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Working with Report Date Ranges


CALPADS is designed to be longitudinal. As such, data for all reports that run for a date range (as opposed to reports that run for a single date, such as Census Day) should be sent to CALPADS (except summer school).

CALPADS recommends that updates for the following extracts be sent every 14 days:

  • SSID Enrollment Records
  • Student Information Records
  • Student Program Records (all programs, not just Fall 1 programs)

Note: A SSID Enrollment submission should always be followed with a Student Information submission to ensure CALPADS can track all demographic changes - such as Primary Residence - longitudinally.

Although not a requirement, extracts other than those listed above can also be submitted throughout the year, not just at certification time. Keeping CALPADS up to date throughout the year will minimize the work involved during submission periods.

Transactional and Effective Date Processing Method Reports

Only date ranges that have report start and ends dates that fall within the same academic year (July 1 – June 30) should be used. If updates are needed across multiple years, the report should be run in batches with date ranges that fall within a single academic year. The Academic Year for which the report is being run should be selected from the Terms at the top of the page prior to running the report.

Report Start Date: Use a report start date that goes back far enough to capture any updates to data that might have occurred since a file was last submitted to CALPADS. For example, if CALPADS is up to date as of Fall Census Day, the day after Census Day can be used as the report start date. However, if there is a possibility that records prior to the Fall Census Day have been altered, using the first day of school or July 1 would ensure those changes are captured.

Report End Date: When generating a report for a particular submission (Fall 1, Spring, etc.), use the Census Date as the report end date. Using the Census Date will create a file with data updates up to that Census Date, and will set the Effective Start Date on most records to that Census Date. Records with an effective start date that is after the Census Date will not be included in the certification. When a report is submitted  on an ongoing basis (recommended every 14 days), use the current calendar day as the report end date.

Note: Never use a report end date that is in the future.

Replacement Processing Method Reports

Replacement Processing reports are run for either a date range or a snapshot date, such as Census Day. Only date ranges that have report start dates and report ends dates that fall within the same academic year (July 1 – June 30) should be used. If the report needs to be run across multiple years, the report should be run in batches with date ranges that fall within a single academic year. The Academic Year for which the report is being run should be selected from the Terms at the top of the page prior to running the report.

When running Replacement Processing reports for End of Year reporting, the entire school year should be used as the report date range. Alternatively, July 1 to June 30 can be used as the report date range.

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