program record must be created each time:
Create program records while logged into a school, rather than the district. Program records do not need to be created at the start of each school year, i.e. program records can span multiple school years as long as the student does not change schools.
| [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]StartDate | Stu Program CASEMIS A CASEMIS B CASEMIS C CASEMIS D STAR Pre-ID CAHSEE Updt Stu Prog Fields CALPADS Util CRDC Perkins E-1 |
Education Program Membership End Date | Program Code: ALL Enter the first day of non-participation as the end date. Program membership can span multiple school years, so this date does not need to be populated at the end of the school year. The date should only be populated when the student stops participating in the program, or changes schools. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]EndDate | Stu Program All Pre-ID CASEMIS A CASEMIS B CASEMIS C CASEMIS D Updt Stu Program Fields CALPADS Util CRDC Perkins E-1 |
Comment | Program Code: ALL Enter any comments about the student's program eligibility. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramComment | |
Check to update the value… | Program Codes: 101, 108, 122, 127, 135, 144 Select the checkbox to update the value for the related field in the Students table. The fields related to program records that are stored in the Students table are listed on the CALPADS Program Eligibility page. If the student has a current record in a related program, then the field is updated with “Yes,” otherwise the field is updated with “No”. Only select the checkbox if you are editing the student’s current record for the program. | N/A | N/A |
Check to clear the value for the related field in the Students table | Program Codes: 101, 108, 122, 144 Select the checkbox to clear the value for the related field in the Students table. The fields related to program records that are stored in the Students table are listed on the CALPADS Program Eligibility page. If the checkbox is selected and you click Submit or Delete, then the value for the field is set to “No”. | N/A | N/A |
California Partnership Academy ID | Program Code: 113 Enter the California partnership academy ID. Required for CALPADS if the Education Program Code is 113 (California Partnership Academy). | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] PartnershipAcademyID | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Education Service Code | Program Code: 122 This table contains a list of associated education service codes. Click the service code start date to edit the record. Use the Create CALPADS Student Service Records table to add new service records. Education service codes are entered on the program record edit page after submitting the new Program Eligibility record. Required for CALPADS if the Education Program Code is 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted). | [S_CA_CALPADS_StudentServices_C] ServiceCode | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Migrant Student ID | Program Code: 135 Enter the student’s migrant student ID. Note: Migrant Student ID must have a length of 11 and begin with “06”. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]MigrantId | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Special Education Exit Code | Program Code: 144 Choose a special education exit code. 70 - NoLongerElig This field is required when student eligibility in the special education program ends. If this field is blank, 144 Exit Date will not be reported. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]ExitCode | CASEMIS A CASEMIS B CASEMIS C CASEMIS D CALPADS Util |
Primary Disability Code | Program Code: 144 Choose a Primary Disability Code. Required for CALPADS if the Education Program Code is 144 (Special Education). | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] PrimaryDisabilityCode | Stu Program CASEMIS A CASEMIS D All Pre-ID Updt Stu Program Fields CALPADS Util |
Secondary Disability Code | Program Code: 144 Choose a Secondary Disability Code. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] SecondaryDisabilityCode | CASEMIS A CASEMIS D CALPADS Util |
District of Special Education Accountability | Program Code: 144 Populate the student’s District of Special Education Accountability if it is different than the LEA District Number. Required for CALPADS if the Education Program Code is 144 (Special Education). | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] DistSPEDAccountability [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramMembershipCode = 144 [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | Stu Program CASEMIS A Pre-ID CALPADS Util |
Student Foster Client ID | Program Code: 190 Enter the student’s Foster Client ID. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] FosterClientID | Stu Program CASEMIS A Pre-ID CALPADS Util |
Dwelling Type | Program 191 Select the dwelling type. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] DwellingType | Stu Program CASEMIS A Pre-ID CALPADS Util |
Unaccompanied Youth | Program 191 Select the unaccompanied youth status. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] UnaccYouth | Stu Program CASEMIS A Pre-ID CALPADS Util |
Runaway Youth | Program 191 Select the runaway youth status. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] RunawayYouth | Stu Program CASEMIS A Pre-ID CALPADS Util |
Create CALPADS Student Service Records Program 122 Use this table to create new CALPADS Student Service records. Service codes are entered on the program record edit page after submitting the new record and will appear on the program record's edit page after submitting the updated record. | |||
Education Service Code | Select the checkbox for all applicable education service codes. Required for CALPADS if the Education Program Code is 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted). | [S_CA_CALPADS_StudentServices_C] serviceCode | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
School of Attendance | Enter the student's school of attendance. If this field is left blank, the value is populated from the program eligibility record. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] SchoolID | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Education Program Membership Start Date | Enter the education membership start date. If this field is left blank, the value is populated from the program eligibility record. | [S_CA_CALPADS_StudentServices_C] startDate | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Education Program Membership End Date | Enter the education membership end date.
