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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: CRDC School Submission File Update

If a school has no out-of-school suspensions to report, the following columns will be populated with a value of zero:





All States/Provinces: Immunization Rules Engine Update

The immunization rules engine can now compare immunization dose dates and the number of doses a student has received to date fields in Core and extended tables (Student.EntryDate, for example)

Note: Immunization rules must be updated to utilize this new functionality.


All States/Provinces: Null Pointer Exception Error When Saving Vaccine Dose Data

Student dose data is now saved in the Nightly Batch process. This will prevent users from receiving the null pointer exception error when entering (and saving) vaccination dose data.


Attendance Profile Report Cannot be Run Successfully For More Than 1000 Students

Attendance Profile: Version 1.7

The Attendance Profile now has a maximum limit of 200 students per report run.


Additional report updates to support the new TK Grade level logic

Additional CA state reports have been updated to honor LTK Grade Level mapping. Reports impacted, along with their new version numbers, are listed.

Additional reference: PSSR-316925, PSSR-316952

List of CA state reports with updated LTK Grade Level Mapping


CA Blue card report updates

California School Immunization Record: Version 3.7
The logic for the California School Immunization Record report has been updated as follows:

  • The box for ‘Missing Doses are Overdue - Needs Doses Now’ in the 7th-grade advancement row will no longer be set for students in a grade level below 7.


CALPADS Staff Assignment Audit Report - New Parameter Added

Staff Assignment Audit Report: Version 1.2

A new parameter has been added, allowing users to control the type of records included in the report output:

Parameter Label:

  • ‘Message Types to Include’.

Parameter options:

  • All Errors and Warnings (Default option)

    • Selecting this option will result in a report output that includes all ‘Error’ and ‘Warning’ messages (pre-existing logic)

  • Errors Only

    • Selecting this option will result in a report output that only includes ‘Error’ messages.

  • Warnings Only

    • Selecting this option will result in a report output that only includes ‘Warning’ messages.


CALPADS Student Program Enrollments doesn't show (193) Tribal Foster Youth

Added Program (193) Tribal Foster Youth to CALPADS Student Program Enrollments screen.


CALPADS: Page Loading and Security Issues Encountered

The logic on the Student ELA Status/ Program History page is updated to honor the Page and Field level Security as defined in the system

The Staff Assignment Page is updated to ensure the page loads every time as expected, and without any errors.


CALPADS: Student Information and Demographics Pages may display a list of 'suffix' codes as part of 'Student Preferred Name'

The 'suffix' field values will now display (view only mode) next to the Middle Name field on the Student Information and Demographics Pages


CALPADS: Student Programs Records (SPRG): 23-24 changes:

Student Program Records: Version 5.7
The report has been updated to no longer include Transitional Kindergarten records (program code of 185) beginning with in the 23-24 school year.


CALPADS: Student Absence Summary (STAS) Does Not Generate Values for 'Non-ADA-Generating' and 'ADA-Generating' Independent Study Days In Some Scenarios

Student Absence Summary Records (STAS): Version 3.8

The reporting logic is updated to ensure that accurate values are generated in cases where students are assigned an FTE that is set to use a conversion of Daily Code to Day' and only Daily attendance records exist.

Impacted columns:

  • Non-ADA-Generating Independent Study Days

  • ADA-Generating Independent Study Days


CBEDS / ORA Classified and Bilingual Paraprofessional Information - No Date Validations for New/Edit Pages

Added validation to prevent users from inadvertently entering an end date for a record that is prior to the start date.


 Header is not displaying on Attendance by District of Residence

A header was added to the home screen of the page: Attendance by District of Residence (Charter Schools) .


HIB Vaccine Dose Update

HIB Vaccine rules are updated as follows:

Any student above 5 years of age who has a School Entry Date on or after 7/1/2019 will show as compliant, even if there are no doses for HIB.


Immunization Rules - Remove upper age limit for students with a school entry date on or after 7/1/2019

The upper age limit of 18 for immunization rules is removed for students whose school entry date is on or after 7/1/2019. These students must still meet the dosage requirements for all vaccines.

Students with a school entry date before 7/1/2019 who are over 18 will be displayed as compliant, regardless of the number of doses for each vaccine.


Monthly Student Attendance report doesn't show absent codes

Monthly Student Attendance: Version 2.5
The Monthly Student Attendance report has been updated to display all the attendance codes when running the report at the district level.


Student EL Acquisition Records Updates

Student EL Acquisition Records: Version 3.7
Student EL Acquisition Records updated with a new field called ““. When this parameter is selected, only the records within the status start and End date will be displayed. The new parameter will only be available when the user has selected non-submission mode.


Student ELA status - Updates to Display a Status of (ADEL)

The following pages have been updated to properly display the ELA Status of (ADEL) for the selected student, where appropriate:

  • CALPADS Student Information

  • CALPADS English Learners and Immigrant Information

In addition, the ELA Acquisition Search has been updated to provide the option to search for students with a status of ADEL

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