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SAIS - Charter Estimated Counts

The Charter Estimated Counts report is used to report student school enrollment information to ADE for Charter Schools before the 40th Day.

The report lists all students enrolled in school on the run date or on the first day of school, whichever is later. It is designed to run after the PowerSchool End-of-Year process is performed for the previous school year.

Before running this report, verify that students have school enrollments for the current school year, and have been enrolled in their applicable Student SPED Service Participation and Student Language Program Participation Needs.
This report is designed to run at the School level and not at the District Office.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] or [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in the school on the report run date, or on the first day of the upcoming school year if the report is run before the start of the school year.
  • The student is not excluded from state reporting ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting does not equal 1)
  • The student's exit date (ExitDate) does not equal his entry date (EntryDate).

Report Input

To generate the Charter Estimated Count report, do the following:

  1. On the Start Page, click Reports. The Reports page appears.
  2. Click the State tab. The State Reports page appears.
  3. Click Charter Estimated Counts. The Charter Estimated Counts page appears.
  4. Enter information in all of the required fields.
  5. Click Submit to generate the report.



Report Parameters

Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Select All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Clear All.

Charter Holder Name *

Enter the Charter Holder Name for the Charter School.

Contact Name *

Enter the name of the contact to address questions to.

Contact Telephone *

Enter the phone number of the contact listed above.

Contact Email *

Enter the email address of the contact listed above.

Bypass Validation Mode *

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Yes – Bypass validation and produce a file for submission to the state (Choose this option after all validation errors are corrected)
  • No – Produce a file which lists validation errors for required data elements

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Data Header Definition

CTDS Number

The CTDS number (county-type-district-school number).

[S_AZ_SCH_X]CTDSOverride or




Charter Name

The Charter Holder Name entered at run-time is reported.


Charter Site Name

The School Name at the top of the page is reported.


Contact Name

The Contact Name entered at run-time is reported.


Contact Telephone

The Contact Telephone entered at run-time is reported.


Contact Email

The Contact Email entered at run-time is reported.


Student List Definition

First Name

Student's first name



Student's middle initial.

The first character of the student's middle name is reported.


Last Name

Student's last name


Birth Date

Student's date of birth.

Data Format: Numeric (MMDDYY) 6-digits


Previous LEA

The name of the district or charter school the student attended in the previous school year OR the ISE / Non-ISEP data if applicable.
Previous LEA is calculated as follows:

  • If a student's Previous LEA field is not blank, the value is reported. If it is blank, then…
  • The School Name of the student's previous school year enrollment record is reported if that record has an exit code of P,R,SC,SE,or SA.
  • If the student does not have a Previous LEA value and did not complete the school year last year in PowerSchool, blank is reported.
    Note: For Charter Schools receiving Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) funds, see page 91 of this document.







Grade Level

Student's grade level



SPED Category

Student's primary SPED Service Participation Need Code active on count date.

If a student has more than one applicable 14 Need record, the Federal Primary Need is reported.

If no 14 Need is designated as the Federal Primary, then the Primary Concurrency record is reported.





Service Type

Student's primary SPED Service Participation Need Code.
The Service Code value of the SPED Service Participation Need reported above.



ELL Status

Indicates if ELL Services will be provided to the student.

  • 'Yes' is reported if a student is enrolled in a 15 Need on count date, otherwise blank is reported.



AOI Status

Indicated if a student is Non AOI, AOI Full-Time, or AOI Part-Time.

  • If a student's Membership Type is not Online (EnrollmentType does not equal T), then 'NON' is reported
  • If a student's EnrollmentType = T, and his FTE Value is Greater than or equal to 1, then 'FT' is reported.
  • If a student's EnrollmentType = T, and his FTE Value is less than 1, then 'PT' is reported.






Report Output – Validation Option

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Error Message


DOB cannot be blank.

Each student must have a date of birth.

  • Check the student's Demographics page.

Enrollment Type Value is incorrect for the student's Enrollment School Type. AOI Students must have an EnrollmentType value of T (Online).

Students attending an Online School (Schools.AZSchoolType = 2) must have an Enrollment Type value of Online (Students/ReEnrollments.EnrollmentType = T).

  • Check the student's Transfer Info page for the applicable school enrollment.
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