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Student Attendance

This category captures student daily and section attendance information, as well as 21st Century (CCLC) program attendance, and includes the following data views and resources:

Note: Manual publishing is required ("Run Now"); automatic updating is not enabled for this category.

Daily Attendance

This data category/view captures a detailed list of Daily Attendance successfully published to AzEDS in the StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent entity within the Student Attendance interchange. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and Grade Level, along with the Attendance Date, Absence Reason, Absence Amount, Minutes, Comment, SAIS Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.

Note: Manual publishing is required ("Run Now"); automatic updating is not enabled for this resource.


This event entity represents the recording of whether a student is in attendance for a school day. Records are published according to enrollment category as follows:

  • Preschool Student: Minutes in attendance for all days when minutes attended > 0, based on Bell Schedule – minutes absent (identify by grade level = -1).
  • Homebound Student: Same as preschool, between start and end of homebound period (identify by [AZ_StudentNeed] record where NeedCode='11' and date between [AZ_StudentNeed] start/end dates).
  • AOI (Arizona Online Instruction) Student: Sum of minutes per day from [S_AZ_STU_AOIATT_C], not based on BellSchedule, reported for days when [S_AZ_STU_AOIATT_C]Minutes > 0.
  • Regular Student: Records are reported only for days where the student was absent for at least part of the day.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [Attendance]
  • [Attendance_Code]
  • [Attendance_Conversion_Items]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The student has been published in the Student Parent interchange.
  • The student has an enrollment for the attendance school as published in the Student Enrollment interchange.
  • StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • On the date of the attendance event, a regular student must be absent for at least part of the day. Preschool, Homebound, and AOI students are reported for each day of reported or expected attendance.

Entity Output

  • A separate StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent record is published for each student, each school of enrollment, and each date on which the student meets the applicable criteria:
    • Regular Student: was reported as absent for at least part of the day.
    • Preschool/Homebound Student: was expected to be in attendance.
    • AOI Student: had attendance minutes reported for the day.
  • Records are published only when the event date is less than the current date.
  • Depending on the school's attendance configuration, the methods used to report attendance for regular students include:
    • Records where [Attendance]Att_Mode_Code = 'ATT_ModeDaily'.
    • Records where [Attendance]Att_Mode_Code = 'ATT_ModeMeeting' in conjunction with one or more conversion methods using [Attendance_Conversion_Items] and related tables.
    • Raw minute conversion from student's schedule based on [CC], [Bell_Schedule] and related tables.
  • Attendance for PreSchool, Homebound, and AOI Students is reported per the information provided above in the StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent description.
  • For concurrent enrollments:
    • Attendance is reported separately using the FTE at the concurrently enrolled school.
    • AOI attendance will be reported for AOI Attendance minutes entered at the student's concurrently enrolled school.
  • JTED attendance is excluded from attendance calculations with the following exception: if the school is reporting JTED enrollments directly through Ed-Fi, JTEDattendance is also reported.
    • The reporting of JTED attendance indicated by:
      • [Prefs]Value = 1 where name = 'AZEDS_REPORTJTED' for regular district
      • [S_AZ_SUBDISTRICTS]AzEDS_ReportJTED = 1 for sub-district
    • Absence in the highest priority JTED section is reported as a daily absence at the institution for the student's JTED enrollment.
    • Absence amount = FTE, which is 0.25 for JTED enrollments.
  • No attempt is made to generate daily tardy records from meeting-to-daily conversion.
  • The StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent entity is dependent on the prior publishing of the following entities: Student and StudentSchoolAssociation.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS on demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field





Date for this attendance event.





AttendanceEventCategoryDescriptor - A code describing the attendance event, for example, Present, Unexcused absence, or Excused absence.


Derived from:

[Code_Entity]CE_Code (linked to [Attendance_Code] through [Att_Code_Code_Entity])

For absence reporting, if [Code_Entity]CE_Code starts with 'exc' then 'Excused' is reported; otherwise 'Unexcused' is reported.

Valid values:

  • 1: 'Excused'
  • 2: 'Unexcused'
  • 3: 'In Attendance'

Note: "In Attendance" applies only to daily minutes reporting for Preschool, Homebound, and AOI students.



The reason for the absence or tardy.





AbsenceAmountDescriptor - The portion of the day the student was absent. This element is reported only for regular students.


Calculated based on:



The absence amount is multiplied by the student's FTE value, rounded up to the nearest quarter day, but never more than the FTE value:

  • 0.25
  • 0.5
  • 0.75
  • 1.0

JTED: always reported as '0.25'



The minutes attended during the day. This element is reported only for Preschool, Homebound, and AOI students.



