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Initial AzEDS Reporting Setup in PowerSchool

On this page:

This page is designed to help districts new to PowerSchool setup and configure AzEDS reporting. The page assumes the new district is working with their implementation specialist (or with PowerSchool Support), who can provide clarifying details. This page is a reference guide, not a step-by-step walkthrough.

Contact ADE

  • Districts new to PowerSchool should notify ADE of your new server address and new SIS vendor.
  • The same District Key and Secret used in your previous SIS should be used in PowerSchool. Contact ADE to obtain your Key and Secret if the information cannot be accessed in your previous SIS.

Data Prep

  • Validate Entity ID for District: District Setup > District Info > District Entity ID
    • Note: For multi-LEA servers, it will be necessary to have either Support or your Implementation Manager enable Sub-District functionality for your server. Sub-District functionality allows a single PowerSchool server to publish data for multiple LEAs, each having their own AzEDS publishing Key and Secret.
    • After Sub-District functionality is enabled, navigate to District Setup > Sub-District Configuration to create new sub-districts. (Each sub-district represents a single LEA). For more information on creating sub-districts, see the Sub-District Configuration section of the District Setup - AzEDS document.
  • Validate Entity ID for each school on the server: District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Name] > School Entity ID
    • Note: AzEDS Publishing uses LEA and School Entity IDs, not CTDS numbers. Enter EntityIDs in the above fields.
  • Validate School Type: District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Name] > School Type
  • Setup Transcript Final Grade Mappings on the Final Grade Mapping Page – District Setup > Schools/School Info > Student Course Enrollment / Final Grade Mapping Page
    • For more information scroll to the Schools/School Info > Edit School > Student Course Enrollment/Final Grade Mapping Page section in District Setup - AzEDS.
  • Setup Entry and Exit Codes: District Setup > Entry Codes, District Setup > Exit Codes
  • Import Federal Race and Ethnicity Settings: AZ District Setup of Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings
  • Enter Security Role for Staff who will be reported to AzEDS
    • Note: All staff members teaching a Section in the current school year will be reported, regardless of Security Role.
    • Assign a Security Role for non-teaching staff who you wish to report to AzEDS (optional).
  • Set the Exclude from STC flag for any Staff who should not be reported to AzEDS
    • Example: Staff members assigned to sections, where all sections the staff member teaches should be excluded from AzEDS (ex: counselors assigned advisory sections).
  • Validate that the Alternate Course Number field is populated with a valid AZ Course Code: District Setup > Courses > [Course Number] > Alternate Course Number
    • Courses and Sections without a valid AZ Course Code in the Alternate Course Number field will not be reported.
    • Enter the full alphanumeric value (ex: AZ01001)
  • Confirm information entered in the mother/father fields on the Student Demographic page is entered in the proper format (last, first) and does not have any special characters, e.g., * or ( )
    • Note: Student Contact records can be automatically created, based on the data entered in the student Mother and Father fields, when Publishing contacts for the first time.
  • Confirm setup for any special scenarios:
  • Setup and Configure School Calendar Data.

    Do not publish the calendar until after the AzEDS Setup is complete.

