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AzEDS 21st CCLC Reporting

Starting in the 2018-19 school year, districts are required to submit 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) program and attendance records through their Student Information System (SIS) using AzEDS Publishing. This section describes the setup steps required to submit the CCLC program and CCLC attendance records through AzEDS. Students are enrolled in CCLC Programs using the State/Province - AZ > SAIS Needs > 015 - Student Support Programs page. CCLC attendance will be collected using student enrollments in CCLC classes (sections). Follow the steps below to create CCLC Courses and Sections, then add the sections to your Bell Schedules so attendance can be taken for students in CCLC Program classes.

To report the CCLC program and attendance records accurately, you need to follow these steps which are further detailed in separate sections below:

  1. Create a CCLC course.
  2. Create additional periods.
  3. Add the periods to your bell schedules.
  4. Create CCLC sections.
  5. Manage student data - programs, course enrollments, and attendance.
  6. Publish 21st CCLC programs and attendance.
  7. Summer Program Data
  8. Separate School for the Full 21st Century Program Year

2022-2023 Changes

New REQUIRED CCLC Attendance field: ActivityType

  • Define the type of CCLC activity that the student is part of by specifying a course or section with a specific CCLC activity.
  • When publishing student program attendance for 22-23 for a student who is enrolled in a CCLC course having a CCLC Activity specified on the course or section, the Program Attendance record will display a new data element: ActivityDescriptorID.
    • Publishing note: Attendance for CCLC courses or sections having a blank CCLC Activity Type field will be held in 'dependency' with a dependency reason of 'Course/Section CCLC Activity Type'.

2021-2022 Changes

For the 2021-22 school year, the state is now requiring start and end times when reporting Program Attendance.

  • When a student is marked present in a CCLC class (with a non-blank present code), the class period's start and end times will be published as AttendanceBeginTime and AttendanceEndTime in the ProgramAttendance record.
  • If a student is 'clocked-in or 'clocked out during the period (using Meeting Period clock-in/clock-out functionality), those times will be used instead of class period start or end times.
    • Note: Meeting Period clock-in/clock-out functionality is enabled/disabled on the Attendance Preferences page at the school (Start Page > School > Preferences)

2019-2020 Changes and Tips

21st CCLC reporting for 2019-20 is similar to 18-19 reporting, with the following exceptions:

  • It will no longer be necessary to mark students absent in the CCLC section for days they did not attend. AzEDS publishing will consider a blank or an absence code as 'not in attendance'.

    For 2019-2020, students need to be marked Present with a non-blank Present code in their CCLC class to be published as 'in attendance' through AzEDS for the day.

  • Coming soon:
    • Program Attendance and Student Attendance will be split into separate AzEDS dashboard categories.
    • Program Attendance will publish for non-in-session days if a student is marked 'Present' with a non-blank present code.

Setup Tips and Reminders for 2019-20:

  • If you published Summer Program data in the 2018-2019 school year, creating a 2019-2020 Summer Term at the Summer School will automatically generate most of the required setup items (Attendance Codes, Bell Schedules, FTEs, etc.). Just like with your traditional schools, you will need to set up your summer calendars and create your CCLC sections.
    • Reminder: Make sure your Summer Term end date is after July 31st!
  • For this reporting year, it may not be necessary to import your summer school enrollments and class enrollments. You can use the student group function 'Mass Remote/Summer School Enrollment' to create the summer school and class enrollments. (The import was necessary for 18-19 because we were entering the data after the summer program had ended.)
    • If using the 'Mass Remote/Summer School Enrollment' function, the school enrollments will get created with an enrollment type of M - Main. This will need to be updated to P - Program Only using USM/DDA.
    • It will still be necessary to import your Program records.

Create a CCLC Course

  1. Change to District Office, then navigate to Start Page > District > Courses.
  2. Click the New Course button to bring up the New Course screen.
  3. Enter the required course setup information like Course Number, Course Name, Grade Scale, etc. The course can be excluded from GPA, Class Rank, Honor Roll, Report Cards, and similar because it will just be used to collect CCLC Attendance.

Note: When creating the course, please select the checkbox for the 21st CCLC Program Course field and select the checkbox to Exclude From AZ Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports.

Create Additional School Periods

Since these are typically before school / after school programs, you may need to add additional periods to your Bell Schedules to schedule these sections into. The first step is to create the additional periods needed. Create as many new periods as needed to cover the time frames. For instance, if you have a before school program and an after-school program you will likely need two additional periods.

  1. Change to a school that has a CCLC program.
  2. Navigate to Start Page > School > Years and Terms.
  3. Click the applicable Year Term, for example, 2018-2019. The Edit School Year page displays.
  4. Change the Periods dropdown field to have the additional number of periods. For example, if the page currently displays 4 and you need one additional period for CCLC, then change the Periods value to 5, and click Submit.

Note: Periods are created with default names and abbreviations. These default values can be changed by navigating to Start Page > School > Periods.

Add the Periods to Your Bell Schedules

After the additional periods are created, they can be added to your existing school Bell Schedules.

  1. From your CCLC School, navigate to Start Page > School > Bell Schedules.
  2. Click Edit Schedule. The Bell Schedule: (Bell Schedule Name) page displays.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select the new CCLC period created in the above steps, and enter the Start and End times for the period.

Note: If this period will only be used for CCLC classes, deselect the Counts for ADA checkbox.

Create CCLC Sections

  1. From your CCLC School, navigate to Start Page > School > Sections.
  2. On the left navigation pane, find the CCLC Course created earlier.
  3. Click New. The Edit Section page displays.
  4. Enter the required Section Setup information like Teacher and Section Number.
  5. Schedule the class into one of the new periods created above.
  6. Select the Exclude from Attendance checkbox.

