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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-274082Ed-Fi Framework: Data Recon Poor Performance

Ed-Fi Framework: Additional indexes have been created to enhance performance of the Ed-Fi system.


AzEDS - Student Demographics: First Acquired Language Not Reported

AzEDS Student Demographics publishing is updated to now include first acquired language information for student's whose first acquired language matches another reported language (home or spoken).

Note: Districts are advised to run a Publish All for Student Demographics after installation of this release


Student Unique ID Dependency for Student Needs

Student Programs publishing is updated to no longer display a unique constraint violated error in the Diagnostic Viewer and hold records in dependency when a student has more than one SPED Need Code.

Immunization Record Card - Update to Revised 06/2021 Layout

Immunization Record Card (ASIR109R): Version 1.3

The student Health Immunizations screen is updated to collect a new field of data: ASIIS Number.
The PowerSchool Immunization Record Card report is updated to print according to the newly updated state layout and includes the new ASIIS Number field as part of the header.


New Distance Learning Enrollment Program Drop-down Blank

Special Programs which are marked as “Qualifies as a Distance Learning program” are now correctly displaying in the relevant special program drop-down lists (student screens, bell schedule items) for impacted districts.
PSSR-273295AzEDS Schedule Attendance Error: "Failed to prepare report parameters: Unable to get schedule record for submission id ###"AzEDS Student Attendance is updated to no longer display an error when scheduling Attendance submissions for the first time for districts new to PowerSchool.

AzEDS Tuitioned Out Calendars Will Not Publish Due to Entry Dates Before Term Start Date

AzEDS Calendar and Terms (Sessions) publishing are updated to publish if students have either entry or exit dates (-1) within the school’s terms.

Pupil Withdrawal Form Improvements: School and LEA EntityID

Pupil Withdrawal Form: Version 1.6

The Pupil Withdrawal form is updated with new requirements for School ID# and District / Charter ID# report Items.
The School ID# item is pulling from the School EntityID field on the School / School Info page.
The District / Charter ID# item is pulling according to the following logic: If the school's entityID is not within the district's list of schools according to the downloaded Org Directory for the current school year, then get the LEA entity ID from the org directory, else pull District EntityID from the District Info (sub-district info) screen.
The report is also updated to no longer print at a smaller scale than appears on screen.


AzEDS Package Query Optimization

Various AZ Ed-Fi functions and procedures are optimized to align with current coding standards. Optimized internal functions and procedures include:

  • Get Grade Level Value (Courses and Sections - Low Grade and High Grade)

  • Adjust Data For Category (Staff Exclude from STC)

  • Checking JTED indicator flag for current and previous enrollments


AzEDS Student Transcript Reconciliation Update

Student Transcript reconciliation is updated to functional as expected. Previous to this fix, Student Transcript reconciliation was not processing when submitted from the dashboard.
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