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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates. 



Release Note


AzEDS: SAIS Attendance Mode UpdateYou can only select Use Core Conversion for SAIS Attendance Modes.
PSSR-300271Pupil Withdrawal Form Improvements and Fix for Missing the State Seal

Pupil Withdrawal Form: Version 1.8
With this State Reporting Release, the below changes have been done for Pupil Withdrawal Form.

  • For some Districts, the State Seal was missing in the Report Output, this issue has been resolved.

  • In the Report Parameters, a new parameter has been added for Automatically Populating the 11B values in the report. The default value is Yes, so for the Districts that want to manually enter the 11B values for the students, the value for the parameter can be set to No.

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