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Update Transactions with Errors

Each transaction can only be updated with one action. Follow the steps below to update one or more transactions:

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Special Functions > Interfaces to other systems > SAIS > Transactions with Errors.
  2. Click the number of students associated with a particular upload file.
  3. Click on the appropriate Transaction ID.
  4. Do one of the following on the SAIS Transactions – Transaction Detail page:
  • For individual transactions, edit the data as needed.

Note: Data updated via this page is not updated for the student in the PowerSchool database. This page is only used to create a new transaction record. If necessary, any data edited on this page should be updated for the student on the appropriate page in PowerSchool.

  • For group transactions, choose the appropriate action from the Action pop-up menu.

Note: Choosing a corrective action for multiple transactions will update all transactions for the student with the status "Uncorrected" in the associated SAIS upload file. Corrected and successful transactions are not affected by group actions.

5. Use the following table to determine the best course of action:

Data Element

Additional Information

No action at this time

This error will be addressed in the future.

Acknowledge as OK

No corrective action is required. For example, no action may be required for an error message indicating that attendance for a particular day already exists in the SAIS database.

Send transaction again as-is

Choose this option if a precondition in SAIS was not met prior to processing a specific transaction, such as sending attendance transactions prior to the student's enrollment transaction.

Indicate that the precondition has now been met and this transaction should be sent again with no changes.

Send transaction again with changes below

If the transaction type was appropriate, but the value in a specific data element was invalid, correct the data and send the transaction again.

Note: Not all data elements may be edited. If the necessary change is in a field that cannot be edited, use the option to "Acknowledge error but will fix separately."

Acknowledge error but will fix separately

Choose this option if a field contains invalid data, but the field cannot be edited, or the correction requires separate and possibly unrelated changes.

6. Click Submit.
7. Once all transactions with errors are corrected, build a SAIS upload file manually, or wait until the next scheduled upload.

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