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Student Program Records Report


The Student Programs records are used to manage student program enrollments. This extract is formatted in a caret (^) delimited text file. A student enrollment record must exist for the corresponding Program record prior to submission.

Each enrollment record submitted in the Student Program extract must match an existing record submitted with the SSID Enrollment file. The existing enrollment record must fall within the Education Program Membership Start and End Date in this extract. In addition, the School of Attendance must match the School of Service.

Refer to Extract Validations for information on Student Program validation messages.

Note: A new program record must be created each time a student changes schools or changes primary disability.

Important Note: CALPADS now requires that all enrollment end dates be reported using the following definition:

The last date that a student was expected to attend within a specific enrollment period. This should be the last day that the student was expected to attend the school for the enrollment period unless the student is a habitual truant. For a habitual truant, the exit date should be one of the following:

  • The date the student was referred to the local or county School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

  • If the student cannot be located, the date a full investigation as to the whereabouts of the student was completed. For a student who was enrolled in the prior year, was pre-enrolled for the current year, and who does not show up at the beginning of the school year as expected, the exit date may be within the first few days of school as the school attempts to determine the student's whereabouts.

Selection Criteria

The extract includes students for these submission periods based on the following criteria:

Student Criteria:

  • Students not excluded from state reporting.

  • Students whose school enrollment is not excluded from state reporting.

  • Students enrolled in a school not excluded from state reporting.

  • Students are assigned an SSID.

  • Students enrolled during the report date range. The Entry Date for the school enrollment must be on or before the report end date. The Exit Date for the school enrollment must be blank, or after the report start date.

    • Note: The student's exit date is calculated based on the student's Exit Date minus one day. If the student's Exit Date minus one day is not an in-session day, the report pulls the last in-session day for the school.

  • If the extract is run using the Submission report mode, students with updates since the last time CALPADS data was saved to the CALPADS Submission History table in PowerSchool, based on the updateable fields and operational keys in the record.

Program Criteria:

  • The Education Program Code must be populated.

  • The Education Program Membership Code must be populated.

  • The Education Program Membership Start Date must occur on or before the report end date.

  • The Education Program Membership End Date must be blank or occur after the report start date.

  • If the Education Program Code is 122, Service records must exist within the date range of the report.

  • If Education Services exist, the Education Service Code for each must be valid.

Fall 1 Submission:

    • Title I Part C Migrant Eligible (135)

    • Gifted and Talented Education Program Eligible (GATE) (127)

    • Free Meal Program Eligible (181)

    • Reduced-Price Meal Program Eligible (182)

    • Foster Program Eligible (190)

    • Homeless Program Eligible (191)

    • Armed Forces Family Member (192)

EOY 2 Submission:

    • 504 Accommodation Plan (101)

    • Opportunity Program Participation (108)

    • California Partnership Academy Participation (113)

    • California School-Age Families Education (Cal-SAFE) Participation (162)

    • NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Participation (122)

    • NCLB Title I Part A Neglected Participation (174)

    • CAHSEE Intensive Instruction (180)

    • Foster Program Eligible (190)

    • Homeless Program Eligible (191)

    • Armed Forces Family Member (192)

Important Note: CALPADS now requires that all enrollment end dates be reported using the following definition:

  • The last date that a student was expected to attend within a specific enrollment period. This should be the last day that the student was expected to attend the school for the enrollment period, unless the student is a habitual truant.

  • For a habitual truant, the exit date should be one of the following:

    • The date the student was referred to the local or county School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

    • If the student cannot be located, the date a full investigation as to the whereabouts of the student was completed. For a student who was enrolled in the prior year, was pre-enrolled for the current year, and who does not show up at the beginning of the school year as expected, the exit date may be within the first few days of school as the school attempts to determine the student’s whereabouts.

Report Input

This report is run at the District and School level.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.

  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.

  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.

  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.

  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.

  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy to run the report on a specific date. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10:05AM.

Data to be filled
Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Set All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Reset All.

Start Date

Enter the report start date.

End Date

Enter the report end date.

Execute Custom SQL After Selection

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Choose one of the following program submissions from the pop-up menu:

  • Fall 1

  • End of Year 2

  • Custom

Note: Choosing Fall 1 or End of Year 2 selects the appropriate programs per the selection criteria for that submission.

Choosing Custom displays all the programs in the database. Select the checkbox next to each specific program to include that program in the extract.

Report Mode

Choose one of the following options from the pop-up menu:

  • Submission mode (normal mode): Extract only updated records that have not been previously submitted to CALPADS based on the undateable fields and operational keys. This mode provides the option to save the extract results as a snapshot of data in the CALPADS Submission History table.

  • Replacement Submission mode – Extract all records that satisfy the selection criteria including updates that have been previously submitted to CALPADS. This mode provides the option to save the extract results as a snapshot of data in the CALPADS Submission History table.

Note: This mode is only available when running the report for the current school only (not district-wide) and can only be used for students who have entered the school in the current year.

