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Student Course Section Records Report


Student Course Section records are used to submit student section enrollment data as of Census day for the Fall 2 submission and completion data for the full academic school year for End of Year 1 submission. This extract is formatted in a caret (^) delimited text file. A Course Section record must exist for the corresponding Student Course Section records prior to submission.

The Student Course Section report uses the Replacement processing method.

Important Note: CALPADS now requires that all enrollment end dates be reported using the following definition:

The last date that a student was expected to attend within a specific enrollment period. This should be the last day that the student was expected to attend the school for the enrollment period, unless the student is a habitual truant. For a habitual truant, the exit date should be one of the following:

  • The date the student was referred to the local or county School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

  • If the student cannot be located, the date a full investigation as to the whereabouts of the student was completed. For a student who was enrolled in the prior year, was pre-enrolled for the current year, and who does not show up at the beginning of the school year as expected, the exit date may be within the first few days of school as the school attempts to determine the student's whereabouts.

Selection Criteria

Student Course Section records are included in the extract that meet the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The section enrollment must be associated with a school that is not excluded from state reporting.

  • The course must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The section must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student must be assigned an SSID.

  • The section enrollment must be associated with both a section and course that are not excluded from state reporting.

  • The section enrollment must be associated with a teacher who has an assigned SEID or a SEID of 9999999999.

Teacher Selection

The report selects staff member records based on the following criteria:

  • The staff member must be a Lead Teacher during the reporting date range.

Student Course Section Enrollment (Fall 2) Submission Only:

  • The exit date for the section enrollment must be after the census date.

    • Note: The student's exit date is calculated based on the student's Exit Date minus one day. If the student's Exit Date minus one day is not an in-session day, the report pulls the last in-session day for the school.

  • The entry date for the section enrollment must be on or before the census date.

  • Tracks: If a student is on a track that begins after the census date, causing their section enrollment entry date to occur after the census date, the report will look for the student's first on track day within 30 calendar days of the census date. If the student's school enrollment entry date occurs before the census date, the section enrollment is included in the report.

  • The section includes students with school enrollment status of: Primary (10), Secondary (20), or Short Term (30) enrollment.

  • The section uses the teacher assigned as the Lead teacher on the Census Date, if applicable.

Student Course Section Completion (End of Year 1) Submission Only:

  • The section must be associated with a school that is not excluded from EOY 1 reporting.

    • Note: Schools can be excluded from End of Year 1 Course Completion Reporting on the School/School Info Edit page.

  • The term start date for the section must be within the academic year for which the report is being run.

  • The term end date for the section must be within the academic year for which the report is being run.

  • The exit date for the section enrollment must be within the report date range.

    • Note: The student's exit date is calculated based on the student's Exit Date minus one day. If the student's Exit Date minus one day is not an in-session day, the report pulls the last in-session day for the school.

  • The entry date for the section enrollment must be within the report date range.

  • The course code (or alternate course code) must not equal 1000.

  • The student received an historical grade associated with a store code entered at report runtime.

  • The historical grade must have the associated section field populated.

  • The historical grade must have the grade field populated.

  • The historical grade must be associated with students in grades 7 – 12.

  • For students in grades 9 – 12, the historical grade must be assigned potential credit hours.

  • The records with Course code 1000 will be included.

Notes for End of Year 1:

  • Carnegie units should be defined for each school. If the Carnegie units equivalent to a one-year class are not defined, a value of 10 will be assumed.

  • Course Term mapping must be defined for each Store Codes reported.

The California Department of Education (CDE) has added a new grade level of ‘TK’ that districts must use when reporting Transitional Kindergarten students to CALPADS. This new grade level will be effective starting with the 2023-2024 school year.

To support this functionality, PowerSchool has updated all California state reporting pages and reports to honor the grade level mappings as defined by each district.

The grade level is reported as mapped in all CA-specific reports once you meet the following criteria:

  • You are on PS Version 23.1 or higher

  • LTK Pref is enabled

  • While running the report, the selected school year is 23-24 or higher.

LTK Grade Level Mapping - valid values:

  • Grade 0 = KN

  • Grades -1 and below = TK, PS, IN

  • Grades >12 = AD

Report Input

This report is run at the District and School level.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.

