Exit (Withdrawal) Codes
The following exit codes must be set up at the district level and assigned at the student level.
Code | Definition |
Withdrawal Codes | |
W1 | Transfer to another AZ school |
W2 | Illness |
W3 | Expelled or long term suspension |
W4 | Absence or status unknown |
W5 | Dropout |
W6 | Age |
W7 | Graduated |
W8 | Deceased |
W9 | Transfer to be home taught |
W10 | Transfer to detention |
W11 | GED |
W12 | Vocational school |
W13 | Completed CTED B4 or After graduation |
W14 | Completed GCD Requirements, continuing in HS |
W15 | Completed GCD Requirements, Awarded Diploma |
W17 | Received GCD, No Longer Attending AZ University |
W18 | Received GCD, No Longer Attending AZ Community College |
W19 | Eligible for GCD, But No Longer Full-Time CTE |
W20 | Awarded GCD, Post GCD Participation Unknown |
W21 | Transfer To Another School Out Of State |
W22 | Transfer To Another School Out Of Country |
W41 | Withdrawn; Awaiting conf. of new school |
W51 | Withdrawn under 16 based on ARS15-802 |
WD | Withdrawn - Demoted |
WP | Withdrawn - Promoted |
WK | Student transferred to one calendar track within the same school. |
Year-End Status Codes | |
G | G Graduated at year-end The student either (a) completed course of study requirements and received a passing score on the AIMS test, or (b) completed Individual Education Plan requirements and received a passing score on the AIMS test (used only in grades 11 or 12). Graduates are issued high school diplomas from the school district. |
C | Completed course of study at year-end The student either (a) completed course of study requirements but did not receive a passing score on the AIMS test, (b) or completed Individual Education Plan requirements but did not receive a passing score on the AIMS test (used only in grades 11 or 12). Completers have concluded their high school education and are not expected to re-enroll. |
A | Attended - Concluded high school education and not expected to re-enroll Student (a) neither met course study requirements or Individual Education Plan nor received a passing score on the AIMS test, or (b) turned 22 years of age, or (c) was a twelfth-grade foreign exchange student (used only in grades 11 or 12). Attendees have concluded their high school education and are not expected to re-enroll. |
P | Promoted to next grade level |
R | Retained in the same grade level |
SC | Still Enrolled (Course Study Requirements) |
Summer Activity Codes | |
S1 | Summer transfer – out of district |
S2 | Summer illness |
S3 | Summer absence or status unknown |
S4 | Summer dropout |
S5 | Summer not of school age |
S6 | Summer early graduation |
S7 | Summer deceased |
S8 | Summer transfer – home taught |
S9 | Summer transfer – detention |
S10 | Summer GED |
S11 | Summer transfer – vocational school |
S12 | Summer completer |
S13 | Summer transfer – within the district |
S19 | Eligible for GCD, But No Longer Full-Time CTE |
S21 | Summer Transfer Out Of State |
S22 | Summer Transfer Out Of Country |
S41 | Withdrawn; Awaiting conf. of new school |
S51 | Withdrawn under 16 based on ARS15-802 |
S99 | Summer Transfer - In District |
PowerSchool Special Use Codes | |
PS | PS Enrollment Change Used by the PowerSchool Change Enrollment function. |
NS | No Show Use NS when a student is not a Summer Transfer (did not attend your district the previous year) but needs to be exited as a No Show. Students with an NS exit code are not reported to the state. Note: When using NS, Exit Date must equal Entry Date. |