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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-273161All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Seating Chart Update

The PowerTeacher Portal's Seating Chart page is updated and now honors the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-274050California Transcripts - Report Page Verbiage Updates Related to the Inclusion of Graduated Students

Navigation: Start Page > Reports > Run Reports > California Transcripts

On the Student Transcripts Report run page, the comments section has been updated with the following new instructions for processing Graduated Students:

  • To generate a transcript for a student who is currently in the Graduated Students school
    • Navigate to the school the student attended before graduation and search for the student using the *as_of parameter.
      • EX: /*as_of=DD/MM/YYYY;Student_Number=#####

Note that the date used in your search should be a date that the student was known to be active in the selected school.

PSSR-272689Electronic Score Reporting - Add "LEQUAN" to the Score Type Option List

The Score Type option list for Electronic Score Reporting is updated to include an option for “LEQUAN” (Lexile/Quantile CAASPP Score Report) scores.
This option is added to the Score Reporting pages on the Admin, Teacher and Parent Portals.

PSSR-270115State Page Updates to Prevent Potential Security Attacks

Updates have been made to various state reporting pages to prevent potential security attacks.

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