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CALPADS ELA Status Program History

ELA Status History


Student Selection > State/Province - CA > Update ELA Status/Program History

or Student Selection > State/Province - CA > English Learners and Immigrant Information > Update ELA Status/Program History link

Data Element



Used in these Reports

ELA Status Code

Choose the student’s current English language acquisition status from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • (EL) English Learner

  • (EO) English Only

  • (IFEP) Initial Fluent English Proficient

  • (RFEP) Reclassified Fluent English Proficient

  • (TBD) To be Determined

This field can also be viewed on the CALPADS Student Information page.

Required for CALPADS if the Grade Level Code is not AD.


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


Stu EL Acq






Perkins E-1

ELA Status Start Date

Enter the start date for the current English language acquisition status.

This field can also be viewed on the CALPADS Student Information page.

Required for CALPADS if English Language Acquisition Status State Code is EL, RFEP, IFEP, or TBD (anything other than EO).


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


Stu EL Acq




Perkins E-1

ELA Status End Date

Enter the end date for the current English language acquisition status.

Note: Add an end date to the existing reports to create a new one. Otherwise, the system will not proceed.


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


Stu EL Acq




Perkins E-1

Primary Language

Enter the first few letters of the language, and then from the pop-up menu, choose the first language the student spoke or was exposed to. If the student is too young to speak, choose the language spoken by adults in the home. This code should not change.

This field can also be viewed on the CALPADS Student Information page.

Required for CALPADS


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:


SSID Enroll

Stu Info

All Pre-ID


Exclude From State Reporting

When this checkbox is selected, the ELA fields on this page are excluded from state reporting; however, the current values will still be displayed on the CALPADS English Learners and Immigrant Information and Student Information pages, along with a warning that the record is excluded from state reporting.

ELA Status Correction Reason

If the ELA status is not correct, choose the ELA status correction reason from the pop-up menu.

Populate this value in cases where the ELA status code for this record is a Correction to data previously uploaded to CALPADS.

Valid values:

  • Does Not apply

  • (1) Evidence of Non-English Primary Language

  • (2) Rotating Score Validation Process Error

  • (3) Home Language Survey Error

  • (4) Ineligible Student Tested

  • (5) Evidence for EL or IFEP


When the above field is updated, it copies the current value to the following field:



Enter up to 500 characters regarding the student’s ELA Status.


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