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Co-Teaching Roles Setup - Student Teacher Extract

The following data elements are required for Co-Teaching Roles setup.

Start Page > System > Roles Administration > Co-Teaching

  1. On the Start Page, click System then click Roles Administration.
  2. On the Roles Administration screen, click Co-Teaching.
  3. On the Co-Teaching Roles page, select a role to edit, or click New.

Note: PowerSchool 7.5 includes five predefined Roles. It is recommended to update these predefined roles to match state defined Teaching Roles. The predefined Role of Lead Teacher should be modified to match the state defined Role of Regular Class. All other predefined Roles should be modified to match any other state Teaching Role, or may be deleted if not used.

 Also, the predefined Role of Lead Teacher (which will be renamed to Regular Class) can only be associated with the Section Lead teacher. If Additional Teachers/Staff also need to be assigned the Role of Regular Class, a second Role called Regular Class Additional may be defined with a Reference Code of R. This additional Role will then be available for Additional Teachers/Staff in the Role pop-up on the section page.

 See the Appendix for a full list of state Teaching Roles.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Start Page > System Administrator > Roles Administration > Co-Teaching Roles > Edit Co-Teaching Role

Note: For instructions on setting up Co-Teaching Roles for the first time, please see Knowledgebase article 68800 on PowerSource.


Enter the name of the Role.

This value corresponds to the Description column in the appendix.

Course Section Report


Enter a description of the role.

This value corresponds to the Definition column of the appendix.

Course Section Report

Default allocation percent

Enter the default allocation percentage for the Role.

This value determines the default value for % Allocation field when assigning a teacher to a section.

Course Section Report

Reference code

Enter the state reporting Role Code.

This value corresponds to the Code column in the appendix.

Required: A valid state Role Code must be populated into the Reference Code field for a teacher's Role to be reported on the Course Section report.

Course Section Report

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