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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-259043All States/Provinces: Health & Attendance Report Names Displaying in html Update

The Health and Attendance report titles and descriptions are updated and will now display correctly.

PSSR-284725Arizona Attendance Reports: JTED Distance Learning Attendance Update

Distance Learning Attendance Report: Version 1.1
Student Attendance Detail: Version 3.3
AZ ADA/ADM by Student: Version 2.7
Student SDADMS72 Audit: Version 4.4

Arizona attendance reports are updated to correctly account for students enrolled in multiple CTED/JTED classes, only calculating Distance Learning (if applicable) for the student’s highest ranked JTED class.

PSSR-284327AzEDS Previous Year Student Identification Publishing Update

AzEDS Student Identification publishing for the 20-21 profile is updated to no longer produce an error and hold the data in dependency when publishing student records. The records will now publish as expected when valid dependencies do not apply.

PSSR-276107AzEDS Student Attendance Unique ID Dependency Resolved

AzEDS Student Attendance is updated to publish without any error and not show a Student Unique ID Dependency message when duplicate attendance dates exist in the Core Attendance Views tables.

PSSR-279637AzEDS Student Attendance: JTED Distance Learning Attendance Update

AzEDS Student Attendance publishing is updated to correctly account for students enrolled in multiple CTED/JTED classes, only sending Distance Learning records (if applicable) for the student’s highest ranked JTED class.

PSSR-281254AzEDS Student Contacts Publishing Updates

AzEDS Student Contacts publishing is updated to include data elements that were formerly optional, defaulting to the most common values where possible if not populated.

Core Contacts:
It will only publish the following Core Contacts and Contact Relationships:
Contacts / Contact Relationships where the relationship type is Guardian (or CourtAppointedGuardian)
Contacts / Contact Relationships where the relationship type is Mother
Contacts / Contact Relationships where the relationship type is Father
Contacts / Contact Relationships where the contact is flagged as the Primary Contact regardless of relationship

For Contact Relationships
Lives With information is always included (default to No if blank)
Primary Contact information is always included (default to No if blank)
Emergency Contact Status information is always included (default to No if blank)
Contact Priority will be based on order on core contact screen

For AZ Contact
Contact Priority will never be blank and Guardian/CourtAppointedGuardian if Primary contact then it will be assigned value of 1 instead of 0.

PSSR-245254Data Import Manager: Update to Allow Delete of Concurrent Enrollments

Data Import Manager is updated to bypass validation of required fields when performing an import delete for the Concurrent Enrollments table (S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C).

PSSR-211889Immunization Compliance - Polio Dosage Rules For Compliance Not Working Properly For Students

Polio rules are updated to check the polio vaccine dose date to accomplish different compliance rules based on doses received on or before Aug 9, 2009.

PSSR-272883Student Concurrent Enrollment Page: Permissions Update

The Student Concurrent Enrollments edit page on Transfer Info is updated to align with a user’s school permissions settings. If a user has access to a student’s concurrently enrolled school, the user will have access to edit a Concurrent Enrollment record. If a user does not have access to a student’s concurrently enrolled school, the user will not have edit access to the student’s Concurrent Enrollment record for the school.

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