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Student Section Enrollment Report

Extracts student section enrollment information for all class enrollments attended within the collection period.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Course Enrollment Selection

The report selects records from the [CC] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student is not excluded from state reporting ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting does not equal 1).
  • The course enrollment dates must overlap the collection window date range.
  • The course enrollment record is not reported if the course enrollment spans less than 10 in-session days, and the course exit type is ‘LS’ or ‘SC’.
  • The student's course enrollment is not ‘Excluded From AZ Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports’ ([CC]AZ_ExcludeSTC does not equal 1).
  • The section is not excluded from state reporting ([Sections]AZ_ExcludeSTC does not equal 1).
  • The section’s associated course is not excluded from state reporting ([Courses]AZ_ExcludeSTC does not equal 1).
  • The School that the section is associated with is not excluded from state reporting ([schools]state_excludefromreporting does not equal 1).
  • The school number associated with the section is not 999999 or 0.

Grade Mark Earned

Grade Mark Earned output is determined by values entered on the ‘Student Course Enrollment / Final Grade Mapping’ screen located on the Edit School page at the district office. The screen allows district staff to specify a store code to extract for each term class and each collection period. Only a single grade mark may be reported for each class per reporting period. Grade marks are required at course completion, but additional grade marks may be reported in a collection period before course completion if the course awards multiple grades per school year (for instance, if a high school year long class awards an S1 and S2 grade).

The report will either output Standards Grades or Historical Grades.  If the Standards Identifier field value is populated at the course level, the report will report Standards Grades; otherwise Historical Grades will be reported. See below for additional selection criteria for Historical and Standards Grades.

Historical Grades

The report selects Historical Grades (StoredGrades) based on the following criteria:

  • The Student Course Enrollment (CC) record TermID equals the Final Grade Mapping page Term Length Classes value
  • The Historical Grade (storedgrades) storecode equals one of the store codes listed on the Final Grade Mapping page Final Grade Store Code(s) field for the selected collection period.  If more that one store code is listed in the Final Grade Store Code(s) field, the most recent grade available matching one of the store codes listed is reported.
  • The SectionID, TermID, and SchoolID of the stored grade (StoredGrades) record are equal to the SectionID, TermID, and SchoolID of the student course enrollment (CC) record.

Standards Grades

The report selects Standards Grades (StandardsGrades) based on the following criteria:

  • The Student Course Enrollment (CC) record TermID equals the Final Grade Mapping page Term Length Classes value
  • The ‘Standards Grades Identifier’ field of the Course, Section, or Student Course Enrollment (CC) screen is not Null
  • The Standards Grade (StandardsGrades) store code equals one of the store codes listed on the Final Grade Mapping page Final Grade Store Code(s) field for the selected collection period.  If more that one store code is listed in the Final Grade Store Code(s) field, the most recent grade available matching one of the store codes listed is reported.
  • The StandardsID field of the standards grade (StandardsGrades) record equals the id field of the standards record (standards) having the exact Identifier as entered on the Standards Identifier field on the course setup screen.
  • The YearID and SchoolID of the standards grade record (StandardsGrades) is equal to the YearID (as determined by TermID) and SchoolID of the student course enrollment (CC) record.
  • The type of standard grade reported is determined by the Display/Enter setting on the School > Final Grade Entry Options > Standards-based Grades screen (Average Score, High Score, Translated Average Score, or Translated High Score)

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • District Wide (Default) – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Current Selection Students*

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Collection Period*

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • 40 Day Period – Extracts all section enrollments from the start of school through the 40th school day
  • 100 Day Period – Extracts all section enrollments from the 40th school day through the 100th school day
  • End of Year – Extracts all section enrollments from the 100th school day through the end of the year.
  • Ad-Hoc Report – Extracts all section enrollments from the ‘Start Date of Report’ and the ‘End Date of Report’ parameters. The Final Grade reported is determined by the ‘Final Grade Store Code(s)’ parameter.

Note: For the 40 Day, 100 Day, and EOY collections, the 40th and 100th school days are automatically calculated by the report at run-time. See the STC – Collection Date Setup Screen to view or override the calculated collection dates. Also, the Final Grade reported is determined by the setup done using the Student Course Enrollment / Final Grade Mapping’ screen located on the Edit School page at the district office.

The Start of School and End of Year dates are determined by the first day and last day of the full year term at the top of the page at run-time.

Start Date of Report

Enter the Start Date of the Report.

The option is available for the Ad-Hoc Report collection option. For all other collections, the entry box is greyed out.

When the Ad-Hoc Report collection period is selected, the ‘Start Date of Report’ and ‘End Date of Report’ are used to determine section enrollment inclusion.

End Date of Report

Enter the End Date of the Report.

The option is available for the Ad-Hoc Report collection option. For all other collections, the entry box is greyed out.

Final Grade Store Code(s)


Enter a Historical Grade store code or store codes (comma-separated). If entering a comma-separated list of store codes, the most recent grade is reported.

The option is available for the Ad-Hoc Report collection option. For all other collections, the entry box is greyed out.

LEA Entity ID*

Enter the District LEA Entity ID (Required).

Bypass Validation Mode*

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Yes – Bypass validation and produce a file for submission to the state
  • No – Produce a file which lists validation errors for required data elements

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



AZ LEA Entity ID


The state assigned unique LEA entity identifier


Entered at report run-time.

AZ School Entity ID


The state assigned public or charter school entity identifier


Course Identifier


The identifying code for the course content.

If the Course Identifier Section field is blank, report pulls from the Alternate Course Number Course field.  If the Alternate Course Number field is blank, report pulls from the Course Number field.




Course Identifier System


The system used for the course identifier- either Local or State. If local course codes are used, the course must be mapped in the CourseWalk system to a state course code.


