How to Add Behaviors
Use the steps below to add behaviors to the incident. See the Appendix of the Arizona State Reporting Incident Management Guide for code values.
- On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you'd like to edit.
- Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.
- Choose Add Behavior from the pop-up menu.
- Choose the behavior performed by the offender (Aggression, Arson, etc.) from the pop-up menu.
- Based on the behavior code, a behavior subcode pop-up menu may appear. Choose the appropriate subcode from the pop-up menu. This field defines the Violation Code, Violation Detail 1, Violation Detail 2, and Violation Detail 3 elements of the Arizona Safe and Drug Free report.
- Based on the behavior subcode, a Behavior Code Comment text box may appear. Enter text to describe the behavior.
- Select the Primary Behavior checkbox to indicate if this is the primary behavior for the incident. This field defines the Primary Violation Indicator in the Arizona Safe and Drug Free report.
- Click Add Behavior. The behavior appears under the Incident Elements heading.
- Click and drag the behavior to the appropriate offender. The behavior appears under the name of the offender and also remains listed under Incident Elements.