  • Confirm Attendance Setup for each school.
  • If needed, set up Distance Learning reporting for applicable schools.
  • Validate Student Enrollment Data: Arizona State Reporting Beginning of Year Procedures (Enrollment Validation section)
  • Setup JTED/CTED Satellite Reporting (if applicable)
    1. Populate the Satellite JTED EntityID on the associated school's school setup page: District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Name] > JTED Entity ID
    2. For each school having JTED sections, flag all JTED Sections as 'Led by a CTE Certified Instructor' on the Sections setup page: Start Page > School > Sections > [Course Name] > Section Number > 'JTED Section Led by a CTE Instructor'
    3. Assign a unique Section Rank to all JTED sections using the JTED Section Ranking page: Start Page > Special Functions > Interfaces to Other Systems > JTED link
      1. Section Ranking is used to determine which JTED section enrollment to use for JTED enrollment and attendance if a student is enrolled in more than one JTED section at a time (lower ranked section enrollments are reported).
    4. Use the 'SAIS and JTED FTE Validation Tool to validate students have the correct FTE for their JTED / Non-JTED class load (same page as the JTED Ranking link)
      1. The page can be used to mass update JTED Indicator flags for all students enrolled in a JTED section.
      2. Note: Students enrolled in a JTED section but not enrolled in enough non-JTED classes to be considered a 1.0 district FTE may have their student-level JTED indicator unchecked so as not to be reported as .25 JTED.
  • Turn on JTED AzEDS Direct Reporting (if applicable): District Setup > District Info > 'Report JTED Enrollments and Attendance Through AzEDS (Ed-Fi)'
    • Select this field if your JTED requires your district to directly report JTED satellite enrollments and attendance to AzEDS.
    • If your JTED requires your district to send the enrollments and attendance to them through .csv files, you can generate these reports from the State Reporting tab: Start page > System Reports > State Reporting > Arizona JTED Reports Section
  • Import or enter Student Program (Needs) data using either Data Import Manager or the Student State / Province - AZ > Student Needs screen.
    • Needs and associated Programs are collected as single records in PowerSchool but are reported as separate records through AzEDS. For instance, when creating a SPED Program record, the Need and Program are both entered when creating a record on the 'New Student SPED Service Participation' page. The '11 - Student Needs' page is used to create Needs not associated with a Service Participation record (ex. Homeless Needs).

AzEDS Setup

  • Enable PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) Plugin: System > System Settings > Plugin Management Configuration
    • Enable current year profile: Click PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) > Profile Configuration > click edit to enable the desired profile.
  • Configure AzEDS Profile [District Office] System > Ed-Fi Administration > Ed-Fi Settings
    • Select the Profile to be configured from the Profile drop-down.
    • Check the box(es) that correspond to the years for which AzEDS Reporting should be enabled
    • Check the box(es) that correspond to the Service Options to be enabled. (check all)

Note: Typically, AzEDS reporting should be enabled for the current reporting year. Consult with School Finance before enabling previous year reporting.

    • Verify URLs, Key and Secret
    • Note: The URLs are pre-configured and differ for each profile. (AzEDS 2021-22 profile shown below.)
    • Click the Configure Link
      • Enter the Key and Secret
      • Click Test Connection
      • After 'Test Successful' displays, select 'On' for LEA Enabled
      • Click Save then Close
      • Note: For sub-district enabled servers, repeat the above Configure Link steps for each sub-district.

Note: The Key and Secret are provided via secure email from ADE

    • Select 'On' for System Enabled
    • Click Save on the Data Exchange Setup Page
  • Complete Downloads
    • Downloads must be completed in the District Office context from the AzEDS Dashboard
    • [District Office] AzEDS 2021-22 (enabled profile name)
      • Click Run Now for each of the four download categories
      • Wait for the Downloading column to cycle from No to Yes and back to No for each category, refreshing the page to view the updated status.

Note: When the Downloading column displays No, the record count in the Downloaded column should represent the total number of records downloaded from the AzEDS ODS

  • Complete Mappings (if needed)
    • Complete Mapping of PowerSchool codes to State Descriptors [District Office] System > Ed-Fi Administration > Ed-Fi Codeset Mappings
    • Note: Mappings allow for mapping of local non-seeded codes to state valid values. Local codes matching state valid values do not need to be mapped.
  • Install and configure ADE Connect Plugin: Arizona ADE Connect Plugin Installation and Setup

Publish Data

Categories of data are generally arranged in order on the AzEDS Reporting tab to allow data to publish in the proper order; however, there are some categories that need to complete prior to subsequent publishing. Subsequent records may be held in Dependency until the dependent recourse publishes.