| [S_CA_CALPADS_StudentServices_C] endDate | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
CASEMIS Student Service
State/Province – CA > Edit Program
Note: records are created with a Program enrollment when the Education Program Code is equal to 144 (Special Education).
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Used in these Reports |
Start Date | Enter the start date of the CASEMIS student service. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]StartDate | CASEMIS B |
End Date | Enter the end date of the CASEMIS student service. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]EndDate | CASEMIS B |
Service Code | Choose the CASEMIS student service code. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]ServiceCode | CASEMIS B |
Provider Code | Choose the CASEMIS student service provider code. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C] ProviderCode | CASEMIS B |
Location Code | Choose the CASEMIS student service location code. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]LocationCode | CASEMIS B |
Frequency Code | Choose the CASEMIS student service frequency code. Required for infants. Choose the appropriate Frequency to report the least number of minutes per session. Valid values:
| [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C] FrequencyCode | CASEMIS B |
Group Size | Choose the appropriate group size. Valid values:
| [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]GroupSize | N/A |
Time Units | Choose the appropriate time unit. Required for infants. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]timeMultiplier | CASEMIS B |
Time | Enter the duration of the CASEMIS student service per day. Required for infants. Enter the appropriate Duration so that when combined with the Time Units, the Reported Minutes total does not exceed four digits. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]Duration | CASEMIS B |
Reported Minutes | The total number of minutes is reported in the extract. The Reported Minutes should not exceed four digits. If necessary, edit the Frequency, Duration, and/or Time Units to reduce the reported minutes. Required for infants | N/A | CASEMIS B |
Contact Name | Enter the contact name for the CASEMIS student service. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]ContactName | Not Required |
Notes | Enter any additional notes for the CASEMISE student service. | [S_CA_STU_SPEDPrgServices_C]Notes | Not Required |
State/Province - CA > Program Eligibility > Edit Program
Note: This page is only available if “(122) NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted” has been selected on the CALPADS New/Edit Student Program page. When deleting a student program, delete the student program services before deleting the student program.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Used in these Reports |
School of Attendance | Choose the student's school of attendance. Value is pre-populated from the student's program eligibility record. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] SchoolID | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Education Program Membership Start Date | Enter the education membership start date. Value is pre-populated from the student's program eligibility record. | [S_CA_CALPADS_StudentServices_C] startDate | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Education Program Membership End Date | Enter the education membership end date. Value is pre-populated from the student's program eligibility record. This field is optional unless the program has ended. | [S_CA_CALPADS_StudentServices_C] endDate | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Education Service Code | Choose the education service code. Service codes will be entered on the program record's edit page after submitting the new record. Required for CALPADS if the Education Program Code is 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted). | [S_CA_CALPADS_StudentServices_C] serviceCode | Stu Program CALPADS Util |
Lunch Program Eligibility
State/Province – CA > Lunch Program Eligibility
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Used in these Reports |
School of Attendance | Choose the student's school of attendance. When a student changes schools or primary disability values, a new program must be entered for the student. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]schoolID | Stu Program Pre-ID Phys Fit |
Education Program Code | Choose the education program code. Required for CALPADS | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramCode | Stu Program Pre-ID Phys Fit Perkins E-1 |
Education Program Membership Code | Choose (3) Participating or (1) Eligible. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramMembershipCode | Stu Program Pre-ID Phys Fit |
Education Program Membership Start Date | Enter the education membership start date. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]StartDate | Stu Program Pre-ID Phys Fit Perkins E-1 |
Education Program Membership End Date | Enter the education membership end date. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]EndDate | Stu Program Pre-ID Phys Fit Perkins E-1 |
Current Lunch Status | The page displays and allows the setting of the student’s current lunch status from the Lunch page. The same lunch status will display on all records since it reflects the student’s current lunch status from the Lunch page. | [Students]LunchStatus | None |
Comment | Enter any comments about the student's lunch program eligibility. | [S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramComment |