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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.

Minimum PowerSchool SIS version required to install SR

Before installing SR, verify that you are running one of the following versions of PowerSchool SIS.

  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS



Release Note


Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

As of November 25, 2020, PowerSchool State Reporting only supports PowerSchool or later, and our Technology and Support teams will focus solely on supporting PowerSchool versions or later.

PSSR-245289CA Special Programs - Ca_spenrollments Replaced By S_CA_SEN_X

The ca_spenrollments table, used as an extension to the spenrollments table, became problematic as of PowerSchool 20.4.0. The foreign keys linking ca_spenrollments records to spenrollments always saved as zero, making the linking impossible.

To bring this functionality in line with other state extension tables, and to allow for easier maintenance going forward, the ca_spenrollments table is replaced by S_CA_SEN_X. The California-specific fields on the New/Edit Special Program Enrollment page now read and write to this new table. So that all state extension records can be queried from the same source, existing ca_spenrollments records are migrated to S_CA_SEN_X.

ca_spenrollments records entered after installation of PowerSchool 20.4.x, with spenrollment_dcid and spenrollment_id values of zero, cannot be migrated. The database does not store enough information to positively link them to their parent records. This data will need to be re-entered.
PSSR-224960CALPADS - ELA Status/Program History Pages and Breadcrumbs are Incorrect

The CALPADS ELA Status/Program History student page and sub-page titles and breadcrumbs have been updated for accuracy and consistency.

  • California State Information links:
    • Update ELA Status/Program History link has changed to ELA Status/Program History
  • CALPADS ELA Status/Program History page:
    • Breadcrumb changed to: Start Page > Student Selection > California State Information > CALPADS ELA Status/Program History
  • Creating a new CALPADS ELA Status Record:
    • Breadcrumb changed to: Start Page > Student Selection > California State Information > CALPADS ELA Status > New
    • The page title has changed from New CALPADS ELA Status/Program History to New ELA Status
  • Editing an existing CALPADS ELA Status Record:
    • Breadcrumb has changed to: Start Page > Student Selection > California State Information > CALPADS ELA Status >Edit
    • The page title changed from Edit CALPADS ELA Status/Program History to Edit ELA Status
  • Creating a new CALPADS ELA Program Eligibility Record:
    • Breadcrumb changed to: Start Page > Student Selection > California State Information > CALPADS ELA Program > New
    • The page title changed to New ELA Program Eligibility instead of English Language Program Eligibility History
  • Editing an existing CALPADS ELA Program Eligibility Record:
    • Breadcrumb change to: Start Page > Student Selection > California State Information > CALPADS ELA Program > Edit
    • The page title changed to Edit ELA Program Eligibility instead of English Language Program Eligibility History
PSSR-246436CALPADS - Enrollment Records Report (SSID/SENR) - Selects Wrong Students at School Level if Sub-Districts are Enabled

SSID Enrollment Records Report: Version 7.2

With sub-districts enabled, when run at the school level, the report was always selecting students enrolled in schools belonging to the sub-district sorted first alphabetically, regardless of whether the selected school was actually in that sub-district. The report is updated to only select students enrolled in the current school when run at the school level. The behavior at the district office is unchanged; the selection continues to include all schools belonging to the sub-district chosen in the report parameter. Users who have not enabled sub-districts will not see any change in selection behavior.

Additionally, the "School Group" parameter is updated such that is only visible at the district office, and only if sub-districts are not enabled.

PSSR-236833CALPADS - Implement Sub-district functionality - CALPADS Course Section Records Report (CRSE)

CALPADS Course Section Records Report: Version 6.5

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality.

PSSR-236834CALPADS - Implement Sub-district functionality - CALPADS Student Course Section Records Report (SCSE, SCSC)

CALPADS Student Course Section Records: Version 4.1

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for both Fall and EOY submissions.

PSSR-236838CALPADS - Implement Sub-district functionality for Staff Demographics Records (SDEM)

CALPADS Staff Demographics: Version 3.6

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for CALPADS submissions.

PSSR-249695CALPADS - New Program Code for Language Instruction Programs (LIP)

When creating or editing a LIP program record, you can see the following new value under Program Code options:

  • 307 – Parent Opted Out of EL Program.
PSSR-250772CALPADS - Tracking Staff Assignments at the Subdistrict Level

CALPADS Staff assignments new/edit functionality has been updated to gather information for Sub-District of Assignment to report Staff assignment records accurately.
When Sub-District Functionality is enabled and the School of Assignment is set to District, a sub-district drop-down is presented and must be populated to ensure that the correct district-level values are reported for each record.

PSSR-246783CALPADS- Add a New Field and Code Set for PostSecondary Status Extract (PSTS)

A new field has been added to the student level Graduation and UC/CSU Information page. Industry field - stored in S_CA_STU_X.