Publishing can be executed from either the District or School context: Start Page > AzEDS 2021-22 (Under Data Exchange)

Before start of school and before the Calendar submission window closes (Calendars only), Publish Organization Data:

  1. Publish Periods and Locations by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  2. Publish Calendars by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  3. Publish Terms by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  4. Wait for Periods and Locations, Calendar and Terms Categories to finish before continuing.
  5. Publish Courses and Sections by selecting Run Now > Publish All

Publish Student Data within 20 school days after the start of school:

  1. Publish Student Identification by selecting Run Now > Publish All
    1. Note: There may be dependencies listed in Identification, ignore dependencies until after Student Enrollments have published.
  2. Publish Student Enrollments by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  3. Wait for Courses and Sections and Student Enrollment Categories to finish before continuing.
  4. Publish Student Demographics by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  5. Create Student Contacts by selecting Run Now > Find Contacts (if desired)
  6. Publish Student Contacts by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  7. Publish Student Sections by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  8. Publish Student Programs by selecting Run Now > Publish All

Publish Staff Data:

  1. Publish Staff Demographics by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  2. Publish Staff Assignments by selecting Run Now > Publish All
  3. Publish Staff Sections by selecting Run Now > Publish All

Subsequent publishing of Organization, Student and Staff data will occur automatically as long as the DEX is enabled and the Data Changes service is checked. Remember to verify the DEX plugin is enabled after each PowerSchool or State Reporting update. If there is a need to manually publish data, choose either Publish Changes, Publish Errors, or Publish Dependencies after selecting Run Now for the category of data for which manual publishing is needed.

Publish On-Demand Attendance and Transcript Data

Note: Attendance and Transcript changes are not automatically published when data is changed and must be either manually 'pushed' (Publish All or Changes) or set to run on a schedule.

  1. Publish Student Attendance by selecting Schedule > Publish All and click Submit
  2. Set up a Schedule for Student Attendance by selecting Schedule > Publish Changes, update the Scheduling options to Schedule, designate a time when Attendance should be published, and click Submit.
  3. After Final Grades are stored, Publish Student Transcripts by selecting Run Now > Publish All

Note: Transcript grades are those that have been stored using the store codes defined on the Final Grade Mapping Page – District Setup > Schools/School Info > Student Course Enrollment / Final Grade Mapping Page

Resolving Dependencies

Each Dependency data view includes a Dependency Column. Sometimes the dependency is caused by data from another category. Any corrections to the data will automatically generate a transaction if the Ed-Fi Transaction Listener for AzEDS is enabled.

On the AzEDS Dashboard, click the Review or Errors buttons to access the Dependencies, Errors, and Published data views. Data views provide additional information about records that have published, are held in dependency, or have received an error when submitted to AzEDS.

  • Unique ID – Right-click on the displayed Name in the view and select Open in a New tab; then navigate to the corresponding page where the Unique ID can be requested:
    • Students - State/Province – AZ > SAIS Information Page
    • Staff - Information Page
    • Contacts – Contact Page
  • School Association – Right Click on the displayed Name in the view and select Open in a New tab; then navigate to the corresponding page where the dependency can be addressed:
    • Staff – Security Settings > Admin Access and Roles tab – assign a role that corresponds to a mapped value, mapping was completed during the setup step
    • Student – State/Province – AZ > AzEDS Publishing – confirm the school association has published
  • Course Offering Record – Check the view for Course Offering to determine if the Course Offering Record has published
  • Missing State Course Number – Make sure the course has a valid Alternate Course Number – District Setup > Courses > [Course Number] > Alternate Course Number
  • Session (Term) Record – Check the view for Calendar Terms to determine if the term record has published
  • Section – Check the view for Courses and Sections to determine if the section record has published

Resolving Errors

  • Code 400 – Validation failed – Check staff/student/contact data identified in the message details of the error.
  • Code 403 – Data cannot be updated until linked to a school.
    • Staff – Confirm a mapped Role has been assigned on the Admin Access and Roles tab of the Security Settings page.
    • Student – State/Province – AZ > AzEDS Publishing – confirm the school association has published.

    Code 403 errors in Student or Staff Demographics are automatically reclassified as dependencies.

  • Code 409 – The value supplied for the related resource does not exist.
    • Check the views associated with the identified resource to determine if errors or dependencies are preventing data from publishing.
    • In the Program area, confirm the LEA has permission to publish data for that specific program.
  • Code 409 – Natural Key Conflict – select Run Now > Retry Errors.
  • Code 500 – An unexpected error occurred on the server – select Run Now > Retry Errors.
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