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State Reporting Release Notes

 A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-300220CALPADS - Student Absence Summary (STAS) Records Updates

Student Absenteeism Report: Version 3.0
Student Absence Summary Records: Version 3.4

Student Absence Summary Records and Student Absenteeism Report has been updated to pull the excused and unexcused absence count based on the student’s FTE.

PSSR-118380CALPADS: Add the ability to Import Newly Assigned SSID's from a CALPADS ODS Extract

A new function is added to facilitate the import of newly assigned student SSIDs using the SSID Matching Tool result file. The new function is available on the Special Functions page. Documentation for this functionality will be added to the California Online Help as soon as possible, and a statewide demo of the process will be scheduled for early October.

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