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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-273161PowerTeacher Seating Chart Update

The PowerTeacher Portal's Seating Chart page is updated and now honors the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-275180AzEDS 21-22 : Learning Modality Publishing Updates

AzEDS Student Attendance publishing is updated to include Learning Modality transactions when student attendance records are generated as part of publishing.

  • Learning Modality transactions are published as part of Student Attendance
  • At least one Learning Modality record will be published for students meeting the below criteria:
    • The student is enrolled in a Special Program designated as a ‘Distance Learning’ special program (on the Special Program setup screen at District Office), and
    • The student either has at least one Distance Learning attendance code for the day, or
    • The student is enrolled in a class where the class meets in a Bell Schedule period flagged as ‘Remote’ for the DL program the student is enrolled in for the day.
  • For every day meeting the above criteria, AzEDS publishing will send either an ‘In Attendance - DL’ record, an ‘Absence - DL’ record, or both records, depending on the student’s presence and absence status on the date of distance learning.
    • If the student was absent for any portion of the day, an ‘Excused’ or ‘Unexcused’ transaction is also published.
  • Note: Currently AzEDS publishing is updated to only support full-day Distance Learning students. Support for partial day Distance Learning students will be implemented in a future state reporting update.
PSSR-276218CRDC Report for 2020-2021 Collection

CRDC Report (2020-2021) Version 1.0

A new CRDC Report (2020-2021) is created to extract data for the 2020-2021 Civil Rights Data Collection, having the following new features and updates from the previous collection.

New or updated data elements:

  • New and Required: COVID Directional Indicators
  • New and Optional:
    • Expanded Section 504 reporting: Enrollment in AP and IB courses
    • Expanded Offenses reporting: Number of offenses committed by students, Number of offenses committed by staff, Allegations against staff, with resulting outcomes.
    • Allegations of harassment or bullying by religion type
  • Updated: Pre-K out of school suspensions - Changed to a single collection of one or more out of school suspensions instead of two separate collections (only one and more than one)
  • All items optional for the 2017-2018 collection are required for the 2020-21 collection:
    • Computer Science course information: number of classes, student enrollments, AP enrollments
    • ‘School Internet Access and Devices’ and ‘Wi-Fi Enabled Devices’ information

Items no longer collected (removed):

  • Preschool age for non-IDEA children
  • Credit Recovery information
  • AP Collection items: Student enrollment in 'AP - Other' subjects, Student participation in AP Exams
  • Staff Information: Teacher years of experience, Teacher absenteeism, Current and previous year teachers count
  • All staff expenditures information (EXPD-1 through EXPD-8)

Additional report enhancements:

  • Ability to select report outputs at run-time (PDF Files, Audit Files, Submission Files)
  • Class Audit File is updated to include teacher name
PSSR-272550Distance Learning Verification Report - New

Distance Learning Verification Report: Version 1.0

A new Distance Learning Attendance report is available, allowing users to verify their distance learning aggregate and detail data. The report has the following output options:

  • Aggregate by Enrollment: Reports all student enrollments within the report run dates with DL and non-DL aggregate attendance totals.
  • Aggregate by Program: Reports all Distance Learning (DL) program records within the report run dates with DL and non-DL aggregate totals by program enrollment.
  • Detail by Student: Reports all students having Distance Learning attendance within the report run dates, reporting each date a student had Distance Learning attendance.
PSSR-273161PowerTeacher Seating Chart - Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher) Update

The PowerTeacher Portal's Seating Chart page has been updated and will now honor the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-270201 Security Updates

Updates were made to prevent security attacks on all affected AZ pages.

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