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District Setup - AzEDS

The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.

  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.

  3. Click District. The District Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on code values see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Calendar Membership Types

Calendar Membership Types > Edit/New > Calendar Membership Type


Enter the calendar membership type code.





Enter the calendar membership type meaning.





Courses > Edit Course District Information

Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Course Number

Enter the course number.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Alternate Course Number

Enter the alternate course number.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Credit Hours

Enter the number of potential credit hours available for the course.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports


Graduation Plan

Maximum Credit Hours

Enter the maximum number of credits a student receives for taking the course. The value must be greater than or equal to the Credit Hours. Once a value is entered, the value will be evaluated against the credit earned on stored grades to determine if it should be excluded from graduation progress/graduation planner based on the association to the grade policy related to the grade scale for the course or section.



Required Setup

CIP Code            

If needed, enter the CIP code to identify courses as part of a state-managed vocational program.




CTE Enrollment

CIP Course Sub-Code

Enter the CIP program number.


CTE Enrollment

Instructional Setting

Enter the instructional setting for the course

Note: Defaults to “Regular Departmentalized Classroom”, if blank.

Drop down values:

  • Regular Departmentalized Classroom

  • Resource Room

  • Self-Contained Classroom

  • Co Taught

  • Structured English Immersion

  • Distance Learning (All Students)

  • Distance Learning (tome Students)

  • Virtual


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Course Level Characteristic

An indication of the level of rigor in a course.

Note: Defaults to “General” or “Regular”, if blank.

Valid values:

  • Students with Disabilities

  • Basic

  • General or Regular

  • Enriched or Advanced

  • Honors

  • Gifted or Talented

  • College level

  • English Language Learners

  • High School Equivalent

  • Untracked


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



End of Course Assessment Code

For courses that end with Assessment testing, choose a course assessment code.

See the Appendix for valid values.




Low Grade Level

Select the lowest grade level of students either enrolled in the course or for which the course is targeted.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



High Grade Level

Select the highest grade level of students either enrolled in the course or for which the course is targeted.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Standards Grades Identifier (Populate if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for course)

Enter Standard Identifier if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for course.

Ex: LA.11.3.12


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Exclude from AZ Student-Teacher –Course Connection Reports

Click the checkmark to exclude From AZ Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Is Dual Credit (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if students enrolled in the course are concurrently enrolled in a post-secondary institution and receiving credit at both levels.

Note: High School Course Only.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Concurrent Enrollment (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if students enrolled in the course are concurrently enrolled in a post-secondary institution and receiving credit at both levels.

Note: High School Course Only.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Is CTE Certificate (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if the course is part of a career or technical education program leading to a specific technical certification.

Note: High School Course Only.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Is Required for Graduation (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if the course is one of the required courses a student must take to meet graduation requirements.

Note: High School Course Only


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Course Duration (Total Instructional Minutes)

The total number of minutes of instructional time for the course.

* Used by the MCESA Student Teacher Course Report.

If sections level setting is blank, course level settings will be used. If the course and section settings are blank, the value will be calculated based on Bell Schedule minutes for the section.


MCESA Student Teacher Course Report

Sequence of Course

When a Section is part of a sequence of parts for a course, the number if the sequence.

If Sections value is blank, Courses value will be used.

Defaults to 1 if blank.




21st CCLC Program Course

Select the checkbox to use this course in CCLC Program Attendance records.

Note: It is recommended that this course be excluded from attendance.




District Information

Name of District

Enter the district name.




Required Setup

District Number

Enter the six-digit CTD in the district number field.



Required Setup

District Entity ID

Enter the LEA’s state assigned Entity ID.



Required Setup

Report JTED Enrollments and Attendance Through AzEDS (Ed-Fi)

Check the box to have JTED Enrollments and Attendance records reported through AzEDS transactions.

Note: This option should only be used by Districts who do NOT report JTED information to their JTEDS, but instead are required by their JTED to report the information directly to ADE.

When this box is checked, AzEDS Reporting will generate JTED School Enrollment records with .25 membership based on a Student’s continuous enrollment in a JTED section at his Home school, along with applicable absence records.




Enable Per-Minute Meeting Attendance Times

Check the box to enable Meeting Period Clock-in / Clock-out functionality on the Students Edit Meeting Attendance (week view) screen.

Meeting Period Clock-in / Clock-out functionality is used with the following Arizona-specific Attendance Methods (selected on the School Attendance Preferences page):

  • Percent of Day Present (K-8 schools)

  • Method 2: Minutes Attended (High schools)

  • Minutes of Attendance (Alternative schools)




Districts of Residence > New/Edit District of Residence

District ID

Enter the district ID.

The district of residence is used as the District of Funding. Funding is provided to the district f

or each student whose school enrollment is associated with the district. The district of residence must be a nine-digit value that does not include dashes.