  • Non-submission mode (troubleshooting mode): All related records are extracted including updates that have been previously submitted to CALPADS.

Compare to CALPADS ODS File

Select the checkbox to compare the extract to the ODS file. Refer to Comparing Extracts in PowerSchool to CALPADS ODS Option for more information.

Bypass Validation

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to run the validation portion of the CALPADS Student Program Records, which is used to validate that specified fields used for the extract are populated correctly.

If the report identifies errors in student data, an HTML page displays the list of the errors. If the report does not identify any data errors, the extract completes as expected.

Refer to Extract Validations for a list of potential validation errors.

Select Sub-District

If you are at the School Level, you can select only the Current School.

If you are at the district level, you can choose the sub-district and select the list of schools in the sub-district. You need to set up sub-district to view the schools in the subdistrict. 

  • Select All Schools or Multiple Schools in the Sub-District.

Run the report. 

School Group 
Note: This overrides the Use selection above.

Choose a group of schools to override the above "Use" parameter indicating District Wide vs.Current School Only. The extract includes student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.

Note: This parameter is optional.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

The report has been updated to no longer include Transitional Kindergarten records (program code of 185) beginning with in the 23-24 school year.

The records are sorted in the extract file using the values in the following fields:

  • Student Last Name

  • Student First Name

  • Student Number

  • Education Program Membership Start Date

  • School Number (CSIS School Number)

Operational Keys: School of Attendance, SSID, Education Program Code, Education Program Membership Start Date, Education Service Code

Processing Method: Transaction


  • If any of the following operational keys are blank, the record is not extracted: SSID, Education Program Code, Education Program Membership Code, Education Service Code, Education Program Membership Start Date.

  • All references to program 144 (Special Education Program Participants) are no longer applicable to submission mode. This program is no longer included in Fall 1 submissions.

  • This report generate multiple files in cases where multiple records with the same program code are present for a single student. Individual result files will be appended with ‘AU’ and the sequential file number. EX: AU2

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is caret delimited.

  • The report may create up to 3 files based on the transaction types that are included across the record result set. 

    1. A result file that contains all records that were generated with a transition type of (D)Delete.

      • This Delete file will have a filename that ends with “_D” and is only created if one or more records with a transaction type of (D)Delete were generated by the reporting process.

    2. A result file that contains all records that were generated with a transition type that is blank/null, (A) Add or (U)Update.

      • This result file will have a filename that ends with “_AU” and is only created if one or more records with a transaction type of blank, (A)Add or (U)Update were generated by the report process.

    3. A result file that contains all records, regardless of the mix of transaction types included in the resulting record set. This file does not have any value appended to the end.

      • This file is provided as a means to verify the record counts in the Delete and Add/Update files. i.e.: the total number of records included in the “Delete' file and the “Add/Update” file should match the number of records included in this file.

      • This file should not be uploaded to the state, as it contains records with a mix of transaction types.

Field #

Data Element



Max Length

Field Type




Record Type Code

The type of data record being submitted.

Always SPRG






Transaction Type Code

The action the system should take on the data record being submitted.

CALPADS processes the following Transaction Type Codes:

  • Blank: Add or update the record

  • D: Delete the current record

  • R: Replace the record

This value is calculated based on the updatable fields and operational keys.






Local Record ID

A local use field to provide the system record identifier for a submitted record in any CALPADS file format.

This field is calculated by concatenating internal ID fields. The values for the internal fields may be separated by periods.

[StudentProgram]foreignKey= [Students]ID







Reporting LEA

A unique identifier for the educational service institution responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student's SSID by way of an enrollment record in the CALPADS.








School of Attendance

The school in which the student is enrolled.

The extract uses the school of attendance associated with the student’s program enrollment.

State Business Rules:

If the student attends an independently reporting charter school, the School number must be submitted for both the School of Attendance and the Reporting LEA.

If the student attends an NPS school, the School of Attendance must be 0000001.




The report locates the School of Attendance for a student based on the school associated with the program. Each school is assigned a 7-digit School Number, which is used as the School of Attendance value.





Sub-District Name

The name of the sub-district.




Academic Year ID

The period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction (175 days in California).

Extracted in the format CCYY-CCYY, such as 2008-2009.



The report extracts the last four digits of the date value stored in both the FirstDay and LastDay fields.







The unique identifier for the student assigned to or by the first California district in which the student is enrolled.

State Business Rules:

Must be a valid CALPADS SSID.







Local Student ID

A unique identifier assigned to the student by an LEA.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the SSID Enrollment extract. The field is included in this extract to assist with the identification of the student.







Student Legal First Name

The first name given to a person after birth or through legal action.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the SSID Enrollment extract. The field is included in this extract to assist with the identification of the student.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.








Student Legal Last Name

The last name given to a person after birth or through legal action.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the SSID Enrollment extract. The field is included in this extract to assist with the identification of the student.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.








