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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-227519CA – Immunization Record: Non-compliant Students Printed as Fully Compliant on the Blue Card

CA School Immunization Record: Version 3.2

The report has been updated to correctly show the Compliance status of each student as reflected in their Health/Immunizations page.

PSSR-229513CA School Immunization Report: 7th Grade Tdap Incorrectly Reported as “Missing Doses Not Currently Due-Conditional”

CA School Immunization Report: Version 3.2

Compliance logic for 6th- and 7th-grade students has been updated for the following scenarios :

  • Students with a 7th-grade certification status of All Requirements met will be reported as "Has all required vaccine Doses."
  • Students with a 7th-grade certification status of Currently up-to-date, but more doses due later will be reported as "Missing Doses not currently due-Conditional."
  • Students with a 7th-grade certification status of Out of compliance will be reported as "Missing Doses are Overdue-needs doses now."
PSSR-227032California School Immunization Record: Reporting Students with Personal/Personal Beliefs Exemption (PBE)

California School Immunization Record (a.k.a BlueCard ) has been updated to report Pre-K/K-12 students with Personal/Religious Exemption type using the PBE checkbox located in the appropriate vaccine rows.

PSSR-228773CALPADS – Staff Assignment Records Report: Incorrect Validation Error Message for Some Assignment Codes

Staff Assignment Records Report: Version 3.4

The Staff Assignment Records Report is updated to prevent these errors from being displayed unless they are valid.

PSSR-230216CALPADS Staff Assignment Records Report: Updated Mapping for Job Code 25

Staff Assignment Report: Version 3.4
The Staff Assignment Records Report is updated as follows:
The following Non-Classroom Based or Support Assignment Code will no longer generate a validation error when used in combination with an Educational Service Job Classification Code of 25:

  • 0100 - Superintendent
  • 0102 - Deputy or associate superintendent
  • 0110 - Administrator - Staff Development
PSSR-225725New/Edit Course Pages: Required Fields Should Not Generate an Error When the Exclude from State Reporting Flag Is Set to YES

New/Edit Course pages are updated to no longer require the following values when the Exclude from State Reporting Flag is set to 'Yes'.

  • CRS-Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code
  • CRS-Content Standards Alignment Code

Error messages relating to these fields being required will only be generated when the Exclude from State Reporting Flag is set to No.

PSSR-227046Student Enrollment Extract (SENR/SSID): Validation Errors with ExitCode E170 and Enrollment Status Code 50

SSID Enrollment Records: Version 6.6
The following validation error messages are updated for SSID Enrollment Records:

  • Student's Enrollment Status Code is 20 or 50; the Exit Reason must be blank or E170.
  • Student's Exit Reason is E170; the Enrollment Status Code must be 20 or 50.
PSSR-224848Student Incident Records Exhibit Poor Performance When Run for a Large Number of Schools

Student Incident Records (SINC): Version 1.3

When large districts run the report with most or all of their schools selected, the report may exhibit very poor performance, often taking numerous hours to complete.
The report is redesigned to run more efficiently when a large number of schools are included. This update also fixes a bug, whereby an incident is not reported if the offending student is no longer enrolled at the school at which the incident occurred.

PSSR-217823ODS Record Type Warning Appears at the School Level When the Compare to CALPADS ODS File Field Is Not Selected

SSID Enrollment Records Report (SENR): Version 6.7
Student Program Records Report (SPRG): Version 4.8

The reports are updated to prevent the ODS Record Type Warning from displaying unless the Compare to CALPADS ODS File field has been selected.

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