  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.


Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Fall 2 – The extract includes course section records that meet the Fall 2 Student Course Section Enrollment Submission selection criteria.

  • End of Year 1 – The extract includes course section records that meet the End of Year Student Course Section Completion Submission selection criteria.

Term (Fall 2)

Choose the appropriate term from the pop-up menu.

Census Date
(Fall 2)

Enter the census date, the first Wednesday in October.

EOY Store Code List (EOY 1)

Enter a comma-delimited list of the store codes that should be reported forendof year student course section completions.

If running the extract for the entire district, store codes for all schools should be included. If there are store codes that need to be reported for one school, but not other schools, Store Codes can be excluded per school by populating the Store Codes to omit from CALPADS End of Year 1 Course Completion Reporting field on the School/School Info Edit page.

Important: All store codes reported must be mapped to the CALPADS marking period on the Course Term Mapping page on the District Information page.

Extract Credits for Grades 7 and 8 (EOY 1)

Choose Yes or No to extract credits for students in grades 7 and 8.

Start Date (EOY 1)

Enter the report start date. It is recommended to enter the first day of the current school year, as defined in the Years & Terms, as the start date.

End Date (EOY 1)

Enter the report end date. It is recommended to enter the last day of the current school year, as defined in the Years & Terms, as the end date.

Bypass Validation

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to run the validation portion of extract, which is used to validate that specified fields used for the extract are populated correctly.

If the report identifies errors in student data, an HTML page displays the list of the errors. If the report does not identify any data errors, extract completes as expected.

See Extract Validations for a list of potential validation errors.

Alternate course number (EOY1)

Include courses where the course number or alternate course number = 1000.

School Group
Note: This overrides the Use selection above.

Choose a group of schools to override the above "Use" parameter indicating District Wide vs.Current School Only. The extract includes student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.

Note: This parameter is optional.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

The records are sorted in the extract file using the values in the following fields:

  • Student Last Name

  • Student First Name

  • Student Number

  • School Number

  • Term

  • Course ID

  • Section ID

Operational Keys: School of Course Delivery, Academic Year ID, Academic Term Code

Processing Method: Replacement

Note: If any of the following fields are blank, the record is not extracted: School of Course Delivery, SEID, SSID.

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is caret delimited.

Field #

Data Element



Max Length

Field Type




Record Type Code

The type of data record being submitted.

Always either SCSE or SCSC

If Submission = Fall 2, then SCSE

If Submission = EOY 1, then SCSC






Transaction Type Code

The action the system should take on the data record being submitted.

CALPADS processes the following Transaction Type Codes:

  • Blank: Add or update the record

  • D: Delete the current record

This value is calculated based on the updatable fields and operational keys.






Local Record ID

A local use field to provide the system record identifier for a submitted record in any CALPADS file format.

This field is calculated by concatenating internal ID fields. The values for the internal fields may be separated by periods.

If Record Type Code is SCSE, then:


If Record Type Code is SCSC, then:







Reporting LEA

A unique identifier for the educational service institution responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student's SSID by way of an enrollment record in the CALPADS.

State Business Rules:

The Reporting LEA must equal the institution identifier of the user submitting the record.

If SEID equals 9999999999, then Ownership Code must be a charter school.








School of Course Delivery

The 7-digit school code for the school at which the student is taking the course.

State Business Rules:

If the school is an independent charter school, the school code must be submitted for both the School of Course Delivery and the Reporting LEA.

This number must be a valid value in CALPADS and have an active reporting relationship with the Reporting LEA.

The School of Course Delivery must match the School of Attendance for the student in their enrollment record.


[CC]SchoolID = [Schools]School_Number






Academic Year ID

The period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction (175 days in California).

Extracted in the format CCYY-CCYY, such as 2018-2019.



The report extracts the last four digits of the date value stored in both the FirstDay and LastDay fields.







The unique identifier for the student assigned to or by the first California district in which the student is enrolled.

State Business Rules:

Must be a valid CALPADS SSID.







Local Student ID

The unique identifier assigned to the student by the LEA.

