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Attendance Summary by Grade - IS


The Attendance Summary by Grade – IS report is an attendance summary by Grade for the Full Time Independent Study program. This is a school level report.

The report indicates the number of students who entered, left, or were already enrolled in the IS program during the report date range. The report also indicates the ADA and ADA percentage per grade level as well as the number of days that students were off track, not enrolled, and awarded attendance.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects student records based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report during the report date range

  • The student must be enrolled in a Full Time Independent Study Program during the report date range; the special program must be associated with the AEP code IS – Full Time Independent Study at the district level.

  • The student must be enrolled in the grade level chosen when running the report.

Report Input

This report is run at the School level only.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Attendance Mode

Choose the appropriate attendance mode from the pop-up menu.

The available attendance modes are determined by Attendance recording methods selected on the Attendance Preferences page.

The default attendance mode is determined by the FTE assigned to the student. Selecting the Use Defaults option may apply a different attendance mode to each student, depending on their FTE settings.

Attendance Conversion

Choose the appropriate attendance conversion from the pop-up menu.

The available attendance conversions are determined by the Attendance Mode.

The default attendance conversion is determined by the FTE assigned to the student.  Selecting the Use Defaults option may apply a different attendance conversion to each student, depending on their FTE settings.

Grades (leave blank for all)

Select the appropriate student grade levels.

Attendance Codes

Select the appropriate attendance codes.

The page automatically displays attendance codes for the current school and school year that are associated with a presence status of Present, where the code is not null (the traditional blank code for Present).

Note: If you do not select any of the attendance codes, the report will include all the attendance codes.

Reporting Segment or Begin Date and Ending Date

Choose the appropriate reporting segment, or enter a report begin and end date.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.

  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.

  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.

  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.

  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10 AM : 05.

Data to be filled

Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Set All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Reset All.

Report by Track

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Choosing Yes requires the report to reference student tracks, as defined for the student and the calendar setup.


If Yes is chosen for Report by Track, enter the tracks to report, separated by commas.

Check for Possible Conflicts

Click the link to check for possible school enrollment date conflicts, such as a school enrollment entry that occurs outside of the dates defined for the school year.

Display Audit Table

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Choosing Yes produces a table at the bottom of the report with a row for each student. The table includes a column for each day in the report date range indicating the student’s grade level and whether they were enrolled in the special program on that date. The table also includes columns indicating whether the student is a carry forward, gain or loss and totals their membership, attendance and not enrolled days.

Select Sub-District

If you are at the School Level, you can select only the Current School.

If you are at the district level, you can choose the sub-district and select the list of schools in the sub-district. You need to set up sub-district to view the schools in the subdistrict. 

  • Select All Schools or Multiple Schools in the Sub-District.

Select Independent Study Program

Select one or more programs from the list.

The page automatically lists special programs associated with the AEP program Full Time Independent Study.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See  Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: The report determines whether the student is enrolled in IS by referring to the student’s special program enrollment. The special program must be associated with the Full Time Independent Study AEP program at the district level. The related tables and fields are:

  • [Gen]Cat=specprog

  • [Gen]ValueT2 = IS200

  • [Gen]ID=[SpEnrollments]ProgramID

  • [SpEnrollments]StudentID

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is html.

Data Element



School Name

The school name.



The date range of the report, selected at report runtime.


[Number of] School Days

The number of in session days within the day range, as defined in the Calendar Setup.

[Calendar_Day]InSession = 1



Indicates whether the table includes students enrolled in IS.



[Gen]ValueT2 = IS200

Grade Level

The grade level of the students included in the report row.

Note: The Translated Text value from the appropriate Grade Level Mapping is used, if present. Otherwise, the numeric value from the Grade Level field is extracted in a 2-character format. EX: 1 = 01


Carry Forward

The number of students who enrolled in the IS special program before the start date of the report.

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date < Report Start Date



The number of students who enrolled in the IS special program during the report date range.

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date => Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date <= Report End Date


Mult Gain

The number of students withdrew and subsequently reenrolled in the IS special program during the report date range.

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date < Report End Date

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date > Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date > Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date <= Report End Date



The number of students who exited the IS special program within the report date range.

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date >= Report Start Date

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date <= Report End Date



The number of students enrolled in the IS special program on the last day of the date range.

[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date > Report End Date


Actual Days

The count of potential student attendance days.

The value is calculated using the following formula:

(Carry Forward + Gain) x Number of Days in Report Date Range – (Days N/E + Days Off Track)


Off Track

The number of days that the student was off track during the report date range.


[Calendar_Day]A, B, C, D, E, or F

Days N/E

The number of days that the student was not enrolled in both the school and the IS special program.

The value is calculated by subtracting the number of days that the student was enrolled from the days in session during the report date range.






Days Not Credited

The number of days that the student was enrolled in the school and the IS special program, but not awarded attendance credit.

The value is calculated using one of two methods:

  • The number of days not associated with a Present attendance record.

  • Actual Days – (Days Credited + Days Not Enrolled)


[Attendance]Attendance_Code_ID = [Attendance_Code]ID



[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Present

Days Credited

The number of days that the student was enrolled in school and the IS special program and awarded attendance credit.

The value is calculated by totaling the number of Present attendance records.

[Attendance]Attendance_Code_ID = [Attendance_Code]ID



[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Present


The average daily attendance for the grade level.

The value is calculated by dividing the Days Credited by the number of in session school days in the report date range.

Days Credited / School Days


The average daily attendance percentage for the grade level.

The value is calculated by dividing the Days Credited by the Actual Days.

Days Credited / Actual Days


The total for the column.


Grand Total

The total for the column.


Signature and Date Line

The report displays a line to sign and date the output.


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