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Transfer Student Out


This page list all the fields for transferring a student out of school.

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Functions >  Transfer Student Out

Data Element



Who will be transferred out

The name of the student who will be transferred out.


Transfer comment  

Capture any comments related to transferring student.


Date of transfer

Enter the date of transfer MM/DD/YYYY)

(should be the day after the
student's last day in class)    


Exit code

Enter the relevant Exit Code for transferring the student.

  • Transfer in state (W1)

  • Transfer out of state (W2)

  • Transfer to private (W3)

  • Transfer within District (W4)

  • Transfer to home school (W5)

  • Graduated (W6)

  • Expulsion (W8)

  • Deceased (W9)

  • Promoted same school (PR)

  • Promoted to next school (PN)

  • Retained (RE)

  • Dropped out (DO)

  • Left country (CO)

  • Did not attend (DNA)*


Also transfer out of selected programs:

Response to Intervention
Multi-Tiered System of Support

School Completion Status

Select the school completion status:

  • (100) Graduated, standard HS diploma 

  • (120) Special Education certificate of completion  (250) Adult Ed High School Diploma 

  • (320)  Received a High School Equivalency Certificate (and no standard HS diploma) 

  • (330) Passed CHSPE (and no standard HS diploma)  (360) Completed grade 12 without completing graduation requirements, not grad 

  • (480) Promoted (matriculated to CAPubSchls) 

  • (485) Promoted (matriculated to NonCAPubSchls)   Required when Exit Reason is (E230) Completer Exit.

Select Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollments Records to End:

Student has no open Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollments records.

Check here if student(s) intend to enroll in school during next school year.*

If the box is NOT checked, be advised that all scheduling related data for next year will be cleared. The values cleared will be next school, schedule this student indicator, and all future course requests.

Note: The "SSID Enrollment Records Report" extracts fields using the Enrollment School ID instead of the School ID in cases where a student is transferred to a new school but has not yet been enrolled there.

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