Note: If the Course is flagged as a 21st CCLC Program Course, there is no need to flag the section as a 21st CCLC Program Course.

Manage Student Data

Create CCLC Program Enrollments

Use the State/Province - AZ > SAIS Needs > 015 - Student Support Program Participation > New page to enroll students in 21st Century Programs.

Enroll CCLC Students in CCLC Classes

After creating CCLC sections, students participating in the CCLC program must be enrolled in CCLC classes. Use the Modify Schedule student screen to enroll individual students. To batch enroll students in CCLC classes, use the Mass Enroll group function under Scheduling.

Record Program Attendance

Use the student Attendance screen to manage CCLC program attendance.

  • When a student is not in attendance for the day, mark the student as absent from the class. (2018-19 school year)
    • Note: For 2019-2020 reporting, it is not necessary to mark students absent who do not attend. It is only necessary to mark students with a non-blank Present code who DO attend.
  • A student is assumed present for the program day unless marked absent. (2018-19 school year)
    • For 2019-2020, a student is assumed not in attendance unless given a non-blank present code for the day.
  • If more granular time accounting is required, Meeting Period Clock-in/Clock-out functionality can be utilized. See the Arizona 2017-18 Attendance Improvements section to enable Meeting Clock-in / Clock-out functionality for a school.

Publish 21st CCLC Programs and Attendance

CCLC program records are published using the Student Programs section of the AzEDS dashboard. Student Program Attendance records are published using the Student Attendance section of the AzEDS dashboard.

Reminder: Student attendance does not automatically publish when changes are made to student data. The Student Attendance AzEDS publishing job must either be manually submitted as desired from the AzEDS dashboard or set to run on a schedule.

Program Attendance: A Student Program Attendance record is published for each day a student is in attendance for any portion of a course flagged as a CCLC course. The begin and end times reported will default to the Bell Schedule period begin and end times of the section, unless overridden using Meeting Period Clock-in/Clock-out records.

Summer Program Data

Districts participating in the 21st Century program are required to report summer program and program attendance data through AzEDS for the 2018-19+ school year. The 21st Century program year begins around June 1, 2018, and goes through around May 30, 2019. The Arizona Department of Education's IT department has modified AzEDS integrity rules to allow for submission of data required for 21st Century school, program, and program attendance reporting before the July 1st start of the school year. To report 21st Century Programs and Attendance, districts will need to create one or more Summer Schools in PowerSchool for use in reporting summer 21st Century programs and attendance. For more information about setting up a summer school, please see the following articles:

Summer School Setup Guide for PowerSchool 12.x

Summer School Setup Guide for PowerSchool 11.x

Summer School Setup Notes:

  • When creating the Summer School, be sure to not exclude the school from state reporting, and remember to enter the correct school entityID.
  • Follow the steps in the above-linked document to set up your Summer School, referring to the above sections when setting up summer school courses, sections, and bell schedules.
  • When setting up years and terms for the summer school, be sure to create the term as a 2018-19 (or a 2019-20 school year term for FY20) school year term, with a start date equaling the start of your summer CCLC program date. The start date can be before the July 1st fiscal year start date.
    • Important: Summer School Term End Date MUST be after July 31st to ensure the Summer School Term is associated with the upcoming term year and not the previous.
    • Note: If your 21st Century program meets for non-in-session school days through your regular school year (weekend days), you can set your CCLC Summer School to meet the full school year, then set your weekend days as in-session at the CCLC Summer School and create classes that meet on the weekend days, then create program only concurrent school enrollments for the summer school that meet the full school year and enroll students in the weekend classes.
  • 21st Century Summer Schools are not required to report a School Calendar.
  • When creating summer school enrollments, select the Program Only Enrollment Type. This ensures these enrollments will not generate membership.
    • Note: Summer School enrollments and class enrollments cannot be created after the summer term has ended using the 'Enroll Student in Remote/Summer School Class'. After the Summer Term has ended, the data will need to be imported (see below).

Importing 21st Century Summer Program Data

For help in managing 21st Century summer program data, Import Templates have been created and uploaded to PowerSource. If your summer term is ended, it will be necessary to import your 21st Century summer program data to PowerSchool. Click the link below to download the templates. The templates contain instructions for populating the data needed for import.

Arizona 21st Century Summer Program Import Templates

Managing Student Data at a Summer School

Summer School enrollment and program data can be managed from a student's Home school, but Summer School attendance data must be managed from a student's previous school (the summer school). To mark a student as Absent for a Summer School CCLC class, follow the below steps:

  1. Change to the Summer School.
  2. Navigate to the student's enrolled section or teacher (Teacher Schedules or School > Sections).
  3. Click the link to: 'Make all students listed above the current selection'
    1. Note: Depending on when the summer class enrollments were created, the section enrollment counts may display as 0. Clicking the 'Make all students listed above the current selection' link will make all students ever enrolled in the section(s) your current selection even if the section enrollment count currently displays as 0.
  4. Click the number in the 'Current student selection', then select the student.
  5. Click the student's Attendance link to enter attendance information for the summer class.

Separate School for the Full 21st Century Program Year

Some districts would like to manage their 21st Century Programs in a separate school for the full school year (program year). This approach may be necessary if your 21st Century program meets for non-in-session days during your regular school year. If this is the approach you would like to take, you can follow the Summer School instructions above, with the following exceptions:

  • When creating a separate 21st Century school, it is not necessary to flag the school as a Summer School.
  • When creating the 21st Century school Years and Terms, enter the full Program Year dates.
  • When importing the School Enrollment records, import them as Program Only Concurrent Enrollments instead of ReEnrollment records.
    • Note: The Import Template is updated to include a Concurrent Enrollments tab.
  • Import the full school year program concurrent, class, and program records to the 21st-century school.

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