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CE Monthly Attendance


The Continuation Education (CE) Monthly Attendance report is a school level summary of enrollment and apportionment for Continuation Education students by grade level.

The report includes maximum claimable hours, apportioned hours, and credit hours for CE students. Detailed information to support this summary can be obtained using the CE Hourly Attendance report.

If you are on PS version 23.1 or higher and LTK Pref is enabled, when you run the reports with the selected school year 23-24 or higher, the mapped LTK grade values will be displayed. 

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects student records based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.

    • The student's school enrollment exit date must occur on or after the report start date.

    • The student's school enrollment entry date must occur on or before the report end date.

    • The student's school enrollment exit date must occur after the school enrollment entry date.

  • The student must be enrolled in a CE special program for the current school.

Note: Designate which special program is used for CE by selecting the program on the Attendance Backfill Preferences page. For more information, see Continuation Education (CE).

    • The student's CE special program entry date must occur before the report end date.

    • The student's CE special program exit date must occur on or after the report start date.

Report Input

This report is run at the School level only.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Report Parameters

Select the checkboxes next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Select All from the Report Parameters pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Clear All.

Grades (leave blank for all)

Select the appropriate grade levels to narrow the selection of students.

Select Reporting Period

Choose a reporting period from the pop-up menu, or enter a begin and end date.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Notes: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

This option is only available when using the new State Reporting Platform version of the report.

Display Time Results As

Choose a time measurement from the pop-up to display in the report output.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: Apportionment is the distribution of attendance hours for continuation education students. The purpose of apportionment is to claim the maximum number of attendance hours per student per week.  If a student attends fewer than the maximum hours in Week 1 and more than the maximum hours in Week 2, the excess hours will be apportioned, or distributed, from Week 2 to Week 1. The state specifies the number of days eligible for apportionment.

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is pdf.

Data Element



Grade Level

The student’s grade level

Note: For school year 23-24 or higher, grade level mapped to LTK will be displayed. 


A. Days Taught

The number of in-session days during the report date range. This value represents the number of days eligible for apportionment.


B. Enrollment Carried Forward

The number of students who enrolled in CE prior the start date of the report and remained enrolled during the date range of the report.

This value does not include students who enrolled in CE on the start date of the report. Also, if the start date of the report is the first day of school, this value is zero.

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date < Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date >= Report End Date

C. Gains

The number of students who enrolled in CE during the report date range. Students enrolled on the first or last day of the report are included.

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date >= Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date <= Report End Date

D. Mult Gains

The number of students who enrolled in CE more than once during the report date range.

First enrollment:

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date >= Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date < Report End Date

Additional enrollments require that the Enter_Date occur on or prior to the report end date.

E. Total Enrollment


The sum of Enrollment Carried Forward and Gains less Mult Gains.

(Enrollment Carried Forward +- Gains) – Mult Gains



F. Losses

The number of students who were enrolled in CE during the report date range and who also exited during the report date range.

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date <=> Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date >= Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date <= Report End Date

G. Ending Enrollment


The sum of Enrollment Carried Forward and Gains less Losses.

(Enrollment Carried Forward + Gains) – Losses



H. Days Not Enrolled

The number of days that students were not present at school because they were either absent or not enrolled in school. This value represents the total number of days that cannot be counted for apportionment.



I. Maximum Hours

The number of hours that can be claimed for apportionment.

The value is calculated using the following formula:

(Days Enrolled x Maximum Hours per Day)

Note: The maximum hours per day are entered on the Backfill Preferences page.




J. Apportioned Hours

The aggregated number of hours for all students in attendance for the report date range. This value does not include hours used for backfill.

This value is calculated by summing the total Course Hours, Work Hours and Non Work Hours for each week. Refer to the CE Hourly Attendance Summary report for details.

Work hours are counted if the student meets the minimum of at least four non-work and/or course hours for each week. If the student does not meet this minimum, then work hours are excluded.


K. Credited Hours

The aggregated number of hours used for backfill during the report date range.

The report divides the total minutes used for backfill by 60.



L. Total Apportioned Hours


The sum of Apportioned Hours and Credited Hours.

Apportioned Hours + Credited Hours


M. Total ADA


The average daily attendance (ADA) for the grade level.

The value is calculated using the following formula:

Total Apportioned Hours / Maximum Hours per Day / Days Taught



A sum of the respective column.


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