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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Append Student Import ID Update

The Append Student Import ID functionality did not allow the download of the updated import file. This has been fixed and the Append Student Import ID functionality now allows the updated import file to be downloaded.


CA - 3 Digit Language Codes - Report Updates

Student EL Acquisition Records 4.0
Cal-PASS 1.9
Course Section Records 7.8
CBEDS-ORA File B Extract 2.6

The Reports have been update to support the changes on the database design of storing the new 3-digit language codes.


CA - New Language Code - UI Update

The Language Code fields have been updated to have the exhaustive list of 3-digit language codes. A total of 449 Language codes will be available now.


CA - New 3-digit Language Codes - Database Update

The database has been updated to store and process the new 3-digit language codes. The historical records where the old language codes were stored will be migrated to the respective new language codes. For importing data into the language code, new 3-digit language codes shall be used.


CA - CALPADS SPED Redesign - API Updates

CA CALPADS SPED is redesigned and CALPADS API Submission UI is updated to add functionality to upload below SPED files and to retrieve uploaded file status.
a. Students with Disabilities Status (SWDS)
b. Special Education Meetings (MEET)
c. Special Education Plan (PLAN)
d. Special Education Service (SERV)

The old files SPED and SSRV are no more supported and removed from Submission UI.


CA - New CALPADS 2023-24 PLAN file - Update

The Parent/Guardian Plan Approval Type Code is removed from the PLAN file for upload to CALPADS as per the new CALPADS requirement.


CALPADS SPED Redesign -UI Update

The new CALPADS SPED redesigned page has been updated to have the new columns on the file submission status section.

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