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UC Direct Electronic Transfer Validations

Data Element

Validation Message


UC Direct Electronic Transfers – General Validations

Store Code Mapping

Store Code (display store code) is mapped to more than one Term.  Go to District Setup > District Information > Course Term Mapping.

Store Code (display store code) entered is not mapped.  Go to District Setup > District Information > Course Term Mapping.

Store codes entered when running the report need to be mapped to Cal-PASS store codes. Navigate to District Setup > District Information > Course Term Mapping and enter your store codes for the appropriate term. You cannot enter the same store code for more than one term.

Student Selection Count

No Students found in selection criteria.

This message is returned if you run the report for the current selection of students and none of the students meet the selection criteria – or there were zero students in your selection.

UC Direct Electronic Transfers – School Validations

District Setup > Schools/School Info > choose school > Edit School

School Name

School's Name is empty.

Message is: School's Name (display School Name) cannot exceed 60 characters.

Populate the School Name on the Edit School page with a value that is 60 characters in length or fewer.

School Address

School's Street Address is empty.

School's street address cannot exceed 55 characters.

Populate the School Address on the Edit School page with a value that is 55 characters in length or fewer.

School City

School's city is empty.

School's city cannot exceed 30 characters.

Populate the School Address on the Edit School page with a value that is 30 characters in length or fewer.

School State

School's state is empty.

School's state (display State) is invalid.

Populate the School State on the Edit School page with a valid value (AK, AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, DC, WV, WI, WY, AB, BC, MB,NB, NF, NT, NS, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT).

School Zip

School's zip code is empty.

If not equal to length of 5 or 9 - Message is: School's zip code must equal 5 characters or 9 characters in length (display Zip Code).

Populate the School Zip on the Edit School page with a value that is between 5 and 9 characters in length.

School Phone

School's phone number is empty.

School's phone number cannot exceed 20 characters in length (display School Phone Number).

Populate the School Phone on the Edit School page with a value that is 20 characters in length or fewer.

School Session Type

School's session type is empty.

School's session type (display Session Type) - (display Session Decode) is invalid for this extract.

Choose a School Session Type on the Edit School page. Valid values are F, S, T, or Q.

School Session Prior Year

School Session Prior Year is empty.

School Session Prior Year (display School Session Type Prior Year) is invalid.

Choose a School Session Type on the Edit School page. Valid values are F, S, T, or Q.

School Session Two Years Ago

School Session Two Years Ago is empty.

School Session Two Years Ago (display School Session Type Two Years Ago) is invalid.

Choose a School Session Type on the Edit School page. Valid values are F, S, T, or Q.

School Session Three Years Ago

School Session Three Years Ago is empty.

School Session Three Years Ago (display School Session Type Three Years Ago) is invalid.

Choose a School Session Type on the Edit School page. Valid values are F, S, T, or Q.

School ATP Code

School's ATP Code is empty.

School's ATP Code cannot exceed 6 characters in length (display ATP Code).

Populate the School ATP Code on the Edit School page with a value that is 6 characters in length.

School Authorization Key

School's Authentication Key is empty.

School's Authentication Key cannot exceed 15 characters in length (display Authentication Key).

Populate the ATP (School Authorization Key) on the Edit School page with a value that is 15 characters in length.

School Administrative Contact Name (First & Last)

School's Administrative Contact Name is empty.

School's Administrative Contact First Name is empty.

School's Administrative Contact Last Name is empty.

Populate the Administrative Contact Name on the Edit School page.

School Administrative Contact Phone

School's Administrative Contact Phone Number is empty. Enter on the Edit School Page.

School's Administrative Contact Phone Number cannot exceed 20 characters in length (display Admin Contact Phone Number).

Populate the Administrative Contact Phone on the Edit School page.

School Administrative Contact Email

School's Administrative Contact Email Address is empty.  Enter on the Edit School Page.

School Session Three Years Ago (display School Session Type Three Years Ago) is invalid.

Populate the Administrative Contact Email on the Edit School page.

School Technical Contact Name (First & Last)

School's Technical Contact Name is empty.

School's Technical Contact First Name is empty.

School's Technical Contact Last Name is empty.