The following options are available in the drop-down list:

Code - Name
AGR - Agriculture and Natural Resources
ART - Arts, Media, and Entertainment
BLD - Building and Construction Trades
EDU - Education, Child Development, and Family Services
ENG - Engineering and Architecture
FIN - Business and Finance
FSN - Fashion and Interior Design
HLT - Health Science and Medical Technology
HOS - Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
INF - Information and Communication Technologies
MAN - Manufacturing and Product Development
MAR - Marketing, Sales, and Service
NRG - Energy, Environment, and Utilities
OTH - Other
PUB - Public Services
TRA - Transportation


CDC DTaP Rule Update

The minimum interval between the third and fourth DTaP dose is updated to four months. The interval is now reduced from six months to four months.

PSSR-250090CDS Attendance Audit - Logic Updates

CDS Attendance Audit: Version 1.2

The report is updated to extract records from S_CA_SEN_X (extension of SPENROLLMENTS)

PSSR-250089CDS Referral Method - Logic Updates

CDS Referral Method: Version 1.3

The report is updated to extract records from S_CA_SEN_X (extension of SPENROLLMENTS)


Contact Tracing Report Update - Busing Data

Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.1

The Contact Tracing report is updated and now pulls busing data based on a newly added report parameter.

With the busing data parameter checked, the report will pull students that may have shared the bus with the report the student is run for based on the following:

  • Bus Number

  • Route Number

  • Day

  • From/To School

PSSR-243987Report Parameters Updated To Support Very Large School Numbers

The code that populates the available options for the "Grades" and "Select Reporting Period" parameters is updated to support [Schools]school_number values that are too large to be stored by the Integer data type in Java (maximum value of about 2.1 billion). Users adhering to the stated maximum of nine digits for the school_number field will see no difference in the behavior of the report parameters.

PSSR-248132Student Absenteeism Report - Performance Improvements

Student Absenteeism Report: Version 2.5
Student Absence Summary: Version 2.9

These reports have been updated to provide performance improvements

PSSR-243990Student Contact Migration - Template Creation Updated to Handle Large Values

A file used by the feature that creates three templates in the Data Export Manager, which are used to aid the migration of state-specific student contact data, is updated to allow it to handle larger data values. The template creation process does not reference the updated code, and users will see no change in functionality.

PSSR-250148Student Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement Template - Logic Updates for determining Present/Absent (Codes: 100, 200)

On the Combined Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement Template, the logic for section C (Daily Participation) is updated. Previously, a student would be assigned a code of 100 (absent) if the section was taught remotely and he or she had at least one assignment due that day that was marked as missing. Now, this is the case only if the section is taught asynchronously. If the section is remote but synchronous, the student will be assigned a code of 200 (present) unless attendance records indicate absence, and codes 300-500 will be applied as applicable.

In addition, a bug was discovered whereby clicking a section's icon from the teachers' start page would not correctly show the current week's data if the current month and day are both two digits. This is now fixed.

PSSR-249057Student Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement Template - New Data Collection for Distance Learning Calculations

For courses and sections, the "Distance/Online Learning Indicator" and "Online Course Instruction Type Code" fields are expected by CALPADS not to change after census day. However, these values may need to vary throughout the year in order for the Daily Engagement and Weekly Participation form to render correctly. To solve this, new child tables are introduced for both courses and sections, allowing users to track any number of changes to these fields, and specifying the date on which each pair of values should take effect.

On the course/section edit pages, the existing input fields are now grouped together in their own section labeled "Distance Learning," along with a new grid displaying the child records. Buttons in this grid can be used to create new records, or update/delete existing ones.

At the course level, the page to create a new record offers the option to also create matching records at the section level, for those sections belonging to the currently selected school (if not at the district office) and yearlong term. Controls allow the user to pick and choose exactly which sections this is done for. The course-level page to edit an existing record also shows associated sections, providing links to their own edit pages as a convenience should a user wish to manage section-level records at that time.


Student Digital Equity and Learning Preference Tracking Available in the Public Portal

A new page is now available (if enabled) in the public portal that will enable parents and guardians to enter learning preference and digital equity data for their student or students.

This functionality is disabled by default. To enable, navigate to the following page:

  • Start Page> District Setup> Miscellaneous

If enabled, parents/guardians have the ability to create records and populate the following fields:

  • Effective Date

    • Defaults to the current date

  • Learning Preference

  • Requested Timeframe

  • Requesting Parent/Guardian

    • Defaults to the current user

  • Internet in Residence*

  • Internet Access*

  • Internet Performance*

  • Device Access*

    • Only display options 1, 2, & 5

The Comment field is not visible when a parent/guardian is creating a record but it will the following string will get saved for any record created in the public portal:

  • Created in the public portal

Additionally, if a parent/guardian has entered a Digital Equity & Learning Preference record previously and they create a new record, the above elements that are marked with an asterisk will be pre-populated based on the values in the existing (previous) record.

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