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Update School Mobility Script

The Update School Mobility Script updates the following fields to track student movement within and between schools:

School Entry Date (Student School Start Date): The entry date for each continuous school enrollment, defined as one or more school enrollments during which the student was a member of the school for all in session school days. This date is based on the days marked as in session on the Calendar Setup page, as well as the entry date, exit date and track for each of the student's school enrollments on the Transfer Info page.

The Update School Mobility script updates the School Entry Date for both current and previous school enrollments. For example, if the student is continuously enrolled in the school since 8/1/2004, then this date is the School Entry Date for all the student's school enrollments from 8/1/2004 to the current date. If, however, the student exits the school and reenters after missing one or more in session days, there are two values for the School Entry Date. In this case, the appropriate value for the School Entry Date is populated for each school enrollment record.

Note: The School Entry Date is not populated if the existing date in the field occurred prior to the date calculated by the script.

School Entry Grade Level: The grade level of the student for each continuous school enrollment.

School Entry Grade Level is only associated with the student's current enrollment, stored in the [Students] table.

Note: The school calendar, terms, and tracks (if used) must be set up for each year in which students have enrollments. For example, if school enrollments for students exist from the year 2000, but your Years & Terms start with 2003, then you must set up a year term for 2002, 2001, and 2000 (Start Page > School Setup > Years & Terms). After the year terms are set up, the calendar must be configured for each of these years, with bell schedules, cycle days, membership value, tracks, and in session status (Start Page > School Setup > Calendar Setup).

The California Department of Education (CDE) has added a new grade level of ‘TK’ that districts must use when reporting Transitional Kindergarten students to CALPADS. This new grade level will be effective starting with the 2023-2024 school year.

To support this functionality, PowerSchool has updated all California state reporting pages and reports to honor the grade level mappings as defined by each district.

The grade level is reported as mapped in all CA-specific reports once you meet the following criteria:

  • You are on PS Version 23.1 or higher

  • LTK Pref is enabled

  • While running the report, the selected school year is 23-24 or higher.

LTK Grade Level Mapping - valid values:

  • Grade 0 = KN

  • Grades -1 and below = TK, PS, IN

  • Grades >12 = AD

Understanding Continuous Enrollment

A continuous school enrollment is defined as a time during which a student was enrolled in a school for all possible days of attendance, i.e. all in-session school days as defined on the Calendar Setup page. If a student exits and reenters school without missing any in session days, then the enrollment is considered continuous and both school enrollments are assigned the same value for the School Entry Date field.

If the student exits school and reenters after missing one or more in session days, then the enrollment is not considered continuous and the student has a different value for the School Entry Date field associated with each school enrollment. The School Entry date also changes if the student exits school with a valid CALPADS exit code, regardless of whether the student misses any in session days.

Note: The Update Mobility Script uses the 7-digit School Number (formerly CSIS School Number) when determining the student’s continuous enrollment. Both the default School Number and the 7-digit School Number are entered on the Edit School page at the District. The report uses the 7-digit School Number to allow districts to create two instances of the same school. PowerSchool requires that each school use a unique School Number so, to recognize the two instances as the same school, an administrator can enter the same value in the 7-digit School Number field. However, even if the 7-digit School Number is the same, if an Exit Code mapped to a valid CALPADS exit code is used when transferring the student, the enrollment will not be considered continuous.

Continuous Enrollment Example

In the example below, the student exited school on the last in session day of the school year, 6/30/2009. The student entered school again on the next possible day of attendance, 8/2/2010. In this case, the student is continuously enrolled from 8/1/2008 to 6/29/2011 and the value in the School Entry Date field is 8/1/2008 for both school enrollment records.

Enrollment #1:    Entry Date: 8/1/2008       Exit Date: 6/30/2009                  Grade Level: 8

Enrollment #2:    Entry Date: 8/2/2009       Exit Date: 6/29/2010                  Grade Level: 9

Continuous Enrollment Example – Using Tracks

In the example below, the student exited school on 6/28/2009, two days before the last in session day of the school year, 6/30/2009. However, the student was assigned to Track B and the last in session day in the calendar for Track B was 6/28/2009. The student entered school again on the first day of attendance for Track B, 8/4/2010, although this date was after the first possible day of attendance for the school, 8/1/2010.