Note: Updates to this field must be made via the SSID Enrollment file.







Student Legal First Name

The first name given to a person after birth or through legal action.


  • If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.

  • Updates to this field must be made via the Student Information file.








Student Legal Last Name

The last name given to a person after birth or through legal action.


  • If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.

  • Updates to this field must be made via the Student Information file.








Student Birth Date

The student’s date of birth.

Note: Updates to this field must be made via the Student Information extract.

State Business Rules: Student Gender Code and the Student Date of Birth Year must equal existing data in CALPADS.







Student Gender Code

The student’s gender.


  • If populated, the student's legal gender overrides the student's preferred gender.

  • Updates to this field must be made via the Student Information extract.

  • If the student's preferred gender is X, the student's legal gender must be M or F.

State Business Rules: Student Gender Code and the Student Date of Birth Year must equal existing data in CALPADS.








Local Course ID

Course number assigned to a course.

Note: PowerSchool Course Numbers need to be no longer than ten characters in length.







Course Section ID

Unique identifier for a course section.

State Business Rules: The Course Section ID must be unique for each Academic Term.







Academic Term Code

The period of time into which the education institution divides the academic year for instruction.

If the Academic Term Override field associated to the section is blank, the report derives the value from the term associated with the section. The report refers to the portion of the year that the term represents, as defined in the Years & Terms.



[Sections]TermID = [Terms]ID






Student Credits Attempted

A count of the credits (Carnegie units) possible for the course section.

This value is calculated by taking the number of Earned Credits on the stored grades and dividing by the number of Carnegie Units equivalent to a one-year course.

This value will only be reported for students in grades 9 – 12, unless specified at runtime.

If Grade Level Code is not in 9-12, this field must be blank.

Format: XX.XX

Note: The number of Carnegie Units Equivalent to a One-Year Course can be set on the School/School Info Edit page for each school. If this value is not set, it will be assumed to be 10.

State Business Rules: This field is only required for departmentalized courses associated with grade levels 9-12.

If Record Type Code is SCSC, then:


divided by:

[S_CA_SCH_X] CarnegieUnitsPerOneYearCourse




Yes, if the Record Type Code is SCSC and State Course Code <> 1000 and student’s grade Level is 9 - 12.


Student Credits Earned

A count of the credits (Carnegie units) earned for completing the course section.

This value is calculated by taking the number of Earned Credits on the stored grades and dividing by the number of Carnegie Units equivalent to a one-year course.

This value will only be reported for students in grades 9 – 12, unless specified at runtime.

If Grade Level Code is not in 9-12, this field must be blank.

Format: XX.XX

Note: The number of Carnegie Units equivalent to a one-year course can be set on the School/School Info Edit page for each school. If this value is not set, it will be assumed to be 10.

State Business Rules: This field is only required for departmentalized courses associated with grade levels 9-12.

If Record Type Code is SCSC, then:


divided by:

[S_CA_SCH_X] CarnegieUnitsPerOneYearCourse




Yes, if the Record Type Code is SCSC and State Course Code <> 1000 and student’s grade Level is 9 - 12.


Student Course Final Grade

The grade assigned after the student completes the course section.

State Business Rules: This field is only required for departmentalized courses associated with grade levels 7-12.

If Record Type Code is SCSC, then:





Yes, if the Record Type Code is SCSC.


UC/CSU Admission Requirement Code

Indicates whether the UC/CSU system has reviewed and approved the content of the course as meeting one or more of the A-G course admission requirements.

State Business Rules: This field is only required for departmentalized courses associated with grade levels 7-12.

If Record Type Code is SCSE, then:


[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12

If Record Type Code is SCSC, then:







Marking Period Code

A coded value representing the name or description of the period within a course session in which a course mark (grade) is given to a student for a course.

Important: Store codes reported are indicated at report runtime. Each store code must be mapped to the CALPADS marking period on the Course Term Mapping page on the District Information page.

State Business Rules: This field is only required for departmentalized courses associated with grade levels 7-12.

If Record Type Code is SCSE, then:

Not Reported

If Record Type Code is SCSC, then:





Yes, if the Record Type Code is SCSC.

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