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Upload File to SAIS from PowerSchool

After initial logon to SAIS, each district must set up a district calendar as well as a calendar for each school (even if they are the same). After setting up a calendar for a school, SAIS can accept information from PowerSchool. For more information, download the calendar program manual from

To upload student information from PowerSchool to SAIS:

  1. Log onto the SAIS User Interface.
  2. Click Student Detail Data Interchange (SDDI). The SDDI School Selection page appears.
  3. Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The Student Detail Upload page for that school appears.
  4. Click Browse and choose the appropriate SAIS file to upload.
  5. Click Go to submit the file. The page refreshes and the system displays a confirmation message.
  6. Click Status to determine if SAIS uploaded the file successfully. The Student Detail Status page appears.
  7. Either view the status of all of the files submitted for the fiscal year or search for files by type, sequence number, or date range.
  8. Click Go. The system indicates any errors or warnings for each transaction received.
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