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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-289721All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences - LearningPreferences Field Update

The LearningPreferences field in the following tables and extensions has been lengthened to accommodate saved values up to 30 characters.

  • S_SCH_X
  • S_STU_LearningPreference_C


All States/Provinces: Office Visit Details Report- PDF Version Available

Office Visit Details: Version 1.1

The Office Visit Details report, on the System Reports tab, has been updated and now has the option of producing a pdf result file.

Note: The HTML version of this report is released as a part of PSSR-281819: ALSDE - New Health Visit Reports - HTML



ESS Discipline Data Collection Report Updates

ESS Discipline Data Collection: Version 3.0

The ESS Discipline Data Collection Report is updated to ensure that:

  • The SMSViolationID and SMSActionID fields were missing in the output causing an error on submission. These fields have been added back to the report.
  • Removal Days was spelled as removalDays in the output. It has been corrected to spell as removaldays.
PSSR-294746AzEDS - Publishing Logic Update: JTED School Enrollment Records

Publishing Logic of JTED School Enrollment Records is updated for the students who graduate in a grade level less than 11. The exit code will publish with a C instead of SC.

PSSR-291903Inaccurate Student SDADMS72 Audit Report

Student SDADMS72 Audit - 4.5

The Student SDADMS72 Audit Report is updated to no longer calculate Membership Days and attendance numbers incorrectly for students with multiple JTED enrollments in the report date range. The report now matches the values in the AZ ADA/ADM by Student report.

PSSR-294298AzEDS JTED Attendance Publishing Update

The attendance records for all the previous enrollments were getting published as JTED if any one of the previous enrollment record was marked as JTED. The publishing logic for Attendance has been modified for students with JTED enrollment records to ensure that only the required attendance records are published.

PSSR-294313AZEDs RelationshipNote on Student Contact Association Update
RelationshipNote on Student Contact Association is updated to report only the first 250 characters.
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