In this case, the student is continuously enrolled from 8/1/2008 to 6/29/2011 because no in session days for Track B occurred between Exit Date of Enrollment #1 and the Entry Date of Enrollment #2.

In this example, the value in the School Entry Date field is 8/1/2008 for both school enrollment records.

Enrollment #1:    Entry Date: 8/1/2008       Exit Date: 6/28/2009                  Grade Level: 8

Enrollment #2:    Entry Date: 8/4/2009       Exit Date: 6/29/2010                  Grade Level: 9

Non-Continuous Enrollment Example

In the example below, the student was not a member of the school on 4/2/2009, 4/3/2009 and 4/4/2009. One of these days was an in-session school day, either for the whole school, or for the student’s track. In this case, the two enrollments are not continuous because the student was not a member of the school during one or more in session school days.

For Enrollment #1, the School Entry Date is 8/1/2008. For Enrollment #2, the School Entry Date is 4/5/2009.

Enrollment #1:    Entry Date: 8/1/2008       Exit Date: 4/2/2009                    Grade Level: 8

Enrollment #2:    Entry Date: 4/5/2009       Exit Date: 6/29/2009                  Grade Level: 8

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For the Update School Mobility Script, school enrollment records are selected.

School Enrollment Record Selection

The report extracts school enrollments for students who meet the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student’s school enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student must not be enrolled in a school that is excluded from state reporting.

  • The student must not be enrolled in a school marked Is a Summer School on the Edit School page at the District Setup.

  • The student can be active or inactive, e.g. transferred out, withdrawn, etc.

  • The student’s enrollment must be found to need a new value in the School Entry Date field; i.e. the script must determine that there was a break in a continuous enrollment. If there is no change to the value in the School Entry Date field, the enrollment is not extracted. In addition, the School Entry Date field is not extracted if the existing date in the field occurred prior to the date calculated by the script.

Report Input

This report is run at the School level.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.

  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Select one of the following:

  • The selected [number] students only – The script runs for only the students in the current selection. Select a group of students on the start page before navigating to the report to create a selection.

  • All students – The script runs for all active and inactive students in the current school. Inactive students include pre-registered, transferred out, graduated and otherwise inactive students who were previously enrolled in the school.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now – Execute the report immediately in the background.

  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.

  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.

  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.

  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyyor mm-dd-yyyyto schedule the report to run on a specific date. Entering an incorrect format causes an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10:05 AM.

Select the checkbox to write the changes to the database or leave unselected to see a trial run.

Do one of the following:

  • Clear thecheckbox– The report returns results depicting the changes that would be made to the database based on the current data in PowerSchool. The script does not edit the values in the School Entry Date and School Entry Grade Level fields.

  • Select the checkbox – The script edits the values stored in the School Entry Date and School Entry Grade Level fields and returns results within the web browser depicting both the new and old field values.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See  Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is html.

Data Element



Student ID

The internal ID of the student.



Student Number

The school or district assigned student number. This is not the SSID.


School Number

The number assigned to the school associated with the school enrollment.




The name of the student in the format: last, first.


School Mobility Updates

Indicates whether the script updated a current school enrollment, stored in the [Students] table, or a previous school enrollment, stored in the [ReEnrollments] table.


PS Enrollment Entry Date

The entry date for the school enrollment as entered in the Entry Date field on the Transfer Info page in PowerSchool.



Old SchoolEntryDate

The existing value in the School Entry Date field.

[Students]SchoolEntryDate [ReEnrollments]SchoolEntryDate

New SchoolEntryDate

The new value in the School Entry Date field.

Note: The School Entry Date field is not updated in case that the existing date is older than the date found using the script; PowerSchool assumes that the older date is accurate.

The School Entry Date field is updated if the student’s exit code is mapped to a valid CALPADS exit code, including E490. Exit codes are mapped to CALPADS values on the Edit Exit Code page at the District level.

NOTE: The value in the student leve field auto-syncs to: [S_CA_STU_X]SchoolEntryDate

[Students]SchoolEntryDate [ReEnrollments]SchoolEntryDate

Old SchoolEntryGradeLevel

The existing value in the School Entry Grade Level field. This field only exists in the [Students] table.  

Note: This data element will not be populated for prior enrollments.


New SchoolEntryGradeLevel

The new value in the School Entry Grade Level field. This field only exists in the [Students] table.

Note: This data element will not be populated for prior enrollments.


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