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AzEDS Data Quality Checks

AzEDS Data Quality Checks

The following tables contain the current Arizona Data Quality Check views included on the PowerSchool AzEDS Reporting page. These views do not have corresponding Ed-Fi entities, but are provided to enable users to identify and correct missing or invalid data prior to Ed-Fi publishing. The shaded header for each data quality check contains the Exception Code ID, and the Title, followed by the Severity level. The current intent is not to prevent data from publishing; as such, all severity levels are listed as ‘WARNING’ or ‘INFORMATION’ only.

To access the Data Quality Check views on the PowerSchool AzEDS Reporting page, click the Review (or Errors) button for the desired data category. In the Choose category pop-up menu, choose Data Quality Check, and then select the desired view from the Choose data view pop-up menu.

Staff Demographics Data Quality Checks


Staff missing or incomplete required demographic information - Warning

Business Rule

Staff data must include First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, and Unique Person ID.

Steps to Correct

For each staff member in the list, modify the record to ensure the required fields contain valid data.

View Columns

Teacher Number, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Unique Person ID


Staff missing staff role – Warning

Business Rule

The staff member needs to have a Role at the school that is mapped to a Staff Classification on the Ed-Fi Code Set Mappings page

Steps to Correct

To update a staff member’s role for an existing school association, click the pencil icon for the school under Roles and Schools. To create a new school association for the staff member, click the Add button.

View Columns

Teacher Number, Staff Name, Staff Role, Unique Person ID


Teachers Excluded from State Reporting – Information

Business Rule

Teachers excluded from State Reporting are not published to AzEDS.

Steps to Correct

If the information is correct, no further action is needed. Otherwise, uncheck the ‘Exclude from state reporting’ box on the AZ State Information panel on the Staff Information page.

View Columns

Teacher Number, Staff Name, Unique Person ID

Student Demographics Data Quality Checks


Student incorrect or missing demographic data required for publishing - Warning

Business Rule

Student data must include First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity, Race, Country of Birth, State of Birth and SAIS number.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, modify the student record to ensure the required fields contain valid data.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity, Race, Country of Birth, State of Birth, SAIS Number


Student incorrect or missing physical address for publishing - Warning

Business Rule

Physical address must be complete.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, modify the physical address to ensure the required fields contain valid data.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Street, City, State, Postal Code, SAIS Number


Student incorrect or missing mailing address for publishing - Warning

Business Rule

Mailing address must be complete.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, modify the mailing address to ensure the required fields contain valid data.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Street, City, State, Postal Code, SAIS Number


Students Excluded from State Reporting – Information

Business Rule

Students excluded from State Reporting are not published to AzEDS.

Steps to Correct

If the information is correct, no further action is needed.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Grade Level, SAIS Number

Student Contacts Data Quality Checks


Student contacts missing required information for publishing - Warning

Business Rule

Student contacts data must include First and Last Name, gender, unique person ID and be associated with a student.

Steps to Correct

For each student contact in the list, modify the student contact record to ensure the required fields contain valid data.

View Columns

Contact ID, Contact Name, Gender, Relationship, Unique Person ID

Calendar Terms Data Quality Checks


Terms Missing - Warning

Business Rule

Terms must be defined in PowerSchool with Term Name, First Day of Term and Last Day of Term within the school calendar year.

Steps to Correct

Verify years and terms.

View Columns

Term Name, Term Abbreviation, First Day of Term, Last Day of Term, Year

Courses and Sections Data Quality Checks


Course code invalid - Warning

Business Rule

Course code must be a valid course code defined by ADE and downloaded into PowerSchool.

Steps to Correct

Create a new section using valid course code and transfer students.

View Columns

Course Number, Alternate Course Number, Course Name, Term, Section


Section missing expression, room, instructional setting, or course level characteristic - Warning

Business Rule

Every reportable section should have valid expression (term, day, period) for the school year, room identification, instructional setting and course level characteristic.

Steps to Correct

Modify the section to include the expression, room, instructional setting and course level characteristic.

View Columns

Course Number, Alternate Course Number, Course Name, Term, Section, Period, Room, Instructional Setting, Characteristic


Section missing expression, room, instructional setting, or course level characteristic - Warning

Business Rule

Every reportable section should have valid expression (term, day, period) for the school year, room identification, instructional setting and course level characteristic.

Steps to Correct

Modify the section to include the expression, room, instructional setting and course level characteristic.