Entry Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the entry code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the entry code description.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Exit Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the exit code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the exit code meaning.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings


Enter the district race description.

Valid values:

  • White

  • Black or African American

  • Asian

  • American Indian

  • Native Hawaiian / Other Pac Islander





Federal Category

Choose the associated federal race category from the pop-up menu.

The federal category values match with the codes listed above.

Valid values:

  • WH

  • BL

  • AS

  • AM

  • PI





Alt Race Code

Enter an alternate, equivalent race code.

Note: This field can be used for SIF.




Sort Order

When you click Submit, the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings page appears. Enter a sort order for the district race code.

Sort order values:

  • WH – 1

  • BL – 2

  • AS – 3

  • AM – 4

  • PI – 5




Ethnicity Code

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > New/Edit Ethnicity Code


Enter the ethnicity code.



Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract




Enter the ethnicity description.



Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract



Schools/School Info

Schools/School Info > Edit School

For AzEDS reporting of Tuitioned-Out students, it will be necessary to create a separate Tuitioned-Out school (or schools) to house your tuitioned-out students. Tuitioned-Out students can either be placed in separate schools within PowerSchool (one school for each separate entity), or can be placed in a single PowerSchool school (overriding the School EntityID at the student level). See Knowledgebase article 75918 located on PowerSource for more information on Tuitioned-Out schools and students.

Note: Typically Districts will use the Separate Schools model for their Head Start programs and the Single School model for their Private Care Facility students.

AOI Schools require specific setup steps for accurate AzEDS reporting. See the Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) Information Page located on PowerSource for more information regarding AOI School and Student setup requirements.

School Name

Enter the school name.



Required Setup

School Abbreviation

Enter the school abbreviation.


Required Setup

School Address

Enter the school’s street address.




School City

Enter the school’s city.




School Postal/Zip Code

Enter the school’s zip code.




School County Name

Enter the school county name.




School County Number

Enter the school county number




School Phone Number

Enter the school phone number.




School Fax Number

Enter the school fax number.




School Number

Enter the 3-digit school number.


Required Setup.

Alternate School Number

Enter the alternate school number.

Alternate School Number is used in SAIS reporting to allow for multiple schools with different school numbers to report as a single school with the same CTDS number.

Because AzEDS uses EntityID and not CTDS number in reporting, Alternate School Number is not needed for AzEDS.

Multiple schools in PowerSchool can have the same EntityID, allowing for multiple schools to report as the same Entity to AzEDS.


SAIS Summer School

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.



Required Setup


Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.

Use the following grades to represent the SAIS codes when sending transactions to the state:

  • 0 = KG

  • -1 = PK

  • -2 = UE





Historical Grade Levels

Enter the historical low and high grade levels for the school.

Only historical data in this range of grade levels is used for cumulative GPAs, graduation credit, etc.





School Type

Choose the type of school.

See School Type Codes for valid values.

Note: When you do not make a selection, the default for School Type is Traditional School.


Required Setup

Is this School Title I?

Choose Yes or No from the menu to indicate that the school has one or more school wide Title I programs.

Note: The default for Title I is No.


Required Setup

Select the Title I Programs

If this is a Title I school, select the applicable Title I Programs.

  • (28) Title I Mathematics

  • (29) Title I Other Instructional Services

  • (30) Title I Reading/ Language Arts

  • (31) Title I Science

  • (32) Title I Social Studies

Note: If this is a Title I school, you must select at least one (1) program.

[S_AZ_SCG_TITLEPROG_C] SchoolWideTitleOnePrograms

School CTDS Number Override

If this field displays, enter the full 9-digit school CTDS number.

  • Required for Main SAIS Reporting schools (alternate school number field is not populated), optional for Alternate Schools (alternate school number is populated).

Note: This field displays on servers with sub-district functionality enabled. For more information regarding sub-district functionality, please contact your Sales Representative.


SAIS Reporting

School Entity ID

The state assigned public or charter school identifier

(Enter an EntityID of 00000 when setting up a school for Tuitioned-Out students.)




Auto-Calculate 150 CTED Instructional Hours

Select this field to publish the Total Planned Instructional Hours for a full year-round enrollment record as 150. The value is 150 only if the auto-calculated value is less than 150. This field is not selected by default.


Schools/School Info > Edit School > Student Course Enrollment/Final Grade Mapping Page

Use this page to map the Store Code(s) which designates Final Grade(s) for the specified term.  You must map each term for each school, for which a Final Grade is to be reported to the state. 

To enter a new mapping: 

  1. Navigate to District > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School > Student Course Enrollment / Final Grade Mapping Page

  2. Working within the Year Filter shown on the AZ Final Grade Mapping page, click New to display the New AZ Final Grade Mapping Record page.

