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AzEDS State Calendar Publishing

Starting with the 2018-19 school year, districts are required to publish their school calendar tracks through AzEDS. The state is collecting general information about the Calendar (number of school days, how many days per week), as well as detailed information about each day within the Calendar. With April 26, 2018, State Reporting release, PowerSchool implemented new data collection screens allowing Districts to configure AzEDS Calendar reporting. PowerSchool will use the new Calendar configuration screens and data from the school's School Calendar to publish Calendar information to AzEDS.

The new State Calendar Mapping configuration screens allow districts to map PowerSchool Tracks to a state Calendar Type and allow for overriding a calendar's sequence if needed. Districts should configure as many Calendar Tracks as they have different scheduling scenarios at each school. For instance, if all students at the school attend 5 days a week and they all have the same days off (non-in-session days), then only one calendar track needs to be configured.

Information about each day within the calendar track will be pulled from the school's School Calendar. The state requires a record to be published for each day within the School Calendar start and end dates (Years and Terms start and end dates), including weekends and holidays. Each Calendar Day is required to have a Calendar Day Type.

PowerSchool AzEDS Publishing will default the Calendar Day Types for in-session days and weekends, but districts will need to define other non-in-session day types like Holidays, Breaks, and Teacher In-Service Days within the PowerSchool School Calendars.

Follow the steps below to configure AzEDS State Calendar Publishing:

Note: Calendar Setup has changed slightly for 2019-20+ reporting. Refer to AzEDS 2019-2020 Changes - Overview for more information.

Map PowerSchool Tracks to a State Calendar Type

  1. Switch to District Office and navigate to Start Page > District > Schools / School Info > (select a school).
  2. Click the State Calendar Mapping and click New to open the New State Calendar Mapping page.
  3. Select a PowerSchool Track; then select a State Track Number or State Calendar (2019-20+) and the number of Instructional Days Per Week (removed for 2019-20). Click Submit.
    1. Note: If the school does not have separate tracks, you can map the blank PowerSchool Track value to a State Track Number/Calendar.
    2. Additional Note: The Sequence Override field is needed for specific school scenarios. You will only need to populate a value in the Sequence Override field if directed within another article.

For each school in your district, map as many PowerSchool Tracks as you have different scheduling scenarios at your schools. For instance, if you have an elementary school with grades 1-5 meeting 5 days a week, grade K meeting 4 days a week, and PK meeting 3 days a week, you will need to configure 3 Calendar Tracks. If you have a school with two PK programs, one meeting M-W-F and the other meeting T-TH-F, you will need to have two PowerSchool Tracks mapped to two State PK Tracks, assigning each student the applicable PowerSchool track.

Important: All PowerSchool Track values assigned to students in a school must be mapped to a State Track Number (including blank Tracks).

Configure School Calendars

AzEDS Publishing will use a school's School Calendar to publish Calendar Track and Calendar Track Day information to ADE. When setting up the School Calendar for the upcoming school year, it is important to verify In-Session days, making sure to check or uncheck the boxes for each Track if using separate tracks at the school. It is also important to specify a Type value for non-standard in-session and non-in-session days. A Calendar Day's Membership Value is not used in AzEDS Reporting. Event Duration is reported with a value of 1 for all Calendar Days (in-session and non-in-session) per state requirements.

Calendar Day Type Guidance

  • Leave standard in-session days Type field blank. AzEDS Publishing will default to 'Instructional Day'.
  • Select an 'AzEDS:' Type value for all non-standard in-session days.
  • Leave weekend days Type blank. AzEDS Publishing will default all non-in-session weekend days as 'Weekend'
  • Select an 'AzEDS:' Type value for all non-in-session days that are not weekend days.

All non-in-session days not mapped to an 'AzEDS:' Type will default to 'Other Non-Session Day'.

  • The following holidays must be configured in each school calendar on the required date: Independence Day, Veterans Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day
  • Schools can only have one Fall Break, one Spring Break, and one Winter Break, with no non-weekend day types within the break's days.

Tip: The new District Calendar functionality can be used to push calendar information to multiple schools, allowing you to set it up once then push it to applicable schools. For more information about District Calendars, change to the District Office, navigate to Start Page > District > District Calendars, and click the Help link.

Student Tracks

If you have mapped multiple PowerSchool tracks to State Track Numbers at a school, it will be necessary to assign students to the applicable PowerSchool Track.

  1. Change to a School.
  2. Select a student, then click Transfer Info.
  3. Click the Current Enrollment and update the student's Track value.
    1. Note: Track can be mass-filled for groups of students using Student Field Value or DDA, modifying the 'Track' field to have a value of A, B, C, D, E, or F.

Important: All students must have a Track value matching a PowerSchool Track that has been mapped to a State Track Number on the School / School Info > (select school) > State Calendar Mapping page.

Publishing Calendar Tracks

Before publishing Calendar Tracks, the AzEDS 18-19 Profile must be enabled and the profile needs to be configured. Refer to the AzEDS Beginning of Year Setup for more information.

After setting up Calendar Mappings, configuring School Calendars, and enabling and setting up the 18-19 AzEDS Profile, Calendar tracks can be published to AzEDS.

  1. Change to District Office.
  2. Navigate to the current year's AzEDS Dashboard from the left navigation panel.
  3. If you have not done so, click Run Now for the four categories of data in the Download Data section (Descriptors (State Codes), Organization Directory, State Courses, State Programs)
  4. After the downloads complete, click Run Now for Calendars, then select Publish All.
    1. Calendar Days are published along with Calendars.

Reminder: The District Superintendent is required to log into ADE Connect and certify Calendar information is correct for each school in the district.

Non-Traditional Reporting Scenarios

How does Calendar Track reporting through PowerSchool impacts non-traditional schools scenarios like JTED, AOI, and Tuition-out schools?

JTED Satellites

For Districts reporting JTED Enrollments through AzEDS:

If there is a valid JTED enrollment for the year, a record is published for every day between the first day and last day of the term for each JTED School Entity ID where the JTED enrollment PowerSchool track is mapped to a State Number in the school state calendar mapping.

Tuition-out Schools

If the track is for a tuitioned-out school with Entity ID of '00000', a track is published for every day between the first day and last day of the term for each unique School Entity ID override where the tuitioned-out enrollment PowerSchool track is mapped to a state number in the school state calendar mapping.

  • Note: PowerSchool allows for Tuitioned-out students tuitioned to different entities to all be placed in the same PowerSchool school. If the different private placement entities have differing school calendar start and end dates or in-session days, you will need to create a separate school for each Private Placement entity.

AOI and DRP Schools

Calendar Track information is not reported for AOI and DRP schools. For these school types, do not set up Calendar Mappings in the Schools / School Info page at District Office. This will prevent calendar information from publishing for these school types.

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