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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-257645All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Update for Multi-Select Fields in PowerSchool 21.4

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.1
As the fields listed were changed to multi-select in PowerSchool version 21.4, the Office Visit Clinic Log is updated to handle multiple saved values for the Outcome field.
The report works as expected for districts that upgrade to PowerSchool version 21.4 as well as previously supported versions of PowerSchool.

  • Assessment
  • Visit Reason
  • Visit outcome
  • Procedure
  • Treatment
PSSR-243951California Transcripts Report - School Logo does not display when first uploaded to the required folder

California Student Transcripts: Version 3.8

A newly uploaded school logo will display as expected when the report is run with this logo selected.

PSSR-260809CALPADS SPED Reporting: EOY 4 submissions - (SPED, SSRV)

The CALPADS API File Submission page has been updated to submit the Special Education (SPED) and Student Services (SSRV) data for EOY submissions. This functionality will only be display for customers who have purchased the PowerSchool Special Programs (PSSP) software and have enabled the related plug-in.

PSSR-229657CALPADS - New LIP programs - Add these records to Special Functions > CALPADS Student Program Enrollments page

All LIP programs have been added as options on the CALPADS Student Program Enrollments page: Start Page > Special Functions > CALPADS Student Programs.

PSSR-229658CALPADS - New LIP programs - Add to District Setup > District Information > Enrollment Change / Automate Programs and Services

All LIP programs have been added as options on the Automate Programs and Services page. District Setup > District Information > Enrollment Change / Automate Programs and Services

PSSR-243884CALPADS SPED Reporting: EOY 4 submissions - Postsecondary Status (PSTS)- Report Creation and Download Functionality

The CALPADS API File Submission page has been updated to allow for the submission of the Postsecondary Status (PSTS) data for Students with Disabilities. This functionality will only be display for customers who have purchased the PowerSchool Special Programs (PSSP) software and have enabled the related plug-in.

PSSR-249952Move Deprecated Reports to the Unsupported Reports Section of the Report Listing Page

The following reports were moved to a new Miscellaneous Legacy Reports section of the report listing page:

  • Pre-ID Report (CELDT)
  • Pre-ID Report (CAHSEE)
    The following report was moved to the Legacy CALPADS Report section of the report listing page:
  • Student Waiver Records
PSSR-259880Updates to the DTAP Immunizations Rules

DTAP rules have been updated to meet the following state rules:

1) If the School Entry Date is on or after 7/1/2019, then the following rules apply:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, Tdap, or Td) — 5 doses* (4 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday. 3 doses OK if one was given on or after 7th birthday.)
  • For 7th-12th graders, at least 1 dose of pertussis-containing vaccine is required on or after 7th birthday.

2) If the School Entry Date is before 7/1/2019, then the following rules apply:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis 6 years and under 5 doses DTP, DTaP, or any combination of DTP or DTaP with DT (diphtheria and tetanus). Four doses meet the requirements for ages 4–6 years if at least one was on or after the 4th birthday.
  • 7 years and older: Tdap, Td, or DTP, DTaP, or any combination of these 4 doses at any age.
  • 7-17 years: 3 doses meet the requirements if at least one was on or after the 2nd birthday.
  • All: If the last dose was given before the 2nd birthday, one more (Tdap) dose is required.
PSSR-257478Weekly Engagement and Daily Participation Updated to Allow User Edits

Previously, the Weekly Engagement and Daily Participation form in PowerTeacher was read-only. If the displayed data did not meet the expectations of the certifying teacher, the only way to change it was to update the underlying data such as attendance and assignment scores.

To make it easier for teachers to make corrections before certification, section C of the form now has the ability to be editable. This ability is disabled by default but can be enabled for the entire district on the District Info page or for particular schools on the Edit School page. Changes at either level are tracked in a new table (S_CA_WEDP_Audit_S) for future auditing needs. The most recent update is displayed beneath the checkbox to enable or disable on the respective input pages.

When the feature is enabled, teachers see an "edit" button above section C of the form. Clicking this allows them to make changes to the daily participation codes for their section. Table cells that have been changed from their calculated values are highlighted in yellow. For future auditing needs, both the teacher's updates and the originally calculated codes are stored in the database upon page submission.

PSSR-258672Weekly Engagement Page Updated to Handle Long Assignment Descriptions

On the Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement page in the teacher portal, Section B would fail to load any data if the combined length of all assignment descriptions on a single day exceeded 4000 characters. An "ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long" error would be logged.

The page is updated to better handle long assignment descriptions. When the total length on a day exceeds 4000 characters, the page renders as many descriptions as it can fit within that limit. The first assignment following the last included description will display an ellipsis (...) and subsequent descriptions are omitted.

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