If [courses]alt_course_number or [sections]AZ_CourseID is populated, S is reported, otherwise L is reported.

School Year


The school year for this course section in '2012' format.


Pulls the 4 digit year number of the last day of the full year term of the term year set at the top of the page at run-time.

Term Type


The type of term this is.


[StuTchCrsConnection]user_defined_integer (termid)

[StuTchCrsConnection]user_defined_text2 (term type)

Session Name


A description for the term or session for the course section, for example 'Fall semester' or '2nd Trimester'


Pulls term name of term associated with the section.

Timetable Day Identifier


The unique identifier for the locally defined rotation cycle date code when the class meets (e.g., in a two day schedule, valid values could be "A" and "B", or "1" and "2").


Pulls all characters between parentheses, replacing a comma with a space.

Class Period


An identifier for the period during the day in which this section is held. If a Section spans multiple periods, report just the initial Class Period.


Pulls first period in the expression.

Primary Teacher’s Last Name


The last, family or surname for the primary teacher for the course section as reported in the HQT system

PS 7.5 and higher:

The most recent active Section Lead Teacher within the collection period is always reported as Teacher 1.

Note: When External Provider Teacher 1 Last and First Name are entered for the section, External Provider Teacher 1 is reported as the Primary Teacher unless the ‘Include both External Provider and Internal Teacher…’ box is checked. When both External Provider and Internal Teachers are reported in the Course Section file, the Internal PowerSchool teacher is reported as the Primary Teacher in the Student Section Enrollment file.

External Provider Teachers are not validated against HQT.

[Sections]teacher or




Primary Teacher’s First Name


The first or given name for the primary teacher for the course section as reported in the HQT system

[Sections]teacher or




Section Identifier


Unique identifier for a section.


SAIS Student ID


The state assigned student ID in SAIS


Local Student ID


An optional local ID for the student in the local student information system.


Student Last Name


The last, family, or surname for the student as reported in SAIS


Student First Name


The first or given name for the student as reported in SAIS


Student Middle Initial


The middle initial of the student as reported in SAIS


Pulls first character.

Student Birthdate


The student's birthdate


Student Gender


The student's gender.


Course Entry Date


The date of the first day the student received instruction in this course. Or, in the case of reentry, the date this particular membership segment began.


Course Entry Type


The way the student entered this course section, either as a new enrollee or as a transfer from another section at the same school


Reported Values:

N – New course enrollment

R – Student reenrolls in the same section (same SectionID) after an exit.

T – Student transfers from one class section to another class section of the same course at a school (same course number, different SectionID) within the school year.

Course Exit Date


The date of the last day the student received instruction in this course. Leave blank if the student is still enrolled at the time of reporting. If a student exits and re-enrolls, each enrollment segment should have its own record with its own entry and exit date.


Reports the last in session date before the exit date.

Course Exit Type


The type of exit the student had from this course. Required if the exit date is not empty.

Valid Values:

  • CF – Content Complete (Full Credit)
  • CP – Content Complete (Partial Credit)
  • CN – Content Complete (No Credit)
  • SC – Schedule Change
  • LS – Left the School
  • OE – Open Ended Course

The value entered on the student’s Section Enrollment page (All Enrollments) will be reported. If blank, Course Exit Type will be calculated (see next column).

Calculated Values:

LS – Student does not complete class because he left school (class exit date equals school exit date and school exit date is less than the end of the year)

SC – Student drops class before class completes and student has not left school on the drop date.

CN – Student completed the course, but received no credit where credit was offered (the sum of the potential credit for stored grades associated with the section is greater than 0 and the earned credit for stored grades associated with the section equals 0.

CP – Student completed the course, but received partial credit where credit was offered (the sum of the potential credit for stored grades associated with the section is greater than 0 and the earned credit hours for stored grades associated with the section is greater than 0 but less than the sum of the potential credit).

CF – Student completed the course with full credit (the sum of the potential credit for stored grades associated with the section is greater than 0 and the earned credit hours for stored grades associated with the section is greater than or equal to the sum of the potential credit).

Note: CF is reported at course completion for students in grade levels below grade 9.

Credits Earned


The number of credits the student earned from this course. Required for High school courses when the exit date is not empty.




Reports the Earned Credit hours of the grade reported.

Grade Mark Earned


The final grade mark the student earned for the course section. Required when a Course Exit Date is reported. While Credit Earned is only required for High School Courses, a grade Mark is required whenever a student exits a course and is considered to have partially or fully accomplished the objectives of the course.

Important: Use the ‘Student Course Enrollment/Final Grade mapping’ page to map store codes to a collection period.  The report uses the mapping to determine which grades (if any) to report for each class.

Note: See Grade Mark Earned above for information regarding how grades are reported.









[StandardsGrades]TransHighScore or TransAverageScore or HighScore or AverageScore

Earning Dual Credit


A flag indicating if this student is earning Dual Credit in a Dual Credit course. Use 'X' or 'N' when not a Dual Credit course

Reports a value if the section or course record’s AZ_DualCredit field is not blank. If CC is blank, the section value is reported.  If CC and Section are blank, Course Value is reported.

State Business Rule 10722:

[Earning Dual Credit] must be 'Y' or 'N' when [Is Dual Credit] = 'Y' and 'X', 'N', or blank otherwise.




Concurrently Enrolled


A Flag indicating if this student is concurrently enrolled in a course that offers concurrent enrollment. Use 'X', 'N' or blank when the course does not offer concurrent enrollment

Reports a value if the section or course record’s AZ_Concurrent field is not blank. If CC is blank, the section value is reported.  If CC and Section are blank, Course Value is reported.





Any clarifying information for this student section enrollment record.




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