  3. From the Term Length Classes drop-down list of terms for the designated school year, select a scheduling term for which students have class enrollments, such as Semester 1 or 2018-2019.  

  4. Enter a comma delimited list of Final Grade Store Codes to report to AzEDS in either the 40 Day, 100 Day, or EOY Collection boxes (AzEDS reads from all three). A grade is published for each unique store code entered in any of the three fields if it exists for the student section enrollment. 

Note: At least one final grade is required for each class upon class completion, but more may be reported if desired. For instance, year-long high school courses may receive two final grades, an S1 and S2 grade.

  1. Enter the Session Type Code. This value represents the course length. 

  2.  Enter the Term Type Code. This value represents the specific term of the course.

  3. Click Submit to save the record.

Term Length Classes

Select a term for which final grades must be submitted, such as Semester 1.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports

40 Day Final Grade Store Code

Enter the Store Code(s) used to store the grades.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports




100 Day Final Grade Store Code

Enter the Store Code(s) used to store the grades.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports




EOY Final Grade Store Code

Enter the Store Code(s) used to store the grades.


Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports




Session Type Code

Choose the session type code from the pop-up menu.

See Session Type Codes for valid values.

[S_AZ_StuTchCrsConnection_S] SessionTypeCode

Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Term Type Code

Choose the term type code from the pop-up menu.

See Term Type Codes for valid values.

[S_AZ_StuTchCrsConnection_S] TermTypeCode

Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports



Schools/School Info > Edit School > State Calendar Mapping > New/Edit

Use this page to map a PowerSchool Track to a State Calendar Track. Create as many mappings as you have different calendar scenarios at your school. The Calendar Mappings along with School Calendar information will be used to publish separate Calendar Tracks to AzEDS.


  • Duplicate State Calendar Mapping records cannot be created.

  • Each PowerSchool track can only be mapped to a single state track, per school, per school year.

PowerSchool Track

Choose a PowerSchool track to map to a state track number.

See Track Codes for valid values.



Calendar Setup

State Track Number

Choose which state track number the PowerSchool track should map to.

See Track Codes for valid values.



Calendar Setup

Instructional Days Per Week

Choose the number of instructional days per week.

See Instructional Days Per Week Codes for valid values.

[S_AZ_SCH_CALENDAR_C] InstrctnlDysInWeek


Calendar Setup

Years & Terms

Name of School Year

Enter the name of the school year, such as 2012 - 2013.



Required Setup


Enter an abbreviation, such as 12-13.



Required Setup

First Day of School

Enter the first in session day of school.



Required Setup

Last Day of School

Enter the last in session day of school.



Required Setup

Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.



Required Setup

Sub-District Configuration

Use the Sub-district Configuration only if your organization runs a single version of PowerSchool with multiple districts.  You can use this option to create CST_Subdistricts and CST_SchoolSubDistricts database tables to store sub-district data.

Each sub-district created should correspond to an LEA Reporting District (a single LEA entity). If using sub-district functionality, it is recommended that ALL schools be associated with a sub-district (except the graduated students school), even if there is only one school in the district (sub-district).

Click the ‘New Sub-District’ button to create a new sub-district.

Click the ‘School/Sub-District lookup’ button to see a list of all school/sub-district associations.

Note: The sub-district configuration link displays on servers with sub-district functionality enabled. To enable sub-district functionality for your server, contact PowerSchool Support.

District Number

Enter the number assigned to this district by the state.

Enter the LEA EntityID for the District.

Ex: 1234



Enter the name of the district.



Enter an abbreviation to identify this district.



Enter the mailing street address for the district.



Enter the city for the district’s mailing address.



Enter the two-digit state abbreviation for the district’s mailing address.


Zip Code

Enter the zip code for the district’s mailing address


Phone Number

Enter the district’s phone number with area code


Fax Number

Enter the district’s fax number with area code



Enter the name of the district’s superintendent


Superintendent Phone Number

Enter the district superintendent’s phone number with area code.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Phn

Superintendent Fax Number

Enter the district superintendent’s fax number with area code.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Fax

Superintendent Email

Enter the district superintendent’s email address.

[CST_Subdistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Eml


In the Available Schools list, click to select each school in the list that belongs to this district.

Click the Right Arrow button to move the schools to the Assigned Schools list.



District Entity ID

Enter the LEA’s state assigned Entity ID.


Report JTED Enrollments and Attendance Through AzEDS (Ed-Fi)

Check the box to have JTED Enrollments and Attendance records reported through AzEDS transactions.

Note: This option should only be used by Districts who do NOT report JTED information to their JTEDS, but instead are required by their JTED to report the information directly to ADE.

When this box is checked, AzEDS Reporting will generate JTED School Enrollment records with .25 membership based on a Student’s continuous enrollment in a JTED section at his Home school, along with applicable absence records.


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