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Guidance on Publishing of the CTED School Enrollment Data


Starting in 2022-23, districts are required to submit the Total Planned Instructional Hours and the Total Community College Enrolled Credits with the Student School Association Record using AzEDS Publishing. This section describes the publishing logic that has been implemented.

Selection Criteria

  • The student must have a valid enrolment record during the session.

  • The student must not be excluded from the State Reporting.

  • The school in which the student is enrolled, must not be excluded from the State Reporting.

Publishing Criteria

  • If the School Type is CTED Central Campus:

    • The student’s course and section of Enrollment’s JTED Course Led by a CTE Instructor could be left as No.

    • The JTED Student Indicator for the students must be set to No, otherwise, it will publish an extra JTED enrollment (student school association) record with a 0.25 FTE. All other current publishing logic for the CTED/JTED data with the student school association record remains the same.

    • If a value has been entered manually in the Total Planned Instructional Hours, then that value gets published instead of the automatically calculated hours. If a student has two different school enrollments in the same school and if one school enrollment has a value entered, then the automatic calculation does not work. However, if the schools are different the automatic calculation would work even if the value has been entered for anyone of the enrollment records.

    • The value of the Total Planned Instructional Hours is auto-calculated and published in the Student School Association Record.

      • The basis of the automatic calculation would be the duration of the associated periods of the section and the number of in-session days associated with the student’s enrollment.

      • The duration (in minutes) from the bell schedule is multiplied by the number of in-session days and then divided by 60 to get the number of hours.

      • For example, if an enrollment record is associated with the 5th period in the bell schedule, the 5th period is for 40 minutes, and the student has been enrolled in that section for 9 days. The calculation: (40 (minutes) * 9 (In-Session Days)) / 60 = 6 hours.

  • If the School Type is anything else other than CTED Central Campus:

    • The student’s course and section of Enrollment’s JTED Course Led by a CTE Instructor and the JTED Student Indicator at the student’s school enrollment level must be set to Yes for the JTED/CTED elements to get published. And the CTED Rankings must be set correctly at the School Level. For the auto-calculation, the highest-ranking CTED section gets considered only.

    • The calculation of the Total Planned Instructional Hours will be automatic based on the CTED/JTED ranking sections unless the data gets entered manually in the Total Planned Instructional Hours field.


  • Re-enrolling the student with the values entered manually in the Total Planned Instructional Hours and the Total Community College Enrolled Credits, will keep the values in the previous enrollment record and the values will be rolled over to the current enrollment as well.

  • With SR_23.4.3.0, a new field was implemented, which could be on the Student Enrollment Information page. The Navigation: Start Page, Student Selection, Arizona State Information, State Enrollment Information. The field is Exclude Planned Instructional Hours, and this is visible only for 22-23 sessions and only impacts the publishing of the AzEDS 8.0 profile. Selecting this field prevents the publishing of the Total Planned Instructional Hours for students completely and the values do not get automatically calculated for the student. And, moving forward if the student has this field selected it does impact the student in any way in the 23-24 session.

  • For the 22-23 session, in rare scenarios, such as, if a student changed the enrollment from a CTED Community College to CTED Central Campus and does not want the Total Planned Instructional Hours to get published from previous enrollment then they can fill '0' in the Total Planned Instructional Hours field.

  • For the 23-24 session and the AzEDS 9.0 profile, we will introduce a new school type called CTED Community College and for this school type every workflow logic remains the same as CTED Central Campus, it is just that the value will not get automatically calculated for the Total Planned Instructional Hours and the Admins will have to manually enter the value for Instructional Hours to get published.

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