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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report Updates

Incident Profile Report: Version 1.4

Additional Reference: PSSR-314728, PSSR-313105

The following updates have been made to the Incident Profile report:

  • The report will now return incidents with the correct action (or actions) when it is run for specific action(s).

  • The report will now return the expected incidents when it is run for actions that happened during a specific date range.

  • The report will now return incidents with the correct behavior (or behaviors) when it is run for specific behavior(s).


All States/Provinces: The closing Bracket Is Missing In The Name Of Some Downloaded Reports

Section Attendance Status: Version 1.1
Electronic Attendance Audit Report: Version 1.1
Electronic Attendance Audit Report (PowerTeacher Single User): Version 1.1
Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.3

Section Attendance Statu: Version 1.2
Attendance Audit Report: Version 1.7
Attendance Audit Report (PowerTeacher Single User): Version 1.5

Attendance All Present Audit Report: Version 1.1.0


  AzEDS 23-24 Changes: Enable the AzEDS 2023-24 Profile

PowerSchool is updated to include a new AzEDS 2023-24 profile for the next school year reporting, with the following attributes:

  • The AzEDS 2023-24 profile is released in an ‘enabled’ state so that it shows as visible in the left pane, but with the ‘School Year’ and all ‘Service Options’ unchecked on the DEX General Setup page.

    • The profile is visible, however, it does not perform any function until the District Staff checkbox is selected to enable the 2023-2024 school year. Enable the service options and enable the LEA using the Configure link on the AzEDS 2023-24 Profile page.

  • The AzEDS 2023-24 profile is released with the 9.0 Data Exchange and Authentication URLs pre-populated, and with the district’s Authentication Key and Secret copied forward into the new profile.

While the AzEDS 2023-24 profile is made available so that districts can start publishing their School Calendars when the state opens the 2023-24 ODS, the profile does not include all 2023-24 changes. Additional updates supporting 2023-24 changes will be available in future state reporting releases.


AzEDS 23-24 Updates and Availability of the AzEDS 9.0 Profile

With this State Reporting Release, the AzEDS 9.0 profile will be available for the Districts with the below-mentioned updates:

  • While creating or editing a Student SPED Service Participation Record we have introduced a new field called IDEA Parent and this field will only pull the contacts who fulfill the criteria for getting published.

  • When a contact gets selected in the IDEA Parent, the contact will have an element published called IsIDEAParent which will get published as True else it will be False. And, for the contact, we will publish the Begin and End Date which is related to the IsIDEAParent, and the data in the Begin and End Dates gets pulled from the SPED Service Entry and Exit Date.

  • While creating or editing a Student SPED Service Participation Record we have introduced a new field called Ancillary Services, which will get published with SPED Student Need data and we have also added a value (L) Group B Disability Services for Students not on an IEP to the SPED Service Code dropdown.

  • A new element called ActivityCode will get published with 21st CCLC Program Attendance and it will be a combination of the SchoolID-CCLCActivityType-StateCourse#-SectionID.

  • A new field called Enrolled Tribal Affiliation has been added to the Student’s Demographics page. This will roll over the values from the Tribal Affiliations field if only one value has been selected else in the case of multiple values it will be blank.

  • A new school type called CTED Community College has been made available and every logic remains the same as CTED Central Campus except the Total Planned Instructional Hours will only get published if a value gets entered manually and for the students in the schools with the school type as CTED Central Campus the Total Community College Enrolled Credits (CTED) will not be available and it will not get published as well.


AzEDS – Ability To Publish the Resources Based on Current Selection of Students

Additional Reference: PSSR-319571
With this State Reporting Release, the Districts will have the ability to publish the Student Resources on the basis of the current selection of students on the Start Page. This is applicable to all the Student Resources including Student Attendance, Program attendance, and Course Transcripts. This feature does not work if it is scheduled at a later time, publish selection will only work in real-time. And, this will be available only for AzEDS 8.0 and future profiles.

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