Student Birth Date

Extracted in the format CCYYMMDD, e.g. 20081025.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the SSID Enrollment extract. The field is included in this extract to assist with the identification of the student.







Student Gender Code

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the SSID Enrollment extract. The field is included in this extract to assist with the identification of the student.


  • If populated, the student's legal gender overrides the student's preferred gender.

  • If the student's preferred gender is X, the student's legal gender must be M or F.








Education Program Code

State Business Rules:

If the Education Program Code is 131, then the Primary Residence Category in the Student Information extract must be 100, 110, 120, or 130.

If the Primary Disability Code or District of Special Education Accountability is populated for the student, then the Education Program Code must be 144.

If the California Partnership Academy ID is populated for the student, then the Education Program Code must be 113.

If the Migrant Student ID is populated for the student, then the Education Program Code must be 135.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramCode






Education Program Membership Code

This element should include students who meet the criteria for eligibility who are not receiving services, as well as those who are eligible and receiving services.

State Business Rules:

If the student’s Education Program Code is 101, 127, 144, 175, 181, 182, or 135 then the Education Program Membership Code can be 1 (Eligible) or 3 (Participating). Otherwise, it must be 3 (Participating).

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramMembershipCode






Education Program Membership Start Date

The first day that a Student Education Program Membership Category became effective. When reporting eligibility, provide the first date that the student was identified as eligible, except for programs that require annual eligibility renewal.

When reporting participation, the date must be greater than or equal to the School Start Date.

State Business Rules:

The value must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be greater than or equal to Student Birth Date.

  • If the Education Program Membership Code equals 3 (Participating), then the Student must be enrolled in the school during the Education Program Membership Date Range specified.

  • Must be less than or equal to the current date plus six months.







Education Program Membership End Date

The last day that a Student Education Program Membership Category was effective.

This value is calculated based on the student’s Exit Date minus one day. If the Exit Date minus one day is not an in-session day, the report extracts the last in-session day for this field.

The date is extracted in the format CCYYMMDD, e.g. 20080125.

Note: Program membership can span multiple school years, so this date does not need to be populated at the end of the school year. The date should only be populated when the student stops participating in the program or changes schools.

State Business Rules:

The value must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be greater than or equal to Education Program Membership Start Date.

  • Must be less than or equal to the School Enrollment Exit date.

  • Must be greater than Student Birth Date.

  • Must be within the Academic Year specified in the file.

  • If the Education Program Code is 144 and no Special Education Exit Code has been entered, no exit date will be reported.









Education Service Academic Year

This field is populated from the academic year that is logged into at report runtime. This academic year should match that in 3.06.

The Academic Year in which an Education Service was received for a student.

Academic Service Year is only populated when the Program Code is 122 and has Services associated.

Extracted in the format CCYY-CCYY, such as 2011-2012.



The report extracts the last four digits of the date value stored in both the FirstDay and LastDay fields.




Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted).


Education Service Code

State Business Rules:

The value must meet the following criteria:

  • If Education Program Code does not equal 122 then Education Service Code must be blank.

  • If Education Program Code = 122 Education Service Code must = 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, or 13.

[S_CA_CALPADS_StudentServices_C] ServiceCode




Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted).


California Partnership Academy ID

A state-level unique identifier assigned to a specific California Partnership Academy within a school that a student is assigned to. For instance, a student may be assigned to a Health Academy.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] PartnershipAcademyID




Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 113 (California Partnership Academy).


Migrant Student ID

A unique identifier assigned to each participant in the Migrant Education Program by the CDE.

Note: Migrant Student ID must begin with “06”.





Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 135 (Migrant).


Primary Disability Code

State Business Rules:

This field should be blank unless the student is enrolled in Special Education (144).

If this field is populated, the student must be enrolled in Special Education (144).

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] PrmaryDisabilityCode




Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 144 (Special Education).


District of Special Education Accountability

If the student is associated with Education Program Code 144, then the report extracts the value for the student’s District of Special Education Accountability, entered on the CALPADS Program Eligibility page.

If the value is blank, then the report extracts the District Number entered on the District Info page at the district level.

State Business Rules:

This field should be blank unless the student is enrolled in Special Education (144).

If this field is populated, the student must be enrolled in Special Education (144).

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] DistSPEDAccountability

[Prefs]Name = districtnumber


[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramMembershipCode = 144




Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 144 (Special Education).


Homeless Dwelling Type Code

A coded value representing a Dwelling Type.  Dwelling Type is the type of dwelling or structure that a homeless individual resides in.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] DwellingType




Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 191 (Homeless).


Unaccompanied Youth Indicator

An indication of whether a student who has been identified as homeless is not in the direct care of their parent or guardian.





Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 191 (Homeless).


Runaway Youth Indicator

An indication of whether a student who has been identified as homeless who is less than 18 years of age who has left home without parental/caregiver permission and stay away for one or more nights.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] RunawayYouth




Yes, if the student’s Education Program Code is 191 (Homeless).









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