Preschool and Homebound students:

Calculated from [BellSchedule] and minutes absent

AOI students:

Calculated from [S_AZ_STU_AOIATT_C]Minutes, includes negative minutes for the day.



StudentUniqueId - Relates the student associated with the attendance event.



Derived from:


AOI Students:




SchoolId - Relates the school associated with the attendance event.


SchoolId downloaded from State

Derived from:

[Students]EntityID_Ovr (current - override)

[Students]SchoolID (current)

[ReEnrollments]EntityID_Ovr (historical - override)

[ReEnrollments]SchoolID (historical)

[S_AZ_STU_CONENR]EntityID_Ovr (concurrent - override)

[S_AZ_STU_CONENR]SchoolID (concurrent) [Students]JTED_School_CTDS (JTED)



Relates the session associated with the attendance event.



SchoolID – The student's school of enrollment on the date of the AttendanceEvent.


SchoolId downloaded from State

Derived from:

[Students]SchoolID (current)

[ReEnrollments]SchoolID (historical)

[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]SchoolID (concurrent)



SchoolYearType - The identifier for the school year, for example, 2010-2011.

Enumerated List




TermType - The term for the session during the school year.

Enumerated List

if [S_AZ_StuTchCrsConnection_S]TermTypeCode is not empty:

  • 1: 'Fall Semester'
  • 2: 'Spring Semester'
  • 3: 'Summer Semester'
  • 4: 'First Trimester'
  • 5: 'Second Trimester'
  • 6: 'Third Trimester'
  • 7: 'Year Round'
  • 8: 'MiniTerm'
  • 9: 'First Quarter'
  • 10: 'Second Quarter'
  • 11: 'Third Quarter'
  • 12: 'Fourth Quarter'
  • 13: 'First Quinmester'
  • 14: 'Second Quinmester'
  • 15: 'Third Quinmester'
  • 16: 'Fourth Quinmester'
  • 17: 'Fifth Quinmester'
  • 18: 'Full School Year'
  • 19: 'Long Session'


Note: The 2017-18 year term is still reported as 'Year Round'.


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Program Attendance

This data category/view captures a detailed list of program attendance association records successfully published to AzEDS. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, SAIS Number, Override School, Attendance Date, Program Name, Attendance Category, Earliest Begin Time, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.

Note: Manual publishing is required ("Run Now"); automatic updating is not enabled for this resource.


This event entity represents the recording of whether a student is in attendance to receive or participate in program services.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student has an enrollment for the attendance school as published in the Student Enrollment interchange.
  • The student must be enrolled in a 21st Century (CCLC) program.
  • The student must be enrolled in a section enrollment that is flagged as a 21st CCLC Program Course.
  • The student's enrollment must fall within the year for the term selected in the PowerSchool UI..

Entity Output

  • Records are published only when the event date is less than the current date.
  • The StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent entity is dependent on the prior publishing of the following entities: student, studentSchoolAssociation, and studentPrograms.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS on demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field


The school reporting the program attendance. 


Derived from:

[Students]SchoolID (current)

[ReEnrollments]SchoolID (historical)

[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]SchoolID (concurrent)



The program(s) associated with the student program attendance.



The Education Organization defining the program; reported as the LEAId.


LEAId - Data element downloaded from State

Derived from:

[Prefs] value where Name = AZLEAEntityId

For Tuitioned-Out Students, output is based on:




The type of program.

Enumerated List

'Support Program'R


The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies.




  • Cyc14: '21st Century Community Learning Centers Cycle 14 - New'

  • CtYr2: '21st Century Community Learning Centers Cont-Yr2'

  • CtYr3: '21st Century Community Learning Centers Cont-Yr3'

  • CtYr4: '21st Century Community Learning Centers Cont-Yr4'

  • CtYr5: '21st Century Community Learning Centers Cont-Yr5'



The student associated with the program.Integer[Students]State_StudentNumberR




The date for this attendance event.





AttendanceEventCategoryDescriptor - A code describing the attendance event, for example, Present, Unexcused absence, or Excused absence.


Derived from:

[Code_Entity]CE_Code (linked to [Attendance_Code] through [Att_Code_Code_Entity])

Valid values:

  • 1: 'Excused'
  • 2: 'Unexcused'
  • 3: 'In Attendance'



An unordered collection of studentProgramAttendanceEventTimeLogs. This event entity adds the time component to a student program attendance record, and is only published if the student was in attendance.



The time the student began attending this program service.






The time the student stopped attending this program service.





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