Populate the Technical Contact Name on the Edit School page.

School Technical Contact Phone

School's Technical Contact Phone Number is empty.  Enter on the Edit School Page.

School's Technical Contact Phone Number cannot exceed 20 characters in length (display Admin Contact Phone Number)

Populate the Technical Contact Phone on the Edit School page.

School Technical Contact Email

School's Administrative Contact Phone Number is empty.  Enter on the Edit School Page.

School's Technical Contact Email Address cannot exceed 50 characters in length (display Admin Contact Phone Number).

Populate the Technical Contact Email on the Edit School page.

Carnegie One Year Course Units

School's Number of Carnegie Units Equivalent to a One-Year Course is empty.  Enter on the Edit School Page.

Populate the # Carnegie Units Equivalent to a One-Year Course field with the appropriate value.

Note: If credits are awarded for multiple courses taken in one year, enter the total number of credits for all courses combined.

UC Direct Electronic Transfers – Student Validations

Start Page > select student > State/Province – CA > Demographics

Student Number

Student's Student Number is empty.

Student’s Student Number is greater than 10 characters.

Populate the Student Number field on the Demographics student page with a value that is 10 characters in length or less.

State Student Number

SSID is empty.

Note: Validation only applies to TES.

Populate the Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) field on the Student Information page.

Student First Name

Student's first name is empty.

Student's first name cannot exceed 20 characters in length (display student first name).

Invalid characters found in Student's first name will not be extracted (display student first name).

Populate the First Name field on the Demographics student page with a value that is 20 characters in length or less.

The student name can contain letters, dashes, periods, apostrophes and spaces.

Student Last Name

Student's last name is empty.

Student's last name cannot exceed 50 characters in length (display student first name).

Invalid characters found in Student's last name will not be extracted (display student first name).

Populate the Last Name field on the Demographics student page with a value that is 50 characters in length or less.

The student name can only contain letters, dashes, periods, apostrophes and spaces.

Student Street Address

Student's street address is empty.

Student's street address (display street address) cannot exceed 55 characters in length.

Populate the Home Address (Street Apt/Suite) field on the Demographics student page with a value that is 55 characters in length or less.

Student City

Student's home address city is empty.

Student's address city (display city) cannot exceed 30 characters in length.

Student's address city contains invalid characters (display city).

Populate the Home Address (City) field on the Demographics student page with a value that is 30 characters in length or less.

The student city can only contain letters, dashes, periods, apostrophes and spaces.

Student State

Student's address state is empty.

Student's address state (display State) is invalid.

Populate the Home Address (State) field on the Demographics student page with a valid value (AK, AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, DC, WV, WI, WY, AB, BC, MB,NB, NF, NT, NS, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT).

Student Zip

Student's address zip code is empty.

Student's address zip code must equal 5 characters or 9 characters in length (display Zip Code).

Populate the Home Address (Zip) field on the Demographics student page with a value that is between 5 and 9 characters in length.

Date of Birth

Student’s date of birth is empty.

Note: Validation only applies to TES and FNL.

Populate the student’s date of birth on the Student Information page.


Student’s gender is empty.

Note: Validation only applies to TES.

Populate the student’s gender on the Student Information page.

Course Count

No courses found for student selected.

This message is returned when the student does not have any course enrollments for the report period. Review the All Enrollments and Modify Info student pages for a list of course enrollments associated with the student. Review start and end dates for accuracy.

UC Direct Electronic Transfers – Course Validations

Start Page > select student > Historical Grades

Course Name

Course Name is empty.

The report checks both the course name associated with the district course list in [Courses]Course_Name and the course name associated with the historical grade in [StoredGrades]Course_Name.

All characters are accepted in the course name, except commas.

Course Potential Credits

Potential Course Credits must be entered. Otherwise exclude the course from state reporting or exclude grade from GPA.

Populate the potential credit hours associated with either the course in [Courses]Credit_Hours, or the historical grade in [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs.

Course Grade

Course Grade missing. Enter grade or remove this course by excluding the course from state reporting or excluding the grade from GPA.

Populate the grade level associated with the historical grade on the Historical Grades student page in [StoredGrades]Grade_Level.

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