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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates



Release Note

PSSR-226709AzEDS Student Attendance - Update for Alternative Schools

When publishing attendance at an alternative school, an error appears in the DEX Diagnostic Viewer and no records are published. AzEDS Student Attendance publishing is updated to publish attendance records for Alternative Schools using clock-in and clock-out functionality to track minutes of attendance.

PSSR-225645AzEDS Student Enrollments Publishing - Summer Withdrawal Record Update

AzEDS Student Enrollments publishing is updated to publish student summer withdrawal records that have a summer withdrawal date greater than the student's new school enrollment start date.
Prior to this change, summer withdrawal dates greater than a student's current start date were considered invalid and not published to the state.

PSSR-220856Student Attendance Detail Report - Membership Calculation Update

Student Attendance Detail: Version 2.8
The Student Attendance Detail Report is updated to correct issues in calculating membership for students with multiple school enrollments within the report dates and for students with JTED enrollments.

PSSR-228214Student SDADMS72 Audit - Update

Student SDADMS72 Audit: Version 3.8
The Student SDADMS72 Audit is updated to extract the expected Start and End Dates for JTED records. The report pulls the start and end dates reported to AzEDS, unless the report is run for a date range smaller than the JTED Enrollment dates.

PSSR-224390Student SDADMS72 Audit - Update

Student SDADMS72 Audit: Version 3.8
The Student SDADMS72 Audit is updated to extract JTED Enrollment records reported through AzEDS instead of reporting only non-JTED enrollments.

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