View Columns

Course Number, Alternate Course Number, Course Name, Term, Section, Period, Room, Instructional Setting, Characteristic

Student Enrollments Data Quality Checks


Student entry code or entry date invalid - Warning

Business Rule

The student entry code must match the downloaded state codes, be mapped on the Ed-Fi Codeset mapping page, and have a valid entry date within the school year.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, examine the enrollment records and enter a valid entry code and/or entry date.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, Entry Code, Entry Date, SAIS Number


Student exit code invalid or exit date is prior to entry date - Warning

Business Rule

The student must have a valid exit code and the exit date must not be prior to entry date.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, examine the enrollment record and enter a valid exit code and/or date.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, Entry Code, Entry Date, SAIS Number


Ensure Full Coverage for Required Elements- Warning

Business Rule

Tuition Payer, Student FTE, District of Residence, and Grade Level are required.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, modify the record to ensure the required fields contain valid data. 

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, SAIS Number, Tuition Payer, Student FTE, District of Residence


Tuitioned Out School - Information

Business Rule

Students attending a tuitioned out school must have an entity id override value populated for the applicable enrollment.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, examine the enrollment record and enter the School Entity ID Override.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, Entry Date, Entry Code, Entity ID Override, Exit Date, Exit Code, SAIS Number, Internal Student ID


Tuition Payer Needs Only Students - Warning

Business Rule

Needs only students must have tuition payer type of 2.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, examine the enrollment record and enter Tuition Payer code of '2'.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, Tuition Payer Status, Entry Date, Entry Code, Tuition Payer Start Date, Exit Date, Exit Code, SAIS Number, Internal Student ID


Invalid AOI (Online) enrollment type - Information

Business Rule

Students attending an AOI (Online) school must have an Enrollment Type of T.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, examine the enrollment record and enter Enrollment Type of 'T'.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, Entry Code, Entry Date, Enrollment Type, SAIS Number


JTED through AzEDS School CTDS blank - Warning

Business Rule

If reporting JTED enrollments and attendance through AzEDS, then JTED School CTDS cannot be blank for JTED students.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, examine the enrollment record and enter JTED School CTDS.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, Entry Code, Entry Date, JTED School CTDS, SAIS Number


EOY Exit date and Exit Code missing or invalid - Warning

Business Rule

The exit date and exit code are required at the end of the school year for all students who have not exited school within the school year.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, examine the enrollment record and enter the appropriate EOY exit code.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, EOY Exit Code, EOY Exit Date, SAIS Number


Exit date prior to EOY - Warning

Business Rule

When a student withdraws before the end of the year, an exit reason is required.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, examine the enrollment record and enter the appropriate exit code.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, Exit Code,  Exit Date, SAIS Number

Student Teacher Sections Data Quality Checks


Section Course code invalid - Warning

Business Rule

Course code must be a valid course code defined by ADE and downloaded into PowerSchool.

Steps to Correct

Create new section using valid course code and transfer students.

View Columns

Teacher Number, Teacher Name, Course Number, Alternate Course Number, Course Name, Section, Period, Unique Person ID


Section missing expression, room, instructional setting, or course level characteristic - Warning

Business Rule

Every reportable section should have valid expression (term, day, period) for the school year, room identification, instructional setting and course level characteristic.

Steps to Correct

Modify the section to include the expression, room, instructional setting and course level characteristic.

View Columns

Course Number, Alternate Course Number , Course Name, Term, Section, Period, Room, Instructional Setting, Characteristic


Staff section missing the staff role - Warning

Business Rule

Staff section must include staff role, for example: Teacher of Record, Assistant Teacher, Support Teacher, Substitute Teacher, etc.

Steps to Correct

For each section, enter the teacher section role.

View Columns

Teacher Number, Teacher Name, Course Number, Course Name, Term, Section, Staff Role, Unique Person ID

Student Programs Data Quality Checks


Primary Need missing - Warning

Business Rule

At least one SPED Need being service must be identified as the Primary Need.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, modify the SPED Primary Need indicator for the appropriate record.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level,  Need Code, Program Code, SPED Code, SAIS Number

Student Attendance Data Quality Checks


Student absent first day of school membership - Warning

Business Rule

A student may not have a full day absence on the first day of membership unless the absence fall on the first day of school as defined in the calendar track to which the student is assigned.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, correct the attendance code for the first day of enrollment to present, or correct the enrollment begin date.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, School Enrollment Date, Attendance Date,  Attendance Code, SAIS Number


Attendance Dates Outside Enrollment Period - Warning

Business Rule

Attendance dates must fall within the student's enrollment dates for that membership, and be in-session days.

Steps to Correct

For each student in the list, modify the attendance date.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Attendance Date,  Attendance Code, SAIS Number

Student Transcript Data Quality Checks


Valid course code and Term required - Warning

Business Rule

Course code must be a valid course number defined by the ADE and downloaded into PowerSchool. Term must not be null.

Steps to Correct

Verify alternate course code are valid and Term is entered.

View Columns

Student Number, Student Name, Course Number, Alternate Course Number, Course Name, Term, SAIS Number

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